Best GTR tune ?

  • Thread starter ///MFreak
Just get maf to beat him by 5 school buses and he will never be seen again lol

THEY WERE IN?!?!??!!?!?!??!??!!?!!? ARGHHH!!!! MAFS!!!! I TOLD YOU TO SEND ME A MESSAGE ON PSN!!! LDFHIASFHKFBKJAHSVKJHZXCVHSV!!!!! *rages and kills keyboard*

Edit: it's done.
GME - 3 ninjas - 0
Dr_slump - 1 ninja - 0

I know! I should have been there :grumpy:
And that my friends, is why you never mess with a grease monkey lol
THEY WERE IN?!?!??!!?!?!??!??!!?!!? ARGHHH!!!! MAFS!!!! I TOLD YOU TO SEND ME A MESSAGE ON PSN!!! LDFHIASFHKFBKJAHSVKJHZXCVHSV!!!!! *rages and kills keyboard*

Edit: it's done.
GME - 3 ninjas - 0
Dr_slump - 1 ninja - 0
Oi! :D :D :D
PS: 5min tune and I was missing 30hp.....
Can I just say something guys. I beat him with a car that was running only 745hp, had been bought less than 2 hours before the race and had some quick monkey tuning with a TUNNEL SETUP on the gearbox and suspension (thanks to my newest monkey cal for pointing me in the right direction with the suspension!! 👍 ) Because I'd never tuned a Cobra before I was nervous but GreenGiant and I absolutely walked over him by atleast 6 car lengths over the 1/4 mile.

His response in the chatbox: 🤬 MAN THAT QUICK!!

He got blasted by the entire room and when he pulled out the Veyron, OMG....that was an embarrassment in itself. Slump was atleast 20 lengths infront & I was atleast 25 lengths in front of that thing in the one time I decided to race Veyrons with him.

Like I say boys, we might not be THE fastest, but ONE OF the fastest so if you want to be the best you'll have to go through us along the way. :cool:

*added bit* Who likes my current user status?? :D
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Yeah, you acted like a complete tool online for two minutes, pulled out a Ferrari 330 P4 race car, started to do a lap and got kicked for that reason and if you want to dispute that, I can get Mastakilla who was in the room with me at that time.

Get a proper car next time for drag racing, we don't do laps at SSR7, we drag. Drag or get kicked.
Yeah, you acted like a complete tool online for two minutes, pulled out a Ferrari 330 P4 race car, started to do a lap and got kicked for that reason and if you want to dispute that, I can get Mastakilla who was in the room with me at that time.

Get a proper car next time for drag racing, we don't do laps at SSR7, we drag. Drag or get kicked.
Yeah, you acted like a complete tool online for two minutes, pulled out a Ferrari 330 P4 race car, started to do a lap and got kicked for that reason and if you want to dispute that, I can get Mastakilla who was in the room with me at that time.

Get a proper car next time for drag racing, we don't do laps at SSR7, we drag. Drag or get kicked.
3 and a half actually, I was going to drag but I guess you were to scared of getting beat by a 20 mill car :D
Don't trip on the blue cord big homie.
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3 and a half actually, i was going to drag but i guess you were to scared of getting beat by a 20 mill car :D

Oh please, that thing would get whipped by every tune I have over 700hp.

dont trip on the blue cord big homie

Why is it that I have to deal with people that talk like they've crawled out of the abortion bucket?? :irked:

Seriously, don't bother posting anymore dude, I've got no more patience for you or your boyfriend. Besides, your posts make our IQ's go down 10 points every time we read them and if I have to deal with your stupid comments again, I'll let the moderators deal with it (as they have already cleaning up the first argument you started with us).
I'm :lol:'ing at some parts and :rolleyes:'ing at others.

First off, 69Yenko. You lost against the boys, therefore you aren't in my league. Why would the BOSS come to race against some plebs when his employees have already taken them to school with the most basic of GME tunes we produce. d2 smashed you both with a car with less hp and more weight and cooldude destroyed you too with Big-Shady witnessing both occasions. You then straight out lied to me on PSN by saying you beat d2 by a length and only lost to cooldude on a best of 3 due to him jumping the start and then ran your mouth to the point of stupidity. I've currently got you both blocked on PSN because I got sick of responding to your 🤬, plain and simple. You seriously think I'm going to deal with people like who act like you two ninja boys do, on PSN and on here?? Pah. If the boys want to spank you senseless, they can but I'm not going to waste my time on you because you're not even worth it to me.

