Besides GTPlanet, what other forums do you visit?

I lurk around the AudioKarma forums on and off. There's quite a bit of quality information and discussion that goes on there - eventually I'll stop being lazy and make myself an account. :)
This was the first forum I actually used. I can't stand the lack of proper English on other forums. That is what keeps me coming back here.
The Sixth Nation of Gamers - Small-ish Gaming Site. My friend recommended that I join. Probably the second most active forum I'm on (yet only 200 posts :P)
thatgamecompany - No one talks about Journey on GTP or SixthNation so I've gotta go there to rave about it :lol:
NZGamer - It's pretty inactive in the COD, Battlefield and Off-Topic section, so I mostly lurk.
NecessaryGaming - Another small gaming forum. NG is a machinima-like Youtube channel and I'm hoping to become a director there soon (just need to start making videos :P)
Majority of the time that I'm active at

Initial D World Forums
Cost Over
Tried going on the Battlelog forums but it's pretty dire imo. So I just stick to here :D

Is it as bad as the Battlefield 3/Bad Company forums? So much trolling on there, whining threads about "this & that is OP!!1!1!" Or 80 "Didn't read lol" GIFs or Scat porn. :grumpy:

IIRC There was no mods for a while, and when there was one active I'm pretty sure he couldn't ban anyone.
This was the first forum I actually used. I can't stand the lack of proper English on other forums. That is what keeps me coming back here.


Only other forum I went on to was Left because they banned me at 0 posts (really?!) because my username was inappropriate (TankAss95). I can't even mail someone because it keeps saying "You do not have permission to use this function on our website". Really? :lol:
I still go there and lurk around though.
They're obviously not that reasonable...but what were you expecting on a religion-based website?
They're obviously not that reasonable...but what were you expecting on a religion-based website?

Pretty cool discussion over there. Really smart atheists and theists alike. One of the few places on the net where you will find cool-headed debating. 👍
Majority of the time that I'm active at

You own a Lexus? :)

I also visit the Lexusownersclub - I have a username, but I never post. I just always have a nosy around on my phone when I have a question and it already appears to be asked there.