Beater or Sleeper? FH3 Edition! Thanks for coming.

  • Thread starter Obelisk
So the Terradyne Gurkha, built like a brick outhouse and weighs as much as Fort Knox. ( which incidentally is where the inspiration for the nickname of my 3 Gurkhas came from. :P)

In stock form it's no enthiusant machine, but you won't have to worry much about anything slowing you down much.

Now when you throw some money and parts at it, it becomes quite literally the biggest Sleeper in Horizon. :D

My B class version has a maxed(or near maxed) out version of the stock turbo diesel V8, over 900hp and a mind numbing 2035 ft/lbs of torque IIRC. :eek:

Still has stock tyre compound but handles absurdly well all things considered.

My 2 A Class machines are packing the V12 engine, The 4wd off-roader at over 1300hp and my Rwd tarmac focused at over 1500hp. :drool:

The brilliance of the Gurkhas ability comes from its absurd weight pushing the tyres down so traction is incredible for its size.

Need more convincing?


That was taken awhile back and it was on one of the Byron Bay Cross Country events and yes, that is the Global leaderboards for that track in A class. :lol:

I decided after that to design a livery for it, I'm no Van Gogh so I used humour as my basis.

Painted it Gold chrome, slapped a few Apex Racing stickers I made on it and then put my rear mounted joke on the back, the words Keep Up!!! in big black letters. :sly:

The nickname I called the design was I still think a stroke of genius, Using the Gurkhas heavily armoured construction and the gold finish as the basis and combining it with how some people pronounce Forza as Fortza, I dubbed the paint job, 'Fort-za Knox'. ;)

So yeah, in stock form it probably is a Beater, But tuned?

Well the results speak for themselves. 👍
The Gurkha in stock form doesn't so much accelerate as gather momentum. Eventually, it has enough momentum built up that it just plows through everything. There's so much mass to this thing, I'm surprised it doesn't have an event horizon. Despite it's decidedly non-sporting performance, I have a soft spot for it. It's fun getting the old girl to lift her skirts and just stomp all over everything in her path. My only complaint with the route for this race was it was a little too straight and a little too short.
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Hi guys. So minor change - I'm going to be moving the announcements to Tuesdays as it'll work better for me. I've been pretty late because of stupid college stuff on Sundays.

Announcement will be later tonight.
Mooooving on.

Let's make this brief, like the TT route.

Congrats, @FastBud!
FastBud: 55.120
Populuxe Cowboy: 55.653
PJTierney: 55.653
SLP950: 55.887
Obelisk: 59.090

To recognize that we have new people in here sometimes...

This week's car choice goes to...

Congrats, @FastBud!

:grumpy: FastBud gave me nothing I could snark on. You lot are getting too genre-savvy.

This week's car is...


It's the 1995 Ferrari F50!

But something interesting happened today. A new car was given life. A new name, a new face. As such, we will celebrate it by subjecting it to the rigors of this thread. It's the...


It's the 2017 Tamo Racemo!

This week's time trials will both be conducted on Skyline View Circuit in Surfer's Paradise!
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I'm glad you included the Tamo Racemo. I am loving the heck out of this car. By a crazy coincidence, I raced it at the Skyline View Circuit in rivals mode several times before you posted that as the race course. It's a fun circuit and well suited to the Racemo.
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I gave the Racemo a spin tonight. You have to really try to disturb the balance of it, it flies through corners real nice. As stated the selected track feels perfect for it and the cars handling really shines on it. My complaints about the car is mostly about the transmission being way too long for the power the car is making. Going all out on a long road it barely reaches 5th gear, and the power band pretty narrow naturally so 5th and 6th are pretty useless. Also don't care for the open differential.


After running around the track for about an hour my best time I was able to pull is 1:12:736
Forza Horizon 3 3_9_2017 12_57_32 AM.png
Tamo Racemo is a new name, that have instantly catched my attention, so sorry Ferrari, next time!:lol:
Have tried a lot of laps with it - engine not very powerful, so it needs to be kept in power band out of corners. The track selection fits perfect for this car.👍


Embarrassed or not, here are my times. First, the Tamo.

This gets a sleeper rating simply because I didn't even know it existed before this week. It's incredibly fun. Lightweight, small but willing engine. This is the stuff that sport car dreams are made of.

Now the F50.

I'm rating this one a beater. Not because it's a bad car. Not at all, but it's downright boring after the fun of the Tamo. Yes, a legendary Ferrari supercar with about a billion times more power and speed is a let down compared to a tiny underpowered Indian upstart.
Decided on just dealing with the F50 for this week. :)

The often overlooked one of all the anniversary cars that Ferrari has built to date, the F40 is a Icon, the F60( better known as the Enzo Ferrari.) and the F70( better known as the LaFerrari.) will also be Icons I have no doubt.

But the F50 is the odd one out, it's not the one you instantly think of when you think of classic Ferrari, yet it was built to celebrate Ferrari's 50th anniversary and it's not as popular as the others.

Perhaps it's down to not being that much faster than its predecessor the F40 and not being a runaway success that the F40 was.

But that's not to say it's terrible, it's V12 will rev to near 9000 rpm and it'll be a very capable S Class grip car, but priced at 2 million which is 800k more than the F40 and 500k more than the LaFerrari makes it hard to justify it as a purchase for any other reason than to complete your car collection.

