Beav and Ameer’s Joyride Crew [CLOSED]

  • Thread starter Ameer67
The reason why I couldn't join lately is because of schools, exams, wrong timing for me (I can't just wake up at 1-3 AM for a lobby in a broken game) and the fact that my ps3 YLOD couple times every day...

It's sad to see this club gone, we all know things doesn't stay forever but still...

I remember joining a room back in February and thought it was really fun but sadly I couldn't really join until summer came which I had ton of fun cruising with you guys.

The fact that I have enjoyed cruising back in GT5 even with all the super rocket civics and redbulls...more than the last time I remember joining in any cruise lobby in the game makes me think that GT6 is a rather disappointing game...

And with couple games releasing right now on ps4, I'm just losing interest in playing GT6 (no Not all GT games, just GT6)...

Anyway, we should have some final moments if we are gonna close this...
Lol remember what @Smurfybug says:

Meanwhile... I feel like the reason why there has been a decrease in activity is because most of this group is around the 18/20 year old range and most of us have either gone to college or gone to the devil(Engineering major, don't mind me).
Meanwhile... I feel like the reason why there has been a decrease in activity is because most of this group is around the 18/20 year old range and most of us have either gone to college or gone to the devil(Engineering major, don't mind me).
Learning for Mid Test right here.