Best all around car.

Originally posted by FuryX21

Let me guess. Was the driver of the light blue car, by any chance, wearing a yellow helmet? ;)

I have to agree with the 2 previous posts. Playing through the races and tuning cars to be equally competitive cars makes the game a lot more challenging and overall more fun to me. Like for instance, on one of the races for the Polyphony Digital Cup, I used a Honda S2000 against the likes of the Acura NSX Type-R and the Nissan Z. That was one heckuva battle I had!!

I actually didnt even get the chance to see his helmet. he was way ahead of me, and i was in 2nd place! although i probably should have watched the replay, i was so pissed off i didnt bother :D
Originally posted by coffeepot
Oh deffinitely, I agree with that and thouroughly enjoy racing the F-1 cars, I was just leaning toward the fact that unmatched racing saps the fun or thrill out of the game.
Cause personally I love flying around in the F-1's, . . .with other F-1's. You can really tear up some track with those. But I was drawn to the series way back in the day on account of I can rig up an everyday ride and race the crap out of it. Ya know, just regular old cars rippin up the track, that's what the draw was for me. No real super cars like Ferrari and Lambo's just normal rides, with almost unlimited tweeking ability.

You need to play Tokyo Extreme Racer Zero. That is what that game is ALL about. It's like, rice boy heaven. I found the controls to be a bit weird, and the track ... well it's just driving around Tokyo high ways. You can go really really fast, but it's mostly strait.

Originally posted by HUDSONJONES

i know about the f-1 cars, i just don't have one yet. i don't have any decent cars yet...*bursts out sobbing because all the cars he owns are total s#!t*
They must be a favourite of loads of people because they are the fastest and best handling cars in the game surely?? jw :D :D :D
The F1's are unbelievable - They seem to go round anything and stick like glue You wont be disappointed when you get one - I'd do it now if I were you jw :D :D :D
Originally posted by gran_turismo_bandit
i'll work on it. what's the easiest way to get one???

The easiest way is the Super Speedway endurance. its 150 miles, and takes around an hour to complete. but if your car can get to around 150mph you should have no problem winning. and if you dont ever pit (you dont really need to) you will have even more of a chance, since the computer always pits. if you get lucky, you will get the F090/s as a prize car. or you might get one of the other 3, i think they were a Corvette C5R,Viper GTSR Team Oreca, and i forget the other. a clio i think...dont exactly remember. i got the F090/s on my first time at this endurace. i've done it about 15 times since then, and only got 4 other F1's. good luck!
Originally posted by Angel O'Death

The easiest way is the Super Speedway endurance. its 150 miles, and takes around an hour to complete. but if your car can get to around 150mph you should have no problem winning. and if you dont ever pit (you dont really need to) you will have even more of a chance, since the computer always pits. if you get lucky, you will get the F090/s as a prize car. or you might get one of the other 3, i think they were a Corvette C5R,Viper GTSR Team Oreca, and i forget the other. a clio i think...dont exactly remember. i got the F090/s on my first time at this endurace. i've done it about 15 times since then, and only got 4 other F1's. good luck!

The prize cars for that race are" F090/S, Corvette C5r, Clio Racecar, and Tickford Falcon XR8 (worth 375,000cr)
Well I'm new here because I only got to play the game yesterday. I started in Gt mode and i bought a MAzda MX-5 (first car in GT2 as well) Since then I have won the sunday cup races and bought some upgrades for my MX5 now what should i do next ( do more races or pass the licence tests)
Originally posted by y2rich
Well I'm new here because I only got to play the game yesterday. I started in Gt mode and i bought a MAzda MX-5 (first car in GT2 as well) Since then I have won the sunday cup races and bought some upgrades for my MX5 now what should i do next ( do more races or pass the licence tests)

Both :)
I'm halfway through the B licence at the moment and I'll have to finish it tomorrow. Got 3 silvers and a bronze so far
Originally posted by gran_turismo_bandit
I want a F1 car...

I grabbed 4 of em... The 001 is superb but the 002 (The older turbo version) is not as good.

Just change the oil in the beginning before you drive her at all of the 001 and you get some extra 30 HP...

She bites the track like a leech and accelerates like a wild horse stamped in the a$$ with a hot iron !!! I wiped out all opponents in all the races I could ever use her. The Seattle enduro (40 laps) took only 41 mins and a little more to finish with her... The long bridge downhill straight serves great to step on it and reach speeds of 335 Kph before braking to turn the first right hand corner !!!

