I went to take a look at what you were talking about. So those two gun kit add-ons instantly umlock those weapons?I took the bait and bought Premium for BF4. Sadly, the only things I want are suppressors and scopes.
M40 is the second level through ranking like the M4 for the assault class. I don't know if I should grind it out the GC8 and probably for the rest of the COD Guns.I went to take a look at what you were talking about. So those two gun kit add-ons instantly umlock those weapons?
I haven't had much time to play much, so my choice of weapons are very limited. I want the M1911 desperately, so if those add-ons unlocked that I will be playing tonight.
I had a glitch yesterday where the IRNV scope turned into a red dot scope. Not that it's a bad glitch.
Anyone who used the MG36 in the Bad Company series knows what I'm talking about.
I had a glitch yesterday where the IRNV scope turned into a red dot scope. Not that it's a bad glitch.
Anyone who used the MG36 in the Bad Company series knows what I'm talking about.
I decided to take a short half-hour break from studying, went to the test range with the M98B (8x scope with variable zoom, bipod) and the laser designator/rangefinder thing and tried to work out how the sight's dots correspond to the rifle's bullet drop. I didn't really figure anything out beyond the fact that at 0m zeroing, halfway between the centre and the first dot is about 200m. Then I joined a game on Firestorm and did the unspeakable; camped on a mountain with a sniper rifle. To be fair I was spotting and lasing anything I could to help the team, but I was only there for marksman ribbons, of which I got five from my 9 M98B kills. I would've gotten the 10 kill streak requirement for that one assignment too if it weren't for the guy who took a jet to come and kill me, fortunately I heard his mate spawn on him so the guy who was trying to get me got a G18 to the face, but his friend killed me.
As it turns out that mountain is very nearly exactly 500m from the central tower so it's quite easy to get zeroed in and crank out headshot after headshot, it's just that you have to be aiming at a sniper otherwise the target will just move before the bullet hits them. At one point I also went for a guy who was sniping from their mountain and got a 940m headshot from that too, it only took two shots because I think I got quite lucky; with the scope zeroed for 1000m my first shot went over his head by quite a distance, so I aimed low by around 'half a dot' (halfway between the crosshair and first dot up from that) and it was good. So now I'm 26/50 marksman ribbons towards the FY-JS. Bearing in mind I was on 18 this time yesterday and I've only gotten 44 kills with the M98B since then I think that's ok progress. Slow but steady, anyway.
With regards to Second Assault weapons, I've got the AS VAL and F2000, I reckon I'll have the M60 pretty soon (I've got 2/5 vehicle destroys from two rounds on Oman without really trying), the shotgun will take a little bit of effort since I rarely use shotguns but I do want the shotgun assignment-related paints so I think I might play some TDM or shotguns only soon. The GOL will probably be one of those that I put off for ages, I don't really have any interest in sitting in the most exposed, highly-targeted spots on the map...
Any recommendations on which maps I should use for the 50 Marksman ribbons? I only have the main game and China Rising maps, I don't have Premium for BF4 yet.
Any recommendations on which maps I should use for the 50 Marksman ribbons? I only have the main game and China Rising maps, I don't have Premium for BF4 yet.
Any recommendations on which maps I should use for the 50 Marksman ribbons? I only have the main game and China Rising maps, I don't have Premium for BF4 yet.
Were you guys raging as much as dude when you were unlocking the GOL Magnum?
Now onto a different topic. I cannot decide which sidearm to use. I keep flipping back and forth primarily between the P226 and the Shorty 12G. At times, I have also thrown the Compact 45 into the mix too. The biggest problem I have with the Shorty 12G is that I end up relying on it a bit too much in close quarters. The thing works fantastically in close quarters, except for the magazine capacity. The small magazine capacity catches me out more often than I would like.
On another note, I've finally been awarded my veterans battlepack which includes the ACB knife, Veteran dogtag and magnum 3x scope!!!![]()
Finally got my veteran battlepack.
The Sar-21 is my baby.
How? Did it just unlock? Battlefield's Twitter says it'll be dropping early March. Which platform(s) are you guys playing on?
On the topic of struggling with assignments......
I had very few problems with them. Don't see how people struggled with them to be honest. The 5 kills in the GOL assignments didn't have to be sniper kills so I don't see what the fuss was about. :/ I do agree that the assignments should be more centered oround objective play and not camping on towers though.
Actually I think it would be easier to get 5 sniper rifle kills than anything else, especially since if you did get 5 sniper kills you only need one more to get the sniper rifle ribbon for the assignment. But whatever, it's done now, I can't wait to see what crap they're going to get us doing in Naval Whatever.
Those days that happen, where no matter how you play, you are always in the wrong spot at the wrong time are awful. It is incredibly frustrating.