Beav and Ameer’s Joyride Crew [CLOSED]

  • Thread starter Ameer67
the last time we had a lobby lol
PSN ID: swara96
2. Age: 18
3. First name (optional): Pranav
4. Time zone: Eastern
5. What is the fine for speeding?: 50 dollars
6. Do you drive a car in real life?: Yes.
7. Are you interested in being a cop, racer, and/or a civilian?: Civilian, can be cop if needed.
8. Have you been in any other cruise club(s)?: I've been in Ameer's GT5 cruise club :)
9. How often do you plan on joining lobbies?: often
10. How did you end up on this thread?: Ameer!
11. Anything else you would like to share? Looking forward to cruising!