Baldur's Gate 3

  • Thread starter Jtheripper
Still have both Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance 1 & 2 for PS2 (think I even have DA II for Xbox) - loved those games back in the day. Remember we took the kids to Silver Dollar City one year for Spring Break and 2 of the days it just poured rain so we stayed in the "cabin" and played Baldur's Gate: D.A. and Champions of Norrath. 👍
Still have both Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance 1 & 2 for PS2 (think I even have DA II for Xbox) - loved those games back in the day. Remember we took the kids to Silver Dollar City one year for Spring Break and 2 of the days it just poured rain so we stayed in the "cabin" and played Baldur's Gate: D.A. and Champions of Norrath. 👍
Heheh i see, thought you're only into pcars2 and motogp.:lol: :D

Edit: the faces are pretty uncanny in the conversations in this presentation. Like half real and half cartoony digital. Must be some newer tech like subsurface light scattering etc. They say present consoles couldn't handle the game too. Hope it comes to ps5 later on.
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Heheh i see, thought you're only into pcars2 and motogp.:lol: :D


That does seem to be all I play of late... however, I have about 800+ hours on SW Battlefront (1) for the PS4 & Xbox One, ON EACH. :eek:
I do play other things, and I would surely pick this up and play it. I really like these style of games, played the crap out of both these franchises and also Marvel Ultimate Alliance (1 & 2) on PS3 and Diablo 3 and D3: Reaper of Souls on PS4.

'Bout a year or so ago I whipped out the PS2 slim and played Champions of Norrath: Return to Arms - such a GOOD FREAKIN game. Played it for about 4 hours or so. 👍 I really prefer these top down Isometric hack-n-slash RPG's to the Fallouts, and Skyrim type. I'll probably get blasted, but eh, it's what I like. I got into Mass Effect, a little, but it got boring too. :sly: The original Bioshock is the only game I can think of that I finished that's a full 3d, first-person RPG, and that was ages ago. :rolleyes:

That does seem to be all I play of late... however, I have about 800+ hours on SW Battlefront (1) for the PS4 & Xbox One, ON EACH. :eek:
I do play other things, and I would surely pick this up and play it. I really like these style of games, played the crap out of both these franchises and also Marvel Ultimate Alliance (1 & 2) on PS3 and Diablo 3 and D3: Reaper of Souls on PS4.

'Bout a year or so ago I whipped out the PS2 slim and played Champions of Norrath: Return to Arms - such a GOOD FREAKIN game. Played it for about 4 hours or so. 👍 I really prefer these top down Isometric hack-n-slash RPG's to the Fallouts, and Skyrim type. I'll probably get blasted, but eh, it's what I like. I got into Mass Effect, a little, but it got boring too. :sly: The original Bioshock is the only game I can think of that I finished that's a full 3d, first-person RPG, and that was ages ago. :rolleyes:
Yeah i can understand preferring that style, its more cinematic in a way from seeing the environment and your characters exploring and fighting.
Also there more tactical options often and freedom of choices and consequences.
I prefer turn-based up to now mostly though to realtime with pause. Gets repetitive in pillars of eternity with many characters and ennemies. The 2nd game has turnbased combat, makes me curious to try it.

Ah yeah i forgot your obsession with battlefront. :D
Also its smoother often in these top down games, on x360 games like mass effect 3 were a little jarring from the camera swinging and slow framerate.
Edit: and you have control of a party more in these. And it works better with top down cam.
Edit2: @barryf1fan forgot to mention, since you liked Bioshock, in case you didnt notice, Bioshock 1 2 3 ports to ps4 are free on psn until beginning of march. Just thought I'd mention it.
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Only a few days now until the console release (PS5 early access - general release is next week, Xbox will get it later in the year). Hopefully it holds up technically and isn't another Cyberpunk.

Not having played any of the previous games, or any other CRPG like the Divinity games, I've found the community wiki very helpful in understanding the mechanics and planning my first character.

Going with a melee Ranger first up while I figure out the magic systems, either a dwarf or half-orc.
I'm on PC, it took a bit of getting used to what spells and skills you can use and when and certain other mechanics, but after a couple of hours I was pretty ok with most of it. Once you do start to feel more at ease with all of that, the game really takes off.
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Looking forward to it.

Got my pre-order in for the PS5 version so will be in day one.

I’ve never played any of the other BG games and really don’t have a huge amount of knowledge on the D&D gaming side either so I’m pretty much fresh to this.
Almost there


Sadly I am minding nephews on Saturday (at their house) so might not get to play much this weekend.

Situations like that call for a dedicated Remote Play device with a big screen … release the damn Portal already Sony.
Almost there

View attachment 1284120

Sadly I am minding nephews on Saturday (at their house) so might not get to play much this weekend.

Situations like that call for a dedicated Remote Play device with a big screen … release the damn Portal already Sony.
I’ve not put mine on DL yet. I’m expecting a new internet line putting in tomorrow from ADSL to Fiber so I’m happy to wait for that to be done first.

