B-Spec Remote Race Friends

  • Thread starter Schmo
I'm running this Widget nearly every night but the most drivers are inactive, and i dont get anything back. If you run this this widget too add me: Teq84
Im tired of being the only one racing the b-spec drivers of all my friends. Please add me to get much b-spec time (if you give something back).

PSN kekke2000
Hey all, my B-Spec friends are falling off the map so I need a few more. I've sent out some requests already.

To be clear, I'm not a 'grinder' -- I run something like 8-12 races per week, with the occasional week off. If this is your level of commitment then add me, I'll definately race your drivers, and race them often if you're racing mine.

PSN: Acumen
ItsANuke11, Im running the widget, usually for 6+ hrs while I sleep and when I remember to set it when I go to class or work, so add me if you want some racing, just please reciprocate when you can!!!
Grinding overnight almost everyday. Widget set on reciprocate. Will set "always use" for new friends in first 24 hours.

PSN: dds-Leonardo

Hi All,

Just getting into this the last couple of days, and found B-spec remote races a good way to pass the day at work. I'm already working with a couple of gt planeters, but could use a couple more to make my races moer interesting.

Looking for more guys to join in my races, and hopefully reciprocate by running my drivers occaisionally.

Add me (psn: sonny_bob) , and I'll accept the requests asap.

Hi again.

I'm running a small grinder farm for my friends and they still need some friends to race:

PSN: Rustaborghini
PSN: Wheelman71

Grinder Widget, Cape Ring , Reciprocate, $$$ !

Still need more grinders! plz add
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Hey guys, I'm running the widget now, too. I've already added several of you to my friends list. Please remember to always leave at least 1 driver free. Thanks.
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Hey everyone, trying to get the grinder going tonight. Will most likely run it every night :) PSN: mellinox

I threw out a lot of invites already, but if i missed you, send me a request and i'll add you as soon as i can
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add me please, PSN: walnutsiii

All 6 of my drivers are shared on-line at most times. Levels 35-38 each. I run races as often as I can and cycle through freinds drivers.
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Just started playing GT5 again, so I have two low-level bspec drivers. I'll be looking to start games while I'm at work during the night and throughout the weekend. Willing to help you out whenever possible if you help me.
