Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
Still stupid! DICE fix this crap!

Yes, still stupid. I think it should be made a kind of animation when switching seats in vehicles, so you can't exploit it that way. Like, the driver of a tank moving away from the screen you see and climbing into the turret, and likewise with jeeps. And obviously, in the attack choppa you wouldn't be able to change seats, because you'd have to get out of the heli first.
In the jeeps there could be a jumping animation. Like he switches seat by jumping to the other seat or to the MG by climbing inside. If you know what i mean.
I love your sarcasm.

In other news, the sound glitch is getting me killed.
If you can't hear it, and the only reference you have for being hit by the bullet is the ground around you tearing up, and you are running at the time, you are not likely to realise that you are being hit until your health has dropped so low that you cannot turn around and address the problem.
Which sux.

Also, here's one for the thread:

If you spot someone, do you automatically become spotted to them????



I have yet to experience the sound glitch on the new maps.
In the jeeps there could be a jumping animation. Like he switches seat by jumping to the other seat or to the MG by climbing inside. If you know what i mean.

Yeah, that would actually be pretty cool. And you would be able to change seats in transport choppas, though. Don't they already have an animation for tanks, used in a Campaign mission?
Yeah, that would actually be pretty cool. And you would be able to change seats in transport choppas, though. Don't they already have an animation for tanks, used in a Campaign mission?

Only wheb the game makes to switch seat. Yea and in the transporters when changing seat you slip and fall off.
Yes yes yes. Switching seats in a land vehicle should be possible but time consuming. In a chopper it should be impossible.
On another note, someone please let me kill them with the eodbot! I'm so hacked off with that assignment!!! Psn is BigJas1162. Haven't buddy'd up with any of you guys coz I am truly terrible at this game. Anyone?
I can help just having network problems with my PS3. Ill add you when i get them sorted out. But if you find someone before that thats better for you.
I can come on now and assist you with your troubles. But how will we arrange it to be on different teams?

Sent you FR.
I can come on now and assist you with your troubles. But how will we arrange it to be on different teams?

Find a empty server or 20/24 just choose a meating place. Place with no people so you dont get suprised.
Okai, I'm just waiting for him to accept my FR. When you get it, mangina, sent me a message on here because PSN messaging is retarded and slow. Then invite me to a match where the teams are unbalanced and I will appear on the other team. Then message me again with a place to meet up.
Argh. Friend request accepted but something's just come up and I won't be online again tonight. Maybe tomorrow? Thanks so much. Sorry to be a pain...
Thats stupid! Why is that even possible? DICE fix this crap!

Two things:

Before anyone else suggests that choppers are indeed invincible and need nerfing as they are too hard to shoot down. Stop. Flying anything with a spinning blade or two in this game now is like taking a piece of target-covered-paper into the air.
I used to get up there and live for a looooong time before choppers and anti-air got patched, and nowadays, I'm lucky to leave deployment.
Just yesterday I was pinned to the carrier out in the sea at Gulf of Oman as I couldn't take off in anything without something either flying, or parked on the beach, taking me out before I got anywhere useful.
Yes having a gunner who can deploy flares is helpful, yes being able to pilot pretty good can be a useful thing too; but I can fly, I can dodge stuff, I can drop to a low level to avoid missiles, I can weave through buildings and use mountains for cover, BUT!
I can't dodge Javelwins that circle my chopper waiting for my ECM to run out before they destroy me with ONE HIT.
I can't dodge guided missiles from Tanx that have no warning sound, and no lock on tone and circle my chopper until my ECM runs out and then destroy me with ONE HIT.
I can't dodge certain IGLA's and Stingers that follow me through my ECM and still hit me for a disable, or destroy me with ONE HIT.
And I can't dodge the two missiles that the Havoc/Viper fired at me when I hit ECM, my gunner hits FLARES, and I drop altitude/swerve/use cover and they still ignore all the countermeasures and destroy me with TWO HITS.

Choppers just aren't what they used to be, and over powered; they most certainly are not.
If you believe otherwise, you are welcome to your own opinion, but IMO, you don't fly as much as I do, and you're wrong. :grumpy:

I know the spot and become spotted question seemed like a stupid one; but it has become more and more apparent to me that in some situations, I have spotted a vehicle/person that would otherwise not have known I was there, and they have suddenly changed course and headed directly for me.
Coincidence? :odd:

On Friday night I was in a game at Wake and I watched a jet pilot using ECM to evade my heat seekers that I fired from the Viper.
I knew he would have to reload the ECM, and I knew my gunner (I was in radio contact with him) had guided missile. When his ECM had run out, we could get a paint on him with the laser painter, and then my gunner used the guided missile. Good, he's dead; I thought. Then the pilot used his FLARES.
So, how long have jets had 2 kinds of countermeasures available to them?
Because they sure as hell cannot switch seats, no matter how long the animation would take.......

Erm, whenever I try to shoot down a choppa, nothing circles anything. The missile just goes for the choppa, choppa deploy something to distract it, missile feels the need to hit the ground. I've never experienced it circling what I locked on to.
I know the spot and become spotted question seemed like a stupid one; but it has become more and more apparent to me that in some situations, I have spotted a vehicle/person that would otherwise not have known I was there, and they have suddenly changed course and headed directly for me.
Coincidence? :odd:

Unless it's majorly broken (possible), then I'd say so. Think of the times when we're working as a team and someone says "x is here" and directs someone else on the team to kill them, or scope glare, or just seeing people, you can see quite a distance fairly clearly in BF3.

