Besides GTPlanet, what other forums do you visit?

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Good because you're loyal, bad because you're addicted :P

WAIT! :P I just went through my history and I have 3 other forums! - 3 posts :scared: - 1 post :crazy: - 0 posts :P

It would appear that you are right, good sir :dopey: First two things I type into that browser bar every day are "g" and "t"
My classmate told me to have a look at the Record thread that they have there and he made a post for the Zone Mode so I had to defend my record :P.
I think that's the only other forum that I am (or will be) active in. I've only got about 12 posts on it though :lol:.
I want to get active in the Wipeout Forum though, it's an awesome game 👍

Edit: @ Sohn. I knew it :P
99.9% here.
Only other forum is forum audi for my audi needs.
It's hard to find good forums and soo time consuming. One good one is enough
Only gaming site I visit is

It's does have everything I need. Great community.

Others are real car related:

Most visited: (Mod)

Only when resourcing info:

And a few others I use to spy on the opposition. ;)
I actually havent been on too many forums. The ones I usually go to I see through to their death (that doesn't sell me the greatest huh?)

The first forum was a pokemon one, I got "recruited" if you will on the NetBattle application that you could fight against other people across the globe with. I stuck with them for a good few years. I'd provide a link but that died out a long long time ago.

The next one was during my Wrestling Intrest. I'd still go there now and again, but the fad died out with me and only a few faces post on the board. CDX Network

I have this one, and two others currently, A Samsung Galaxy S forum (was needing help rooting my phone) and one for NASCAR The Game, but I get blasted for making a paint scheme that is original and neat and someone who throws 7 odd shapes together gets branded as a hero. Yeah, like Im going to stay there.

I'm currently on the look out for a forum to write up stories onto. I know my spelling and grammer is terrible, but the ADHD definatly throws up some intresting things now and again.