- 2,713
Well, I was hoping for air superiority modes.... meh.
You could probably earn a fair share of points with a SOFLAM. Also, I hope there wont be too many Kornets.
So it begs the question, why bother with anything other then Recon and Engi on those maps
Hold on, there is one flag to capture on each map? So basically its every tank heading for one spot for the entire match? The pop gun tanks don't seem to have much of a role then, unless its fending off air strikes?
Er, would have thought having 3 flags at least would have been common sense to promote flanking/ strategic movement on the "biggest map eva!!"
Here's a thought, what if the flag isn't static for the whole round? That might mix it up nicely.
SmilenatorIn Tank Superiority will there not be a massive advantage to experienced players over newcomers due to the upgrades on tanks, because in a one on one fight a tank with reactive armour will nearly always win. (Although I suppose it is probably just EA trying to get people to buy the unlock packs)
In Tank Superiority will there not be a massive advantage to experienced players over newcomers due to the upgrades on tanks, because in a one on one fight a tank with reactive armour will nearly always win. (Although I suppose it is probably just EA trying to get people to buy the unlock packs)
DestructoidThe new mode, Tank Superiority, was pretty fun to play too. We played on the map Armored Shield, and it saw both teams basically rushing to the central key objective point to take control all while trying to deplete the other team's player tickets. Matches went by pretty quick thanks to the fact that everyone was always in a vehicle, or launching rockets from the cover of bushes.
Players won't actually be able to pilot the AC-130, as it's on a set course around the map. In fact, to even take control of the plane you have to take over a base on the ground first to use it. Once done, the AC-130 Gunship can be used as a mobile spawn point where players will be able to jump out, parachuting onto the battlefield.
As for the weapons, there are two main gun positions, one for the 120mm cannon, and the other for the auto-cannon machine gun. Plus there's a top mounted AA turret so players can fire against any incoming flying vehicles. You can also shoot out flares to throw off missiles.
Rounding out the list of new vehicles are ATVs, and two mobile mobile artillery vehicles. The artillery vehicles are slow, and extremely vulnerable, so it's going to be super important you have adequate support from teammates for protection. The tradeoff here is that the vehicles will rain down hell on targets.
The mode I played was fun, but I didn't get that grand scale battle I wanted to see, largely because the demos were taking place on the PlayStation 3. I want to see this on the PC, on the biggest map ever (Bandar Desert), with 64 players all going head-to-head in vehicles. Hopefully this is what I get to see from DICE at gamescom in a couple of weeks.
So it begs the question, why bother with anything other then Recon and Engi on those maps![]()
Looks... Questionable. Watching this, I really don't think I'll play Tank Superiority more than I'm forced to for the new assignments, so I hope the full map (they said they only saw part of it because TS limits how much ground you can play on) will have better uncaps. Nothing quite like being hemmed in by tanks on Tehran Highway... I'm still excited and still can't wait to play Armoured Kill anyway.
I guess that pours cold water on the idea of a random flag point. I don't like the sounds of the potential to spawn camp RU and their hinting that there are not enough tanks for everybody i.e. its been designed to have multiple people in a few tanks means that relying on randoms will invite the potential for a lot of frustration.
Sigh, I wish they would just stick to adding more infantry maps for rush and CQ.
Rush and CQ are still available on these maps if im not mistaken? edit: (obviously, lol) and im sure Infantry will play a big part, If there arent to many vehicles like in T/Superiority that is. I doubt these maps were designed primarily for tank superiority in mind anyway. You would think it would be CQ/Rush + tank superiority
I'm pretty sure - as with Close Quarters - its just Tank Domination as a mode on these new maps, no rush and no CQ. I've not heard any mention at any stage of any other mode.
Close Quarters had, TDM, SDM, Conquest Dom(Exact same as normal CQ but faster flag caps and smaller cap radius for the smaller spaces) and GM.
Edit: I just thought, The AC-130?, And the trailer showed mainly conquest.
It definitely has Conquest. Not sure about rush however.
battefield.comAll maps playable with all six game modes
[Edit2]: Now it asks my password and i cant remeber what it is. Is there anyway to go around it?
ryanaldoblancoI never had a problem with setting up my battlelog, I already had an EA account (e-mail & password) from the FIFA part of the site. So i just entered these into the Battlelog site and it worked fine.
So i would make an EA/Origin account first, Then go back and use this for battlelog.