Completely agree on choppers. So many maps where flares and ECM just don't work. Firestorm in particular.
I've never experienced it circling what I locked on to.

I've had problems with that in the past, where a Javelin starts orbiting me and as soon as I try to move it goes 'oh yeah, that's what I was supposed to be doing!' and then kills me. It's just ridiculous, really.
You need to fly close to the ground, so that the projectile circling you hits the ground.
Not always possible, but if you can, do it.
Erm, whenever I try to shoot down a choppa, nothing circles anything. The missile just goes for the choppa, choppa deploy something to distract it, missile feels the need to hit the ground. I've never experienced it circling what I locked on to.

This is my experience too - I don't bother with IGLA's any more as ECM and flares just sent them rocketing to the deep blue sky. When I've Jav'd a SOFLAM'd heli, and the heli pops ECM, I might get a partial hit, but more often then not the lock gets broken and I lose a missile into the sky again.
ECM is a pain in the jets too. I find that whenever I chase a jet, lock on and fire a missile and the jet uses ECM by the time I can get another lock on and fire another missile his ECM is ready for deployment again. And I'm chasing him the whole time, so even with the least possible time it takes to lock onto a jet for the second time I can't seem to lock on fast enough.

My ECM doesn't get ready as fast. :grumpy:
Would anyone be interested if we set up a Squad Rush/Deathmatch tournament? We could have an elimination tree and everything.

I have not played this game for over a week, I have not touched a PS3 controller in the same amount of time, and in that time I have been using all mouse + keyboard (thanks to Steam).

If I can come back to both PS3 and BF3 and instantly get MVP and lose because of poor teammates, what the hell is everybody else doing? I had terrible aim, but I'm pretty sure I had the best spread in a TDM match.
Would anyone be interested if we set up a Squad Rush/Deathmatch tournament? We could have an elimination tree and everything.


Im in if the time is right.
This is my experience too - I don't bother with IGLA's any more as ECM and flares just sent them rocketing to the deep blue sky. When I've Jav'd a SOFLAM'd heli, and the heli pops ECM, I might get a partial hit, but more often then not the lock gets broken and I lose a missile into the sky again.

I had two takedowns with an Igla at Caspian the other day, both times against the server admin and didn't get kicked!

I only really get it out as revenge though, the chopper got me earlier in the round.
I don't get it.. what has the patch done to the helis? In Bad Company 2, I was a really good pilot (still am).. here, I just don't get them. I don't get how they maneuver. I checked the controls and everything but I still end up killing my gunner when I lift off..

As for jets... always use your main gun.. I still haven't been shot down. Whenever I crash, it's either because I'am flying too fast, and end up slamin' the ground when evading a missle or, doing too many crazy maneuvers..

Yesterday, I was in Operation Firestorm. I had to use the flares whenever I got remotely close to the battlefield, so chances for a good gun run were slim. So, I stuck to taking out enemy jets. IMO, Battlefield should give you some points for at least hitting the guy. I mean, correct me if I'am wrong, but everytime I would chase a pilot in that server, I would fill him full of lead, just to see him crash into a ridge line, or a building. Everytime that happens, it's back to high altitude, and maybe disabling a tank.. i ended that match at 0-0, with 169 points, for an Assist and Vehicle Disable/Vehicle Destroyed. Pathetic right? I might've been more of use on the ground.
Gunner may have been running flares while pilot had ecm.

Thats stupid! Why is that even possible? DICE fix this crap!
I agree, that for sure needs to be fixed. No reason 3-4 engineers and someone using soflam cant take these people down. Being able to smoke and flare constantly needs to be fixed. Truly ruins the game when something is THAT unbalanced. The more people that learn about this, the worse it will get. I am sure there are videos of this issue on youtube. Other than that everything else is very balanced or can be countered. I noticed the mortar was nerfed like crazy too. We got spawn trapped on another map and couldnt even use our mortars until we went at least a good 100 yards from our base. So we ended up being trapped with no way to defend ourselves.
It depends, a good jet pilot is great as with rockets and guns they should be taking out heli's, which in turn protect your tanks and heli. After that if tanks are spotted they should be taking out tanks with rockets (or at least disabling them).

In the right hands they are a great tool.
It depends, a good jet pilot is great as with rockets and guns they should be taking out heli's, which in turn protect your tanks and heli. After that if tanks are spotted they should be taking out tanks with rockets (or at least disabling them).

In the right hands they are a great tool.

Exactly this. Jets (can) kill jets, choppers and tanks, and unfortunately they're also very good against infantry which definitely needs to be fixed. I don't know what it's like with you console guys but a jet pilot using a mouse is essentially a 400km/h sniper who is impervious to most things except for other jets. Jet pilots without many unlocks are limited in what they can do and are therefore somewhat useless to begin with, but once they unlock rockets they're pretty much set.

Most importantly, just because a jet pilot doesn't get many points or kills it doesn't mean they're not being useful. If they can disable a tank, excellent, and if they can harass jets and choppers to keep them on the run and therefore out of the fight, brilliant, it all diminishes the enemy's fighting ability but the pilot doesn't get rewarded for that.