Now, regarding the whole "GME thinks they are the best" issue, we don't claim we are THE best. I actually think that honour goes to ProSpeed at the SSR7 tunnel at the moment. We are up there as ONE OF THE FASTEST, NOT THE FASTEST. I have full respect for teams such as ProSpeed, DoggPound, Wolfpack, LightsOut, Redline, and heaps of individual tuners such as yumadbroski, Dr.Slump, tt3_az, mastakilla, etc.

As for Deadlysinz beating me, I respect his tunes because they are fast. But don't get it twisted, because my cars are experimental guinea pigs 100% of the time, so if people do beat me then that's fine, because it gives ME information on what that particular tune does for the doesn't mean you're beating the best that GME produces, no no no. That's what makes us unique. We don't tune with eachother, we battle eachother to make our cars better for you. If one monkey admits defeat to the other monkey, then monkey 2 will give monkey 1 his tune, monkey 1 will adjust it again and then whip monkey 2 senseless, and vice versa. The rest of the world is a benchmark to test ourselves against while we battle eachother for monkey supremacy. :cool:


Annnd midnight and j5 aka the jets! Lol
3 and a half actually, i was going to drag but i guess you were to scared of getting beat by a 20 mill car :D
dont trip on the blue cord big homie
If you were going to drag, you would have done what everyone else did and drove to the tunnel, and dragged. Doing laps on a drag track does nothing other than potentially screw up other people's drag runs. And as if that wasn't bad enough, you then sealed your fate by using a race car when even someone like me with no drag experience at all learnt that race cars ARE NOT USED. You had that coming. Try using some common sense next time, it'll stop embarrassing episodes like this from occurring.
3 and a half actually, I was going to drag but I guess you were to scared of getting beat by a 20 mill car :D
Don't trip on the blue cord big homie.
Stop beeing cocky man, i repport you to moderators, you disturb us with your bs. You lost, thats it, nobody is going to rce you any more, ask me i know plenty of people that had to make a 2nd account just because they run their mouth to much. You wanna end up like that?
Stop beeing cocky man, i repport you to moderators, you disturb us with your bs. You lost, thats it, nobody is going to rce you any more, ask me i know plenty of people that had to make a 2nd account just because they run their mouth to much. You wanna end up like that?
He's already at the end. There's no more road ahead. This is where it stops. All those lies and jumping sides can only take you that far. You've blown it. Both you, and your friend.
That's where your wrong I dont care if you run your mouth's about me.
Your also wrong about people racing me, ALOT of people race me.
And your going to call me "cocky", if anyone's cocky it's Mafia boy how old is he, someone told me his 35.
35? shouldn't he be playing a different game like COD?
Oh and the other night he said to me "Yeah shut up d**k head your mum's a fanboy of GME" like come on really man if your 35 shouldn't you of learned some better lines then the "Your mum jokes". That's something most of you would expect me to say, thats because im 13. And this whole blue cord thing is he really that childish I no he knew what i meant, he started talking crap about my internet then someone said i was scamming off WiFi which is incorrect since i have a BLUE ETHERNET CORD (cable).
I respect that use are good friends of him and i could really tell that because i was having a normal conversation about the drags and i raced my viper that got beat by cool dude i think it was cause i havent bothered tuning it, all of you changed your mood towards me and started backing him up as soon as he jumped on the headset and started to rage at me for pretty much no reason, yes I admit I think I may have been a smart ass back to him.
Last time I was in the room he kicked me for not drag racing so this time I went in to drag and guess what he does “Yeah don’t trip on the blue cord” and kicks me… I don’t really care that much but seriously I was drag racing what he told me to do but I still get kicked, that’s pretty childish he didn’t even let me say my own come back but oh well im not going to hold a grudge.
That's where your wrong I dont care if you run your mouth's about me.
Your also wrong about people racing me, ALOT of people race me.
And your going to call me "cocky", if anyone's cocky it's Mafia boy how old is he, someone told me his 35.
35? shouldn't he be playing a different game like COD?
Oh and the other night he said to me "Yeah shut up d**k head your mum's a fanboy of GME" like come on really man if your 35 shouldn't you of learned some better lines then the "Your mum jokes". That's something most of you would expect me to say, thats because im 13. And this whole blue cord thing is he really that childish I no he knew what i meant, he started talking crap about my internet then someone said i was scamming off WiFi which is incorrect since i have a BLUE ETHERNET CORD (cable).
I respect that use are good friends of him and i could really tell that because i was having a normal conversation about the drags and i raced my viper that got beat by cool dude i think it was cause i havent bothered tuning it, all of you changed your mood towards me and started backing him up as soon as he jumped on the headset and started to rage at me for pretty much no reason, yes I admit I think I may have been a smart ass back to him.
Last time I was in the room he kicked me for not drag racing so this time I went in to drag and guess what he does “Yeah don’t trip on the blue cord” and kicks me… I don’t really care that much but seriously I was drag racing what he told me to do but I still get kicked, that’s pretty childish he didn’t even let me say my own come back but oh well im not going to hold a grudge.