It's a Beater because it's out valued by its predecessor and the more recent successor. 👎

And last but not least, the lap time. ;)

Decided on just dealing with the F50 for this week. :)

The often overlooked one of all the anniversary cars that Ferrari has built to date, the F40 is a Icon, the F60( better known as the Enzo Ferrari.) and the F70( better known as the LaFerrari.) will also be Icons I have no doubt.

But the F50 is the odd one out, it's not the one you instantly think of when you think of classic Ferrari, yet it was built to celebrate Ferrari's 50th anniversary and it's not as popular as the others.

Perhaps it's down to not being that much faster than its predecessor the F40 and not being a runaway success that the F40 was.

But that's not to say it's terrible, it's V12 will rev to near 9000 rpm and it'll be a very capable S Class grip car, but priced at 2 million which is 800k more than the F40 and 500k more than the LaFerrari makes it hard to justify it as a purchase for any other reason than to complete your car collection.

It's a Beater because it's out valued by its predecessor and the more recent successor. 👎

And last but not least, the lap time. ;)

View attachment 634013

Nice time, may have my work cut out catching that time :D
The Tamo: a fun, fast little funky sports car. Good balance of power and handling, a definite sleeper in the C class. Best lap time was 1:12:739. It's definitely an "inertia" car, where you have to make as smooth and minute steering, braking and throttle inputs as possible to eek the best time possible. Very fun and rewarding.

The F50: Driving this thing took me back to the days of old-school arcade driving games, as it seems like every one from my childhood featured the swoopy and outlandish Ferrari, always in red. It has a lot of power, and a reasonable level of grip, and in some ways requires a similar driving style to the Tamo in that getting too aggressive renders poor responses by the Italian stallion. That being said, it just didn't feel as fun and rewarding as the little Indian upstart. My best lap time was a 1:05:465 and for me it's a disappointing beater.
Not many people gave the F50 any love. Shame on you lot.

So, standings.

Congrats, @Serdj and @Vic Reign93!
Where is that engineer when you need him?
Serdj: 1:11.972
Bastet: 1:12.736
SLP950: 1;12.739
Populuxe Cowboy: 1:14.875
Vic Reign93: 1:02.663
SLP950: 1:05.465
Populuxe Cowboy: 1:07.134

Our winner did not reply this week, so I'll have to find something for you guys...

[An hour later...]


Courtesy of Turn 10/Playground Games.
It's the 1992 Alfa Romeo 155 Q4!

And...It has a preset!

Stock Alfa 155 will be run at North Plains Sprint in Yarra Valley and the DTM Preset variant will be run at City Tour Sprint in Surfer's Paradise!

I'll be impressed if anyone makes it to the finish in either event. Alfa Romeos are known for breaking down.

Also, tagging @SlipZtrEm because I think he needs a little more fun in his life. :lol:
I keep meaning to do these. The 155 is definitely the gateway for me. My favourite Alfa, maybe of all time.
I keep meaning to do these. The 155 is definitely the gateway for me. My favourite Alfa, maybe of all time.
The classic Giulia Sprint coupe of the '60/'70s has always been my favorite, but honestly, is there a bad one? Even at their most Fiat-y, they're still wonderfully entertaining and inspiring cars. This will be a fun week driving the 155.
I only ran a couple times on each course, but I gotta say this little Alfa caught me by surprise. Major sleeper. I couldn't believe how neutral the handling was for the stock version, and how much grip and off-the-line acceleration the tuned model had! Plus the sound of the tuned version is just beautiful and weird, like if the Archangel Michael's angel dog had a cold and was constantly sneezing and clearing it's throat.

I'm definitely going to play around with the 155 in a few classes, because even if it's not the fastest it is very enjoyable. Times:
Stock: 3:25:005
Preset: 2:07:694
I, uh...

Wow. People are kinda absent this week. Everyone must be having fun with their day to day lives, huh?

Anyways, Standings...Wait, @SLP950, did you read the track selection? I'm just wondering how the heck you ran a 3:25 on a one-minute circuit. That time will not be counted.

Congrats, @SLP950 and @Populuxe Cowboy!
Populuxe Cowboy: 1:14.975

SLP950: 2:07.694
Populuxe Cowboy: 2:51.805

And this week's winner is actually the guy I messaged last week.

@Bastet, you're late!

This still valid? If so, then how about the...


Something doesn't seem right here.
It's the 1992 Mitsubishi Galant VR4!

This week's time trial is at High Speed Desert Trail in the Outback!

[insert unoriginal closing joke]
I is confused but I still had fun in the Alfa so thanks for that! I added some more power to get it to the top of C Class but left everything else stock. Such a fun and well balanced car. Pretty sure I can put this in the top 100 of some rival leaderboards.

Another 90s sedan, mm mm good. Yes please. BTW, I have a B class tune of the Galant that's in the top 20 on Yarra Valley River Rush Cross Country, and probably would do quite well on some of the other long fast Cross Country and Scramble events. Check out my storefront or search SLP RIVALS BEAST in the tunes.
The cars are supposed to be completely stock (other than non-performance things like paint), right?