Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
I think smoke would be much better if you could still use the IRNV sight and see people through the smoke. That would be pretty awesome I think.

Then again, it'll probably be spammed if that were the case.

No. That would kill the balance of gameplay with using smoke.

Smoke would get used more if it also threw off laser designators.

Also, too bad there is no GPS type bombs launched from the jets. Get rid of pesky snipers.
It's only rare, because not everyone wants to put time into Co-Op; otherwise it's a beastly weapon.

I unlocked the CO-OP weapons early on when the game first released when you needed over 300.000 points to unlock everything. DICE have changed it now to about 150.000 so i think that is no excuse.
I unlocked the CO-OP weapons early on when the game first released when you needed over 300.000 points to unlock everything. DICE have changed it now to about 150.000 so i think that is no excuse.

I know that feel. Still it was fun replaying the chopper mission over & over, learning to fly properly. 👍

Also, smoke is so underated and looked over. The most fun is on CQ DOM, where entire playzones can be filled with the stuff, making for uber-close quarter battles (can't see anyone further than a meter away).
On the flip side, you can still spot anyone, even while completely under smoke; which I find stupid and unrealistic. If you can't see them, then you shouldn't be able to spot them. Unless we had heartbeat monitors or infra-red.

I whish there was colored smoke. Could be used in so many cool, different ways.
Is CQ Dom pretty much a dead game mode? I really enjoyed it but last times I played I would always be put in a 5v5 or 6v6 game instead of a full 12v12 game.
You can get a full game I'm sure but it will be a 500% ticket PITA. I was trying to get those 3 wins for the assignment the other night. About 4 hours later I had played all of 3 games with only one win. 👎
I know that feel. Still it was fun replaying the chopper mission over & over, learning to fly properly. 👍

Also, smoke is so underated and looked over. The most fun is on CQ DOM, where entire playzones can be filled with the stuff, making for uber-close quarter battles (can't see anyone further than a meter away).
On the flip side, you can still spot anyone, even while completely under smoke; which I find stupid and unrealistic. If you can't see them, then you shouldn't be able to spot them. Unless we had heartbeat monitors or infra-red.

I whish there was colored smoke. Could be used in so many cool, different ways.

I agree with the spotting point, I hadnt really thought of that. Everytime i use smoke in CQDOM my team never seem to utilise it well anyway. It seems to hinder them than help them.

Is CQ Dom pretty much a dead game mode? I really enjoyed it but last times I played I would always be put in a 5v5 or 6v6 game instead of a full 12v12 game.
You can get a full game I'm sure but it will be a 500% ticket PITA. I was trying to get those 3 wins for the assignment the other night. About 4 hours later I had played all of 3 games with only one win. 👎

I find loads of CQDOM servers all the time. ranging from the odd 200% to countless 300-500% servers. I never have problems finding games.:confused:

Edit: i am assuming you both are using the server browser function?
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Sure. It makes me want my own server so I can use default DICE rules lol.

I think you would be the only one wanting 100% CQDOM lol. It would be over in under 10 mins. :)

I was using quick match since I don't wanna sift through all the servers.

Oh, well i never use quick match so thats your problem. All you have to do is search for CQDOM only and find a server with your preferred ticket count. It doesnt take me 20 seconds to find a game this way.
Is CQ Dom pretty much a dead game mode? I really enjoyed it but last times I played I would always be put in a 5v5 or 6v6 game instead of a full 12v12 game.

I believe its only a Max of 8vs 8. So joining games at 6v6 isn't so odd.
Ok, is anyone else having constant trouble with EA online? It's probably a week or so since I finished an entire match of Rush or Conquest because I keep losing connection to EA online all the time. I can only finish TDMs. My internet is all fine, it doesn't cut out, it's only Ea online that seems to be a problem.
Just played first time in a week or so. Holy crap my aim is horrible! Well maybe i get some new energy to play when Armored Kill comes out. Some rumors are saying that with the 2-week early access it comes out late August?
Just played first time in a week or so. Holy crap my aim is horrible! Well maybe i get some new energy to play when Armored Kill comes out. Some rumors are saying that with the 2-week early access it comes out late August?

It's unlikely, as I'm sure I was discussing with someone else here (could've been a different forum) with the early access they can still release all four 'versions' in September:
Week 1: PS3 Premium
Week 2: PC & 360 Premium
Week 3: PS3 Non-premium
Week 4: PC & 360 Non-premium.

Everyone gets Armoured Kill in September, no one was lied to, everyone's happy. Except for those expecting it to start coming out in August and those who think Premium is bullsheets.
Close quarters, are you sure.

Edit : nevermind, I'm a dummy

Actually im the dummy, Its 8v8. :ouch:

I play it frequently aswell, "Hangs head in shame":guilty:

It's unlikely, as I'm sure I was discussing with someone else here (could've been a different forum) with the early access they can still release all four 'versions' in September:
Week 1: PS3 Premium
Week 2: PC & 360 Premium
Week 3: PS3 Non-premium
Week 4: PC & 360 Non-premium.

Everyone gets Armoured Kill in September, no one was lied to, everyone's happy. Except for those expecting it to start coming out in August and those who think Premium is bullsheets.

Yep, That was this forum and with me 👍 We came to the conclusion that the release would probably follow the pattern of "Close Quarters" with the schedule you stated above.:)
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I tried a Close Quarters server with between 20 and 24 people per team and it was madness. I quickly switched to using the SPAS-12 hopefully to get closer to unlocking Slugs.
I tried a 16v16 CQ server once and seriously regretted it... 16 players in total is about right. I have yet to try a 64 player server, I bet that would be hell (hence why I've never tried).
My attempt at that number was purely accidental. The next map in the rotation was Ziba Tower and I was enjoying the server, so I stuck with it and tried it out. I went from like Wake Island to Ziba Tower. Talk about a weird rotation.
16 is the limit for CloseQuarters with consoles though isnt it?, I know PC has more.
I imagine CQ with 64 players all you'd have to do is go prone with an LMG or toss random grenades and you'd be MVP every time.

I was thinking maybe spam claymores on staircases and sit on an ammo box waiting for the kills to roll in.

64 player gun master, I wonder if that's a thing?

I'm on my phone so I can't do a YouTube link (can't remember the tags), but: oh yeah,


Just the first few seconds after he spawns should be an indication of what the entire match is like. I've just realised too that this is 14 more players than most Day Z servers can support in an area the size of the power station at Elektro. Marvellous!
Something just occurred to me, Wouldnt it be a bit of a waste if some of the iconic BFBC2 weapons were not to be seen in BF3? The 9-A1 Avtomat, GOL, M24, MG3, Uzi, VSS Sniperskaiya and such like. They are already modelled to a decent standard, Just give them a touch up and put them into BF3.
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Something just occurred to me, Wouldnt it be a bit of a waste if some of the iconic BFBC2 weapons were not to be seen in BF3? The 9-A1 Avtomat, GOL, M24, MG3, Uzi, VSS Sniperskaiya and such like. They are already modelled to a decent standard, Just give them a touch up and put them into BF3.

I'm kind of hoping we'll see some of these in Aftermath and Endgame or - dare I say it, no, dare I think it - the Bonus Content drops. Also the VSS is pretty much in already, Wikipedia says they share about 70% of their parts and the only real differences are the furniture like the grips and stock. Scope mount is the same, receiver, barrel, suppressor, caliber and... I think that's everything actually, are all the same.