:lol: Alright, I warned you boys before about airing dirty laundry on GTPlanet, that I would put up your PSN comments that you said to me first. Now that you've gone this way and started playing hardball that you think that I'll go over the top at you and get myself in trouble?? Wrong dude.

I noticed through that whole thing that you forgot to mention that you spun some absolute grade A 🤬 by saying that cooldude was a snitch and gave your boyfriend a GME Veyron tune. Let me tell you "boys" right now, none of my monkeys are stupid enough to give them to either of you. I've already made it clear in no uncertain terms that I would excommunicate that member out of GME if either of you ever got one of our tunes. Hell, I'd give you my Hybrid 2 gearbox and still know that you're atleast 10 carlengths behind me due to the fact I'm running a Hybrid 6 gearbox with a Hybrid 9 gearbox waiting in the wings to be installed which is another 5-6 lengths faster than my current Hybrid 6 tune.

Let's go this way. No more BS, you & me, in a room, now. I won't kick you tonight because I'm going to end this for good. You are going to feel the power of GME in a way that NO ONE has ever experienced before. All my tunes, all my current weapons at my disposal are going to destroy EVERY SINGLE ONE of your pissant cars tonight, no questions asked. I'll even give you 20 minutes to leach all the tunes you possibly can out of the GME thread before you get to the track, you'll need it because as your boyfriend already knows and you will know too, I'm not one to be 🤬 with. :mischievous:

:lol: Alright, I warned you boys before about airing dirty laundry on GTPlanet, that I would put up your PSN comments that you said to me first. Now that you've gone this way and started playing hardball that you think that I'll go over the top at you and get myself in trouble?? Wrong dude.

I noticed through that whole thing that you forgot to mention that you spun some absolute grade A 🤬 by saying that cooldude was a snitch and gave your boyfriend a GME Veyron tune. Let me tell you "boys" right now, none of my monkeys are stupid enough to give them to either of you. I've already made it clear in no uncertain terms that I would excommunicate that member out of GME if either of you ever got one of our tunes. Hell, I'd give you my Hybrid 2 gearbox and still know that you're atleast 10 carlengths behind me due to the fact I'm running a Hybrid 6 gearbox with a Hybrid 9 gearbox waiting in the wings to be installed which is another 5-6 lengths faster than my current Hybrid 6 tune.

Let's go this way. No more BS, you & me, in a room, now. I won't kick you tonight because I'm going to end this for good. You are going to feel the power of GME in a way that NO ONE has ever experienced before. All my tunes, all my current weapons at my disposal are going to destroy EVERY SINGLE ONE of your pissant cars tonight, no questions asked. I'll even give you 20 minutes to leach all the tunes you possibly can out of the GME thread before you get to the track, you'll need it because as your boyfriend already knows and you will know too, I'm not one to be 🤬 with. :mischievous:

SIR YES SIR!! *salutes* Just be quick, I'm not allowed on the PS3 today :lol:

P.S. is this like Mafiaboy 20% rant? Or barely 10%?
That's where your wrong I dont care if you run your mouth's about me.
Your also wrong about people racing me, ALOT of people race me.
And your going to call me "cocky", if anyone's cocky it's Mafia boy how old is he, someone told me his 35.
35? shouldn't he be playing a different game like COD?
A guy over 30 should play COD and not GT5? Makes no sense...... Everyone can have fun with GT5, doesn't matter how old he (or she) is.