You are right to drool over one... Hope ya grab one soon.

Also try the Toyota GT-One if you could earn one. The Nissan R390 is also a good one. I ache for the Mazda B787 but still do not have the S license so I have no chance of earning one yet... One final suggestion though : Never touch any setting of the F1 or quote down whatever the defaults are before you go touching the setup of the car...
Should I bother spending 1,500,00 credits on the Tickford - I have saved up for it for ages but I'm having second thoughts now
Do you think Its worth it - If not what others do you recommend ???????????? jw :D :D :D
It's a solid car but not worth buying - you can win it at the Speedway Enduro.

Cars of that price are generally not worth buying (unless you really want them!) as you can win most of them.
I bought a Panoz Esperante for 2000000cr and I wish I hadn't, not only did I win it afterwards but it was total crap I couldn't win the races I wanted it for (FR races).

But if you really want to part with your hard earned cash I would suggest going for the Corvette C5R
Originally posted by jaw1
But I've got all these credits - what do you reckon is the best car to buy for that money ?? jw :D :D :D

Well, how far into the game are you? Are you looking for something to win professional races, or something to win amateur races?

The money can be used to buy something nice and tune the living daylights out of it - with that money, you can buy cars that conform to and should win the FF, FR, MR and 4WD championships at all three levels, thereby winning further cars. As an example, buy an NSX, do an oil change and buy superhard slicks, This car should win the Polyphony Digital cup (well, it did for me), and when you win that you'll win either the Escudo, an F1 car, the Toyota GT-One race car or the TVR Speed 12. All for an outlay of less than 100k!

Check out smokealot's car prize listing at, you should look at putting together cars that will win championships and win the cars you want - this will increase your percentage completed, win more cars and win more money!!

The money will become less and less of an issue as you progress.

I should tell you - I did what you're planning and bought the Tickford (hey, I'm Australian!). It's a nice car, but not worth 1.5 million credits....
I would save your dough. You can always use it to buy parts for the cars you do win. Plus, depending on how close to completing the game you are, you will want some cash to mess around with after the game is over, unless you have a game shark or something. :)
I can only echo what's been said already but you should be able to win what car you want,depending on how far you've got in the game.A car that's worth winning IMHO is the Toyota GT-One road car which can be won early on at the GT World Championship at the Amateur League level!!! :eek:
It can souped up quite a bit to over 1,000 HP which considering it's weight or lack of,is quite lovely. :burnout:
Well that's easy enough, the car you dont buy is the best car. But if you actually have to buy a car, go with the Nissan Skyline Pennzoil R34 and mod it.
I just bought a Zonda 12S but that car handles like... CRAP!!!! Which car is the best I can get? I have about 1.5 mil so money is not a problem. I would like a car that has atleast 350 hp. I want to finish the laps fast.

Pretty much anything decent with superhard slicks on it.

I don't have a Speed 12 but when this question's been asked a lot of people have pointed to this car.

I used an NSX Type S Zero on superhard slicks and won this very easily.
u know what really really really sucks?

I spent about 350,000 on the damn pos car and I saved it after the first session. So I have to either buy another car like the nsx. I didn't know that you could buy tires for the freakin cars so I have stock tires on the Zonda!!!! Im stuck with that. What to do!!
Originally posted by Dualtap
u know what really really really sucks?

I spent about 350,000 on the damn pos car and I saved it after the first session. So I have to either buy another car like the nsx. I didn't know that you could buy tires for the freakin cars so I have stock tires on the Zonda!!!! Im stuck with that. What to do!!

The tires are about the only modification you can do for the Digital Cup - depends what you've got in your garage. What ya got?
Originally posted by jaw1
But I've got all these credits - what do you reckon is the best car to buy for that money ?? jw :D :D :D

That's a good point!
If you already have plenty of credits, like over 3 million, what's the point of saving 1.5 million?!

I was in that position recently. I wanted my mate's R390 LM Race Car, but I started to hesitate spending 2 million, even though I've got 7 million in the bank lol. I'm never going to need it, 'cos I'm around 98% complete.

Still, Speedway Endurance doesn't take that long, so you could give it a couple of tries to see if you can win it.