Must admit, I’m getting excited to dive in.
Hope you guys enjoy it, the freedom of choice is fantastic. I havent come across a game breaking decision in my play through yet.
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Well looks like the HDR in the PS5 version is bugged out!

Mine the reflections on the blinds in the window.

No real idea what I’m doing so far but I think I cleared the tutorial - my remote play connection crashed straight after the big fight on the ship.

My guy looking good though

No real idea what I’m doing so far but I think I cleared the tutorial - my remote play connection crashed straight after the big fight on the ship.

My guy looking good though

View attachment 1284719
I’ve turned HDR off for now and it still looks good.

First play-through is with a Half Elf Ranger called Ára Kal.
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My dark elf character first time. Found a bug. While still in the ship at the start of the game the sound cut out. It took two shutdowns and reloads before sound came back on. Enjoying it greatly though.
My dark elf character first time. Found a bug. While still in the ship at the start of the game the sound cut out. It took two shutdowns and reloads before sound came back on. Enjoying it greatly though.
Seems to be an issue with the 3D audio. Turning that off (at system level I guess) appears to fix it for now.
Five hours in and I've got to level 3 and botched a rescue. A gnome spinning around on the wings of a windmill. I pulled a lever thinking it would stop the wings. It speed it up and the gnome went flying through the air. I haven't found him anywhere and he's my best chance of clearing the curse.
Finally put a bit of time in. Fixed the HDR issue by using the quick fix from Larian’s forum.

Not an optimal character but I’m not looking to speed run and smash everything.

What was the quick fix?

And speedrunning this game, is that even possible?
I’m not sure a speedrun in the classic sense is, however I’m sure some people will be looking to get through the game as quickly as they can and make their lives as easy as possible.

The quick fix Larian have suggested is to lift the HDR black level one notch from the bottom in the PS5s HDR settings. This worked for me.


And a game breaker bug. Manually saving deleted my saves and crashed the game onto the PS5 menu.

Looks like I’ll be starting over.
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Combat is kicking my butt at the moment, having constant party wipeouts as I try to figure out how these games work.

I really like the characters/story/world but I may end up quitting if I don’t drop the difficulty. Think the easy mode blocks multiclassing so may restart and just pick something I’m happy to play pure.
Combat is kicking my butt at the moment, having constant party wipeouts as I try to figure out how these games work.

I really like the characters/story/world but I may end up quitting if I don’t drop the difficulty. Think the easy mode blocks multiclassing so may restart and just pick something I’m happy to play pure.
It's difficult early on, but keep with it and you'll start figuring out some great combo's and situational moves. Quick tip, if you're in combat near a cliff or large drop, push abilities are amaxingly useful. Just push the enemy off the cliff/drop and typically, they be dead. Another is carrying explosive barrels, or items that are highly flamable and chucking them on or next to enemies immediately before casting a fire spell on it.

I've had some huge chain reactions by placing a couple of barrels down then igniting one causing them all to explode and deal big damage to a group of enemies. You can think outside the box with this game. It takes getting used to, but once I started to use the environment and think about items that aren't always weapons, I fels like I started hitting my stride. Electrifying water etc.

Final tip, using healing potions, if you have 2 or more people who need healing, don't each use a healing potion. Stand right next to each other and throw the potion on the floor. It becomes a small AOE heal and heals everyone in it's small radius. I have done this to heal all 4 of my party members at once. It can be tricky getting them all to stand in a way that they all fit inside the AOE though, 2, and usually 3 is easy enough to do. I tend to do that outside of combat though, trying to get your guys into a huddle just to heal a few points in combat can cost you if you get it wrong and/or the enemy hits all of your party with a big area attack.
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Combat is kicking my butt at the moment, having constant party wipeouts as I try to figure out how these games work.
It's difficult early on, but keep with it and you'll start figuring out some great combo's and situational moves.
My main issue is having a party. The vast majority of games I play are solo affairs, just 1 character. Now I’m having to learn multiple playstyles simultaneously (melee, sneak, magic) and how they combine. The last turn-based games like this I put any time into were Stick of Truth and probably KOTOR so I’m a bit out of my comfort zone.

Still having fun so I’ll stick with it. One major complaint - the inventory is absolutely awful, just a cluttered catastrophe and so time-consuming to tidy up (especially without a mouse).
I’m spending more time creating new characters & trying the different classes than actually progressing in the game.

This one might stick - my arrowproof monk.


After a lifetime of adventuring and helping the needy he was looking forward to a quiet period of peace and meditation. Now he’s forced to travel around with a bunch of bickering sex mad freaks.

He’s too old for this ****.
Ok new patch this morning and it fixed the HDR issue for me. So as it bugged my saves last time, I’ve started a fresh playthrough.


A bit more tank-like this time. Plus I killed Lae’zel and stole her armour. It looks great on my guy.