Oh and the other night he said to me "Yeah shut up d**k head your mum's a fanboy of GME" like come on really man if your 35 shouldn't you of learned some better lines then the "Your mum jokes". That's something most of you would expect me to say, thats because im 13. And this whole blue cord thing is he really that childish I no he knew what i meant, he started talking crap about my internet then someone said i was scamming off WiFi which is incorrect since i have a BLUE ETHERNET CORD (cable).
Didn't you say that you give a 🤬 about Onboy, beause he's a fanboy? Or was it another guy?
I respect that use are good friends of him and i could really tell that because i was having a normal conversation about the drags and i raced my viper that got beat by cool dudedr_slump i think it was cause i havent bothered tuning it, all of you changed your mood towards me and started backing him up as soon as he jumped on the headset and started to rage at me for pretty much no reason, yes I admit I think I may have been a smart ass back to him.
Last time I was in the room he kicked me for not drag racing so this time I went in to drag and guess what he does “Yeah don’t trip on the blue cord” and kicks me… I don’t really care that much but seriously I was drag racing what he told me to do but I still get kicked, that’s pretty childish he didn’t even let me say my own come back but oh well im not going to hold a grudge.
I think everyone should keep a cool head (is that used in English?) and try to keep distance from each other until the situation has calmed down.
I'm cool as tonight. I'm not even going to talk to him and I'll have him on mute so I don't have to hear his crap. It's on. I just want to blast this noob out of the ballpark and really put him in his place.

Room is open now anyway, so join me ninja for the beatdown you're going to get and deserve.
I'm cool as tonight. I'm not even going to talk to him and I'll have him on mute so I don't have to hear his crap. It's on. I just want to blast this noob out of the ballpark and really put him in his place.

Room is open now anyway, so join me ninja for the beatdown you're going to get and deserve.
Tell me (as in POST HERE) when he's in. I'm so watching this unfold! :D
So this is how it is people and I'll make it clear.

ninja-thats-me is cool. :cool::D
ninja-thats-us (aka Yenko69) is not. :yuck:👎

ninja-thats-me actually has some decent cars. Not that I lost mind you, but I now have a new respect for ninja-thats-me. He has earned his stripes and the monkeys welcome him to racing with the others. 👍

As for thats-us, reap what you sow and I'll leave it be at that. You didn't want to race me, wanted to be a mouth again saying you'll stay on watch race, you get kicked.
So this is how it is people and I'll make it clear.

ninja-thats-me is cool. :cool::D
ninja-thats-us (aka Yenko69) is not. :yuck:👎

ninja-thats-me actually has some decent cars. Not that I lost mind you, but I now have a new respect for ninja-thats-me. He has earned his stripes and the monkeys welcome him to racing with the others. 👍

As for thats-us, reap what you sow and I'll leave it be at that. You didn't want to race me, wanted to be a mouth again saying you'll stay on watch race, you get kicked.
I could have been there, you know mafs?!?! I WANTED TO WATCH! WHY DIDN'T YOU HOLD THE RACE BACK!?!?
The weird thing is that it didn't end up being that way Onboy. All of it was solved with diplomacy and acted with swift dictatorship. :cool: We saw that ninja-thats-me was being polite and trying to talk to us normally and ninja-thats-us was running his mouth at Shady & myself while I had other witnesses in the room.

I'm done with dealing with you Yenko69/ninja-thats-us. I reckon thats-me is the quicker out of the two of you anyway and he's gained our respect, you've gained nothing. Your PSN plea of asking for a truce is rejected aswell.
The weird thing is that it didn't end up being that way Onboy. All of it was solved with diplomacy and acted with swift dictatorship. :cool: We saw that ninja-thats-me was being polite and trying to talk to us normally and ninja-thats-us was running his mouth at Shady & myself while I had other witnesses in the room.

I'm done with dealing with you Yenko69/ninja-thats-us. I reckon thats-me is the quicker out of the two of you anyway and he's gained our respect, you've gained nothing a new PSN account. Your PSN plea of asking for a truce is rejected aswell.
Oh…? So why then, when I asked you whether if the race was over or not, did you say it was? Did you guys race or was it just the G20 all over again?

And Yenko/thats-us did say that thats-me has the faster one. It's just that he's taken that step too far and used his mate as a shield to hide behind.
Oh…? So why then, when I asked you whether if the race was over or not, did you say it was? Did you guys race or was it just the G20 all over again?

No, we raced in quite a few cars and I said he actually has some decent cars a couple of posts ago. His 22B was actually quite fast off the line, I only got him because of my top end. His Viper was decent enough too. :) The other amusing thing is that he lives relatively local to me, literally a couple of hours drive at most from my house.

And Yenko/thats-us did say that thats-me has the faster one. It's just that he's taken that step too far and used his mate as a shield to hide behind.

Well, that's his issue that he needs to deal with. Anyway, all dealt with.....back to finding out who has the best GTR overall. :cool: