Beav and Ameer’s Joyride Crew [CLOSED]

  • Thread starter Ameer67
Allright first off, my TV just failed to display pitcures. Its shows just several corrupted lines but any other components such as sounds and inputs are okay. Most likely a display chip failure since my LG LCD TV is now almost 5 years old, like how my old fat PS3 suffers from chip failure resulting in YLOD. Might can join you guys if i can either borrow other TV or drag my PS3 to said TV.

Second, any rooms for later? French cars for respecting what happened recently.
Won't be able to join this weekend I'll be working today till 10:30 and then on Sunday I'll be at a car show in Bell Isle by Detroit.

If you haven't been living under a rock for the past 24 hours, you've most likely seen what has occurred in Paris: multiple shootings and bombings killing over 100 people. This is no doubt an act of evil but also an attack of mankind. To show our solidarity to the French, we will be hosting a group cruise.

Host: Ameer67
Date and Time: Saturday, 11/14/2015 at 4 PM Central. Maybe Sunday.
Location: Circuit de la Sarthe
Car type/theme: French (any color)
Horsepower: 700 max
Tires: Sports Soft or less
Tuning: Allowed
Notes: Don't be dumb.
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Sorry everyone but the room starts at 1:00 for me...:guilty:

I have things to do tomorrow at school (but hearing these news everywhere i go makes focusing on those school stuff much harder...). that time (11 PM), i guess i'm going to finish the stuff i'm currently doing so i might join...
hopefully my PS3 doesn't get YLOD every 10 freakin' minutes!!