Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
With the PS4 being released in Japan I now am playing BF4 on that. I'm not sure if that's a good thing. Not only do I have to get used to a new control scheme which is seeing me throw grenades randomly as I try to ADS, but it appears the R2 button for the trigger needs to be released completely before you can pull it again so all those semi auto or burst fire weapons now are not firing half the time and getting me killed.

Oh, and the rubber banding. It's epic.

I played for 30 minutes before giving up in frustration and turning on my PC. I love mouse and keyboard.
With the PS4 being released in Japan I now am playing BF4 on that. I'm not sure if that's a good thing. Not only do I have to get used to a new control scheme which is seeing me throw grenades randomly as I try to ADS, but it appears the R2 button for the trigger needs to be released completely before you can pull it again so all those semi auto or burst fire weapons now are not firing half the time and getting me killed.

I had that problem at first as well, but I got used to it after a few hours 👍

Oh, and the rubber banding. It's epic.

I played for 30 minutes before giving up in frustration and turning on my PC. I love mouse and keyboard.

I'm unaware of this on BF4, could you elaborate?
Hi all,

Sorry to revisit an old topic on BF4 but wondering if anyone can give me a definitive answer to the issues im having;

So im using an Asus ROG that is more than capable of running BF4 and I have got a Xbox 360 controller to use on it. Before the whole mouse/keyboard thing Im new to pc gaming so sticking with what I know for now.

The 360 controller is wired, brand new and installed correctly on windows 8, when callibrated all buttons work fine.

Im finding that during multiplayer games my gun goes off randomly when I jump, sprint go prone etc. I cannot sprint and its really affecting how I play. Sometimes I will respawn and be able to play normally with no issues then all of a suddern the bug returns making it very hard to play.

I have tried unbinding keys etc to no avail. Reinstalled BF4 and still the same. Unplug and plug back in controller, still the same. I know the controller is not the problem so is it just a case of waiting for Dice to sort this?

Bit gutted because I love BF and I know there have been lots of issues surrounding controllers but havent seen too many of what Im experiencing.

Any help greatly appreciated.


No clue.

I play with a mouse and keyboard. The only suggestion I can make is to suck it up, play awful while learning to use a mouse and keyboard, and then bask in the gloriousness of using the superior setup once you get better at using a mouse and keyboard. I will say that I made the transition during BF3. Aiming with a mouse was not too bad. My reflexes and general ability to aim accurately was not where it should be, but it was acceptable enough. However, using a keyboard was a different story. It took some time before I could get my fingers to work together long enough to properly move my character with any kind of consistency. I always mixed up crouch and prone.

I know it is not much help, but it is all I got.

No clue.

I play with a mouse and keyboard. The only suggestion I can make is to suck it up, play awful while learning to use a mouse and keyboard, and then bask in the gloriousness of using the superior setup once you get better at using a mouse and keyboard. I will say that I made the transition during BF3. Aiming with a mouse was not too bad. My reflexes and general ability to aim accurately was not where it should be, but it was acceptable enough. However, using a keyboard was a different story. It took some time before I could get my fingers to work together long enough to properly move my character with any kind of consistency. I always mixed up crouch and prone.

I know it is not much help, but it is all I got.



I made the transition to PC only a year ago having very little experience before hand, ditch the controller ASAP you've got nothing to gain from using it if you want to move to mouse at some point anyway.

A wise investment is a mouse with some thumb buttons so you can spread the load better between your 2 hands, I use crouch/prone hold on one button, reload on another, toggle laser etc. on a third and then everything else as normal (Logitech G700). Do the same for vehicles so you have gadgets on your mouse, it means you can concentrate on using your keyboard hand mostly for moving as this is obviously what you should be doing alot of the game.

Give it time and if you are getting frustrated try playing some other single player shooters (even mediocre campaigns hint hint) to just get more and more used to it, play more aggressively then you would normally until you can run and gun through a COD/BF/Crysis/Far Cry/Bioshock without getting lost on the keyboard. If you've got friends Borderlands 2 and Left 4 Dead are fantastic options for having more fun while honing your skills in a less competitive environment.

I still like playing my PS3 with the pad even on shooters despite what many other PC gamers will say it's still plenty of fun, but the mouse and keyboard combo is more satisfying and challenging because it offers a higher degree of control and responsibility of your player (you can't blame ambient Aim Assist mechanics etc.).
I tried the mouse/keyboard setup with Bad Company 2, man was I awful. :indiff:

In my case, it's just better to stick with the ol' DS3.
Im done had enough :banghead:
Im done had enough :banghead:

This is why digital distribution is a good thing. Not because I can't snap the disc, but because if I wanted to destroy my copy of BF4 I'd take my OS with it and ruin a perfectly good SSD...

I tried the mouse/keyboard setup with Bad Company 2, man was I awful. :indiff:

In my case, it's just better to stick with the ol' DS3.

I started with BFBC2 as well, but I knew I'd never compete with mouse and keyboard users if I didn't adjust, so I persevered with it and I'm glad I did. By the time BF3 came out I was perfectly comfortable with the controls.

I had some great games last night with my platoon, we played a 'friendly' game on our own server, in which we set some trust-based weapon restrictions, some of which were obeyed, some really weren't. I think we lasted 2 minutes in the XM25 Dart only round, they were ditched in favour of shotguns, and maybe only 30 seconds when we specified pump shotguns only which became an automatic shotgun/LMG free for all. Fun, though.
This is why digital distribution is a good thing. Not because I can't snap the disc, but because if I wanted to destroy my copy of BF4 I'd take my OS with it and ruin a perfectly good SSD...

Worst thing i have the digital version on ps4 but you need the disc to play
With the new Naval Strike screens being released today, One of the 5 new weapons can be seen.

Its the Barretta ARX-160 AR.

Pretty happy as this is one weapon I thought we would get in the base game. Also the Hovercrafts look pretty good to.

Article here, ARX-160 can be seen in the hovercraft screen. Although the character holding it seems to be glitched.
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Isn't throwing your controller easier? Works for me.. :lol:

I'd rather replace a PS3 game than a DualShock 4... They're £50! BF4 on PS3 is half that price on Amazon right now. The time it would take for the replacement to arrive would give you ample time to calm down, too.

Am I overthinking this?
I tried the mouse/keyboard setup with Bad Company 2, man was I awful. :indiff:

In my case, it's just better to stick with the ol' DS3.

Trying simply isn't enough. It's like transitioning from controller to wheel on driving games, you have to put in the time to really start to get comfortable and ultimately become competitive. It's frustrating to begin with especially if you're decent on sticks but definitely worth the effort if you want to get the most out of PC.
Trying simply isn't enough. It's like transitioning from controller to wheel on driving games, you have to put in the time to really start to get comfortable and ultimately become competitive. It's frustrating to begin with especially if you're decent on sticks but definitely worth the effort if you want to get the most out of PC.


I might give it another go sometime, but the controller can get me by for now. :)
Saw there wasnt a GTP platoon up yet so i took the liberty of creating one. Everybody feel free to join whatever platform and such. Not a serious platoon. Just thought it would be cool to see how all our stats compare and how us GTP players fair as a whole.

here it is -

I'll send invites to the GTP'ers on my freinds list. Again its nothing serious, No need to have it as your main platoon or nothing. Just thought it would be cool.
I had to leave the bf3 gtp platoon due to only being allowed to be associated with one platoon. Stupid rule for my platoon :(
The PSN Store updates on Tuesdays normally, and I know that I get most DLCs late on Wednesday my time.

It'll be another day or two before SA comes out to non-Premos. 👍
With the PS4 being released in Japan I now am playing BF4 on that. I'm not sure if that's a good thing. Not only do I have to get used to a new control scheme which is seeing me throw grenades randomly as I try to ADS, but it appears the R2 button for the trigger needs to be released completely before you can pull it again so all those semi auto or burst fire weapons now are not firing half the time and getting me killed.

Oh, and the rubber banding. It's epic.

I played for 30 minutes before giving up in frustration and turning on my PC. I love mouse and keyboard.
I have the same issue and to be blunt it puts semi auto users on PS4 at a huge disadvantage. The rate of fire because of this is way slower than PS3 and probably a quarter of the time it doesn't shoot. I'm not convinced that it's not releasing the trigger fully but rather a glitch.

I recently started playing both the PS3 and 4 versions again and the Ps4 version is an exercise in frustration for me. I don't know if I need to up my sensitivity or what but I lose just about every gun fight. Then I turn on the PS3 version and have no issues with that or semi auto fire.
I have the same issue and to be blunt it puts semi auto users on PS4 at a huge disadvantage. The rate of fire because of this is way slower than PS3 and probably a quarter of the time it doesn't shoot. I'm not convinced that it's not releasing the trigger fully but rather a glitch.

I recently started playing both the PS3 and 4 versions again and the Ps4 version is an exercise in frustration for me. I don't know if I need to up my sensitivity or what but I lose just about every gun fight. Then I turn on the PS3 version and have no issues with that or semi auto fire.

yes, I'm experiencing a learning curve and it's not for the game but for the system which is something that shouldn't happen. For now I've stopped using burst or semi auto weapons just because I can't trust that they will fire at the rate I'm pulling the trigger. This means I'm a G18 sidearm user now. Yuck.
I had to leave the bf3 gtp platoon due to only being allowed to be associated with one platoon. Stupid rule for my platoon :(

Thats a shame, Still its no problem caz. ;)

Forgot to say.
Everyone who joins will be put as a leader of the platoon straightaway. Nobody will be higher than anyone else.
I don't think I've ever been so annoyed at a game that I have snapped a disc :lol:. A controller almost got destroyed when I was one kill away from a nuke on MW2 and then died, but no disc-snapping occurred :D
This game infuriates me. It's like it promises to be something and then totally reneges. The bad net code makes it feel like luck of the draw. And the map design for RUSH which I played exclusively on BF3 is absolutely disgraceful on BF4.
The new weapons for Naval Strike ar visable after the update today.

Weapons are -

Assault Rifle - Berretta ARX-160. Assignment: AR ribbon x3 & 20 headshots.
SMG - SR-2 (SR-3 Veresk). Assignment: Destroy 20 boats.
LMG - AWS (ares shrike). Assignment: LMG ribbon x3 & destroy 3 vehicles as support.
Sniper - SR338 (Noreen ULR 338). Assignment: Sniper ribbon x3 & 5 c4 kills on NS maps.
(Semi autosniper)???


A new sidearm!

Its called the SW40 and it looks exactly like a Chiappa Rhino revolver. You need 10 RGO impact kills to get it.

I don't know if this is widely known yet but I found this myself after doing the update. Really pleased with the choice of weapons in this dlc. I could be wrong with the what the weapons are but impretty sure they are all correct as they all have clues in they're names and look unique.

Edit - Assignments for the New equipment.

AA mine - PDW ribbon x3 & Destroy 5 air vehicles with Launchers.
M320 3GL - 10 kills with UGL dart and LVG each.

There's also a new Phantom assignment where you get a pretty awesome looking Green snakeskin type camo.
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At least all of those assignments involve doing things that are objective related or should come relatively in the flow of the game.

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