Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
List of other things that the latest update for BF4 brings đź‘Ť

March 4 PS4 Game Update Notes
-Several crash fixes and stability improvements
-Various improvements for Spectator Mode
-Tweaked timing for how long the killfeed stays on screen
-Fixed an issue where the message "Joining Server" sometimes didn't appear when the user tried to join the server
-Added default player slots to server browser filters
-Fix for an issue on Silk Road where players could deform the terrain to create a big, water-filled hole
-Fix for a bug that occurred with the end-of-round camera if the player was in the bomber in China Rising
-Fix for an issue on Rogue Transmission where it was impossible to capture a flag while riding the quad bike
-Prevented players from interacting with an M-Com on Siege of Shanghai after it had been destroyed
-Fixed an issue where audio for disarming M-Coms could get stuck in an infinite loop
-Added minimap details for missing carriers in Rush on Paracel Storm and Hainan Resort
-Fix for an exploit that would allow players to shoot two tank shells with not enough delay between shots
-Removed a bug where squads would get split up when transitioning between Conquest and Air Superiority
-Fixed an issue where Defuse could get stuck in an unplayable state between rounds
-Removed a bug that would cause players to sometimes get stuck in the killcam after having been killed
-Fixed an issue with revive icon not being greyed out in-game on map and minimap, when the player died after getting revived in Defuse
-General improvements and bug fixes for the Battledash and Mission create screens
-Fixed a bug where red laser dots would get stuck on textures
-Zoom dispersion fix. When zooming in while firing the dispersion did not lower to the new max value
-Fixed a bug where the enemy health always displayed as full in the kill-cam
-Fixed an issue in Defuse so killed bomb carrier can’t plant a bomb in the next round without picking up a new bomb
-The MAV has been updated to prevent players from exploiting it
-Improved repair rates for vehicles with different base healths
-Tweaked volume balance and other ambience parameters on the majority of base game and China Rising maps
-Improved the track vehicles wheel friction so vehicles don’t get stuck at relatively minor hills
-Fixed an issue with faulty zoom levels that occurred when using click to zoom in. While sprinting and zooming, will mess up the zoom levels, from hip to zoom.
-Improved boat physics and handling, including implementation of a system that lets players push stuck boats back in the water

Weapon tweaks
-THe SRS bolt action time has been tweaked and the rate of fire has been lowered
-The GOL bolt action time has been tweaked
-The muzzle velocity for the MP7 has been reduced
-The MTAR21 muzzle velocity has been reduced
-Updated the handling of the 1x scopes for Type95B1, A91, SteyrAug, SAR21, QBZ951, FAMAS, UTAS, MTAR, L85A2, and F2000
-Updated rate of fire for the RGP7 and NLAW
Wait, are they actually fixing something this time???

Hell, I might be able to play again, without constant server/client crash and really bad net code.

I won't hold my breath though.
Second assault is out on ps4 for non premiums. Just ordered it via the PS app at work and set it to download.
No doubt due to the ps4 being totally inadequate in this area I will have to download it manually when I get home.
In addition to what @ryanaldoblanco listed, there are some new knives: Dive, BJ-2, Tactical and Precision. That's 16 knives now. I only have five... I really want the Boot, Seal, Survival and Scout knives but no, I've got the horrendous Trench, Carbon Fibre and Shank plus the acceptable Machete and, of course, the Bayonet which is what I'm actually using. I'm hoping they add an actual boxcutter in a future DLC, that would be fun.
I want the Seal and Survival knives. In addition to those two, I lack the Boot knife. I was using the Scout, but I switched back to the Bayonet.
I only need 2 knives to complete the set. I don't really melee much though so I don't mind waiting for them. There's a new premium knife coming (think its the tactical) that looks just like a SOG. Looks pretty cool.

@Neema - we had a boxcutter in our veteran battlepacks. The ACB-90 :)
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It's very frustrating when the game seems to disregard most if not all of the bullets you fire.
I put 31 bullets in to the spine of an enemy, and got only 4 or so hit markers.

It's very frustrating when the game seems to disregard most if not all of the bullets you fire.
I put 31 bullets in to the spine of an enemy, and got only 4 or so hit markers.

EA is currently working on this and other netcode related issues as stated in the previous posts. It might also be caused by your Internet and how much "packets" you're losing (the symbol on the top right corner below BattleLog)
@Neema - we had a boxcutter in our veteran battlepacks. The ACB-90 :)

I haven't had my Veteran Battlepack yet... But yeah, I meant a proper, actual boxcutter, as a nod to the fact that the ACB-90 is known as such. Hmm, I wonder if I should've gotten my Vet pack yet? I'll check some other PC-playing veterans' accounts I suppose.
EA is currently working on this and other netcode related issues as stated in the previous posts. It might also be caused by your Internet and how much "packets" you're losing (the symbol on the top right corner below BattleLog)

I wonder if they can fix it before my PS3 dies :lol: (BlueRay laser is dying) But that is really frustrating. Most of the times I don't have a problem but in small maps I see it more regularly. Specially frustrating if the guy turns around and kills you immediately. Though 1 or 2 times a month I walk into someone who can't kill me. I can't kill him either, only with the knife.

