Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
I'm kind of hoping we'll see some of these in Aftermath and Endgame or - dare I say it, no, dare I think it - the Bonus Content drops. Also the VSS is pretty much in already, Wikipedia says they share about 70% of their parts and the only real differences are the furniture like the grips and stock. Scope mount is the same, receiver, barrel, suppressor, caliber and... I think that's everything actually, are all the same.

Yep, Hopefully they will be some of the 10 weapons we are yet to get, As on the BF twitter it said B2k's were not counted in the "20 new weapons" quote from the premium trailer. It says on the premium poster (with all the DLC's features) that aftermath and endgame would have new weapons. So 5 each for those two DLC's would make sense.

And yep, The VSS and VAL are very similar, being from the same family of weapons but it would give the Recon class its "exclusive full auto" weapon that people of wanted. Plus it is an effective range 100 metres greater than that of the VAL, So i think it can justify itself being in the game. I mean look at the M16A3/A4 & M4/M4A1. theres more differences between the VSS - VAL than those examples.
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I mean look at the M16A3/A4 & M4/M4A1. theres more differences between the VSS - VAL than those examples.

I actually remembered that very good point while I was typing, turned around, turned back and totally forgot it and posted anyway... I had been hoping the M417 was going to be full-auto, or at least burst fire, in my mind I thought DICE could probably get away with making a fairly weak 7.62 rifle (a touch worse than the SKS) with huge (G3A3 style) recoil for the Recon class, but it wasn't to be... I wonder if it'll ever happen. It's either got to be the VSS, which would be more plausible in terms of believability of balance (if you get what I mean? I could totally buy the VSS sucking at long range, unlike the following) or the SVU-AS. I can't think of any other fully automatic marksman rifles they could include.
Guys! You will never believe what just happened! I got Premium for both of my accounts, but I only payed for 1 account.. which means I got a freebie. Same goes for the DLC!


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I need a good wingman... anyone a good pilot here?

I consider myself above average. I can take down any noob, but the uber awesome guys with 1000+ jet kills I have trouble with.
Would be much easier to take them down with a second person though...
I'm gogatrs on PSN, feel free to add me.
I consider myself above average. I can take down any noob, but the uber awesome guys with 1000+ jet kills I have trouble with.
Would be much easier to take them down with a second person though...
I'm gogatrs on PSN, feel free to add me.

FR sent.
Battlelog and Server Update August 9

DICE & MP1st
The Battlelog as well as the Battlefield 3 servers will be undergoing a quick update tomorrow, August 9.

“Tomorrow we are bringing a server update and a Battlelog update with some minor additions. This means that Battlelog will remain offline between 10:00 CET to 11:00 CET tomorrow on the 9th of August,”

Server update:
-XP2 weapons were unavailable on unranked servers
-Scoring was disabled altogether on unranked server

-You can now accept/reject party invites
-Vote system has been fixed in polls
-Server browser shows the name of the current map
-User can now see if he/she has all unlocks for a vehicle in the Vehicle Stats page in the Unlocks section
I actually remembered that very good point while I was typing, turned around, turned back and totally forgot it and posted anyway... I had been hoping the M417 was going to be full-auto, or at least burst fire, in my mind I thought DICE could probably get away with making a fairly weak 7.62 rifle (a touch worse than the SKS) with huge (G3A3 style) recoil for the Recon class, but it wasn't to be... I wonder if it'll ever happen. It's either got to be the VSS, which would be more plausible in terms of believability of balance (if you get what I mean? I could totally buy the VSS sucking at long range, unlike the following) or the SVU-AS. I can't think of any other fully automatic marksman rifles they could include.

Yeah, I thought the M417 would be select fire to. In real life it fires at 600RPM so it would be very similar to the G3A3 your right. The thing is the M417/HK417 is classed as a battle rifle and not a automatic MR. It's odd why they chose the HK417 for a recon class gun in the first place for this reason. The HK417 is in the same class of weapons such as the G3A3, FN FAL, M14 and so on. Still, I love the weapon as it is and recieved my M417 master dogtag tonight.:) plus i also reached 10 s/stars with my first pistol. the 93-R

Edit: Surprised no game has included this before, Especially BF3.

FN SCAR - SSR Mk.20 Mod.0 (SCAR Sniper)

And this just looks so mean, Great design.
Bor – the 7.62×51 mm Polish bolt-action sniper rifle.

