B-Spec Remote Race Friends

  • Thread starter Schmo
Hey guys, I just added the B spec widget, and I'll help you to level your guys quickly, because I'm a computer junkie and all ;)

PSN: japok36
anybody who wants to can add me, my widget won't work, keeps saying temporary server error.

PSN: Jahgee1124
Hi again.

I'm running a small grinder farm for my friends and they still need some friends to race:

PSN: Rustaborghini
PSN: Wheelman71

Grinder Widget, Cape Ring , Reciprocate, $$$ !

Still need more grinders! plz add

Sign me up! PSN Recon_FX
Just added a few of you most recent posters now. Add me back and I will race your drivers regularly. Mention B spec if anyone is adding me.
I'm out guys. Planning to focus on my gear collection and A-spec endurance for a little while.

Thanks to everyone who ran my guys, and I hope I managed to help a few of you out over the last couple of weeks.
Gunna be honest, just want someone to earn ne some credits. I don't remote race often either if I'm honest. Add me if you're feeling kind :) tomhart9
Can anyone race my BOBs? Im looking to get to level 40, and if I get a laptop for Christmas I'll start doing my own remote races. PSN= MattyTheDog
Had to delete a lot of people off my list because they don't race my guys enough.

Looking for people who run remote races daily like I do. Add me if you do.
PSN: lastshot83
I'm new here so firstly 'hi'. also my psn is 'ninja-tit'
i got 6 'B spec' drivers, I'll put them up when there 24 hour race is up.
1 level 37, 2 level 35, the other 3 are just below level 35'ish
please! i tend to grind alot when im at work friday and weekends....ssshhhh!
just send a FR !

PSN: bikini_kill_ and bikini_kill_jp
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Getting back into B-Spec after a bit, and need to refresh my remote racer list.

I'll send requests for adds to the last page or so of the topic later today, if anyone else wants to add me, my PSN is in the normal spot.
I've restarted my entire career, and is still looking for more people to race with.
I run remote races practically every day, except weekends, and is looking for people to fill out my races, but also race my guys in their races.
I keep a list of those that run my guys, and will always make sure to reciprocate.

As I just restarted, I only have one driver right now, but will fill out the roster at the beginning of next week.

Will be removing all of the b-spec racing friends from my main account and sending requests from Walnutsai since I'm setting that account up to use the widget pretty much anytime I'm not actively playing on the PS3.

Add me please, PSN: walnutsiii (primary account) walnutsai (secondary account)

edit: Have received a few friend requests but after adding you guys you're not showing up when I do remote races from online and can't log onto widget for some reason.
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I've shared all my drivers now!

Add me!

PSN: CornelSHS

Im doing remote races as i type, but need more drivers to choose from. Only a few is sharing!