@neema_t , I don't know how or why I got my veteran battlepack. I just got it... Not complaining though :lol:
It's very frustrating when the game seems to disregard most if not all of the bullets you fire.
I put 31 bullets in to the spine of an enemy, and got only 4 or so hit markers.


It really does suck, I experience this way too often. Sitting at 4 moths after launch you would assume that a fix would have been released.
Once in awhile, I will hit a enemy with a single shot in Hardcore. But their HP will be at 0 percent...
I hate that the REX and .44 have a fire delay on them.

Pull trigger...

Go do something productive....

Return a few moments later....

For those who are playing on PS3:
When your PS3 freezes DO NOT turn it back on! It's probably too hot or too tired. Give it a few minutes before turning it back on! I think playing BF4 caused my old PS3 to die!
Thanks for the heads up.
I'm still running on my old 40GB fatty.
Been playing quite on my own lately as most of my BF4 Friends have moved to the PS4. So this is actually a call out for any EU guys still on PS3, feel free to add me. I'm mostly playing Whatever on hardcore. Theminimap is too distracting for me and you need less shots to take out opponents. :sly:
For those who are playing on PS3:
When your PS3 freezes DO NOT turn it back on! It's probably too hot or too tired. Give it a few minutes before turning it back on! I think playing BF4 caused my old PS3 to die!

Mine's is a 160GB Slim model and yes, I've been having freezing issues like everyone else.
Thanks for the heads up about the tip!
For those who are playing on PS3:
When your PS3 freezes DO NOT turn it back on! It's probably too hot or too tired. Give it a few minutes before turning it back on! I think playing BF4 caused my old PS3 to die!
Not necessarily. PS3 will automatically shut off if it overheats.

BF4 on PS3 is the worst for freezing. I had to abandon it before I got my PS4 because it continuously froze between matches WHILE saving. Because of that happening, every so often I'll get an error trying to start a game on PS3 now because of BF4's issues.
For those who are playing on PS3:
When your PS3 freezes DO NOT turn it back on! It's probably too hot or too tired. Give it a few minutes before turning it back on! I think playing BF4 caused my old PS3 to die!

No. It has nothing to do with the PS3. bF4 freezes like crazy on that console. I can play my ps3 for hours and hours on gt6 then the next day fire it up for bf4 and in the first 2 minutes get a hard freeze. Just a bad game for that console.
Knocking on wood here but I seems to have less issues with PS3 freezes and BF4. Not in the beginning though, more after the latest patches.
I've been playing 3 to 4 hours every evening for the last two weeks and maybe, IIRC, had only one freeze.
Like mentioned before I still have my old 40GB fatty running, upgraded with a 100GB HDD.
Going through the campaign to knock out some trophies. Ended up getting stuck in the geometry on the Titan.

Right at a checkpoint. :ouch:
Played BF4 on my brothers X1 over the weekend and was surprised that graphically it actually looked quite a bit worse than the 360 version of BF3. Especially the landscaping, trees, and scenery. I am usually not too picky on graphics but I was quite surprised to see it graphically worse than the 360. I understand it has 64 players compared to 24 so I am sure that is a huge part of the problem. Gameplay was fun and that is the most important part.
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After not playing for two weeks, I decided to jump in yesterday. It started out rough. My aim and reactions were off and slow. I also thought I would give toggle to aim a try because I have read that is what many of the better players do. Well my aim and reactions came back fairly quickly. The toggle to aim is somewhat coming along, but I am still adapting. I have noticed that I seem to put rounds on target a bit more consistently with the toggle. However, it has caught me out in close quarters on a few occasions.

On a different topic, I unlocked the AWS. The AWS is pretty awesome. It reminds me of the M27 in Battlefield 3, except with a larger magazine. It is nice to have a more mobile light machine gun. I may actually play Support a bit more often now.

Before I stopped playing for two weeks, I had been using the SCAR-H and ACE 52 pretty much exclusively because I liked the harder hitting 7.62 NATO rounds. Well yesterday, I gave the SCAR-H some run and struggled with the weapon. It did not help that I used it after using the bullet sprayer AWS. I switched it up to the ACE 23 and pretty much instantly played better. Guess I should maybe stick to the smaller caliber weapons.
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I played BF4 on the PS4 for the first time at my friend's house last weekend. All I have to say is: damn! The graphics and the overall feel is so much better.
The aim assist jumps around in close quarters because it doesn't stick to just one soldier if there are multiple near you.

There is no aim assist on PC. Aim assist would be incredibly annoying while using a mouse, especially since all of the small adjustments that aim assist makes, can easily be done with a mouse.
Downloading naval strike now, Been some reports of PS4s bricking while playing this DLC. 2 or so people isn't much but still worrying.