(Appoligies for slight off topicness.)
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I had an awful bunch of games tonight. In every lobby I entered, I only got around 2-3 kills, max, per round, with around 8-10 deaths, per round. Horrible. :lol::grumpy:
The SCAR SSR Mk 20 Mod 0 is a recent addition to the FN SCAR family. I would not mind DICE adding another weapon in the same vein as the SKS. I thought I was going to really like the M417; the weapon is nearly the same as the M39 EMR with the added benefit of greater magazine capacity. The SKS is much better for mid-range battles than the M417, unless you are plinking headshots. The lower recoil allows for much faster and precise follow up shots.
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HILARIOUS round at Caspian Border. So we were Russian, the US had all objectives, I'm trying to get the pilots seat but some level 5 guy keeps taking it, so I get stuck with gunner. The US heli has ECM, the kid gets mad because we died. All you hear is: "HOW THE ****? WHAT? WHAT THE ****? HOLY ****! *note this happens for about the last 30 mins of the game lol
Awesome, DC'd the with the ticket count 150-140 in a 300 ticket Bazaar CQ match :indiff:.

I see in the new battlelog, you can change your loadouts so you dont have to faff with them ingame.

They've also added decimal points to score per minute and skill. Thank heaven for that, it sure was hard going 10 months not knowing if I was 567 or 567.28.
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Being able to change my loadouts without going in game will be a nice addition. Nothing spectacular, but useful.

Regarding decimal points, quits not have decimal points. Instead of 15% quits, I now am at 15.422% quits.
I tried the Loadout thing on Battlelog. It doesn't work. I changed my DAO from iron sights to a M145, but when I entered in-game it still had iron sights. I had to change t in-game. Didn't work for my M249, Type 88, M16A3, AN-94, P90, 870MCS, MK3A1, M1014, Saiga 12K, MP7 or L96. Those are all I took the time to try it on, but none of them got what I stuck on them in Battlelog.

EDIT: Good 🤬 I'm stupid!
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It must be, since I tried to use it.

Yeah, i just used it. I was only wondering if it was PC only as the PC players actually have to play the game through battlelog it could have been a feature exclusively for them. I just used it though so it's for all platforms it seems. Nice addition, Got to give credit to them.
Yeah, i just used it. I was only wondering if it was PC only as the PC players actually have to play the game through battlelog it could have been a feature exclusively for them. I just used it though so it's for all platforms it seems. Nice addition, Got to give credit to them.

It's cool but really it should of been there from the start.
This is from the News page on Battlelog, just in case there is still any confusion.

"Of course, this isn´t only restricted to just one platform but is integrated to work with PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3."
Yeah, I thought the M417 would be select fire to. In real life it fires at 600RPM so it would be very similar to the G3A3 your right. The thing is the M417/HK417 is classed as a battle rifle and not a automatic MR. It's odd why they chose the HK417 for a recon class gun in the first place for this reason. The HK417 is in the same class of weapons such as the G3A3, FN FAL, M14 and so on.

In reality the HK417 is a DMR, not a battle rifle. The full-auto fire option will damage the match grade components that H&K use to build the rifle. Most users have it locked to semi-auto because of this.

It is in the same class as rifles such as the British L129A1 and the Chinese QBU-88.
In reality the HK417 is a DMR, not a battle rifle. The full-auto fire option will damage the match grade components that H&K use to build the rifle. Most users have it locked to semi-auto because of this.

It is in the same class as rifles such as the British L129A1 and the Chinese QBU-88.

As far as im aware this is incorrect, Its known to fire full auto at 600 RPM and is designated as a Battle Rifle. Some forces who use the weapon may decide to put it into a DMR/Sniper support role (This is one of the main duties for the HK417, And this is a popular role for most battle rifles), But this wouldnt alter the official designation of the weapon. Another example of this would be the british L86A2 LSW, As we all know, this is a LMG/LSW but many divisions of the British army choose to use it as a Long range marksman weapon and opt for the FN MINIMI for the regular Squad support duties. This doesnt alter the designation of the LSW to anything else, So why with the HK417?

You also mentioned the L129A1 & QBU-88, These are just regular Sharphooter/Semi-auto sniper rifles. Wich the HK417 is not.
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As far as im aware this is incorrect, Its known to fire full auto at 600 RPM and is designated as a Battle Rifle. Some forces who use the weapon may decide to put it into a DMR/Sniper support role (This is one of the main duties for the HK417, And this is a popular role for most battle rifles), But this wouldnt alter the official designation of the weapon. Another example of this would be the british L86A2 LSW, As we all know, this is a LMG/LSW but many divisions of the British army choose to use it as a Long range marksman weapon and opt for the FN MINIMI for the regular Squad support duties. This doesnt alter the designation of the LSW to anything else, So why with the HK417?

You also mentioned the L129A1 & QBU-88, These are just regular Sharphooter/Semi-auto sniper rifles. Wich the HK417 is not.


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