Best GTR tune ?

  • Thread starter ///MFreak
Me and Mafs were talking about it last night, He will get them easy lol! and the funny thing is the cobra is the only car they have to drag!:) He tried to beat my veyron on the 1/4 and it was an epic fail, not to mention my veyron is tunnel tuned lol. He also tried bringing out the Escudo, FAIL!:D
Was it fast though? With all that trash talking and stuff, I'd expect it to be pretty quick. Faster than most 'ordinary' tuned Cobras?
Me and Mafs were talking about it last night, He will get them easy lol! and the funny thing is the cobra is the only car they have to drag!:) He tried to beat my veyron on the 1/4 and it was an epic fail, not to mention my veyron is tunnel tuned lol. He also tried bringing out the Escudo, FAIL!:D

You should have threw me a pm when they went to Indy. I would have loved to beat them :grumpy: :lol:
thats bull **** ill even film the race ninja-thats-me beat the both of you last night i saw it i left when he raced mafia boy but he said he beat him aswell so stop mouthing off cause "your boys" back u up
Stop acting tough ok, nobody is backing me up and i know who i won against. If your not sure race me again. Ps Dont swear on gtplanet you'll get yourself a warning.
thats bull **** ill even film the race ninja-thats-me beat the both of you last night i saw it i left when he raced mafia boy but he said he beat him aswell so stop mouthing off cause "your boys" back u up
u mad cuz ubad bro? Learn where you belong, behind GME, Dalightning, dr_slump, TT3AZ. Hell, even behind those in the basic drag rooms. Because they don't talk crap about their cars being the fastest, and they have something you don't. modesty. Learn it. New word for you. M-O-D-E-S-T-Y, being everything you aren't.
Speaking of you, I think I need to get rid of you from the list of people that fail ninja was behind :lol:
Arrggghh! You saw it!
I thought it's too well hidden. Congrats Onboy!

Yessss! Onboy didn't see it! :D
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thats bull **** ill even film the race ninja-thats-me beat the both of you last night i saw it i left when he raced mafia boy but he said he beat him aswell so stop mouthing off cause "your boys" back u up
Well, even though racing by tree or time is an absurd way to clam who is the fastest, you can just race again. I have seen, that you need to do the run multiple times to really see who has the best tune, thats it. One race isnt enough, period!

Second, does it really matter who won? I mean, if you have been in gt5 drag community, you will see its far more complex to determine who is the faster one.

Third, you may have a fast cobra, but your mentality suck, nobody will give you respect..
Well, even though racing by tree or time is an absurd way to clam who is the fastest, you can just race again. I have seen, that you need to do the run multiple times to really see who has the best tune, thats it. One race isnt enough, period!

Second, does it really matter who won? I mean, if you have been in gt5 drag community, you will see its far more complex to determine who is the faster one.

Third, you may have a fast cobra, but your mentality suck, nobody will give you respect..

How come I agree with everything, and I mean every word, you say? All the time? :lol:

Especially that last bit. I just :lol:ed at that! You should join up with Mafs and be the GT5 Drag racing spokesperson!

Wait…does that mean my mentality is a bit crap too cuz I lashed out at him?
How come I agree with everything, and I mean every word, you say? All the time? :lol:

Especially that last bit. I just :lol:ed at that! You should join up with Mafs and be the GT5 Drag racing spokesperson!

Wait…does that mean my mentality is a bit crap too cuz I lashed out at him?
Well, i have played gt5 drag since day one, and i have observed all those joke ass things going on, so i know when something is out of order.

I dont have any problem with people running their mouths, but certain things, you shouldnt brag about.

This ninja guy, he cant be for real, a real tuner wouldnt express himself like that, because he knows what its all about...
This ninja guy, he cant be for real, a real tuner wouldnt express himself like that, because he knows what its all about...
Soo right...I bet you the only reason they've ever won a race is because they never ran against a proper drag tuned Cobra. Still, I know there are boundaries, so I'll go sleep now, and I'll be watching that race on Saturday. Best of 3, GME big 3 vs Ninja joke team.
Soo right...I bet you the only reason they've ever won a race is because they never ran against a proper drag tuned Cobra. Still, I know there are boundaries, so I'll go sleep now, and I'll be watching that race on Saturday. Best of 3, GME big 3 vs Ninja joke team.

Lol when on Saturday? I wanna come and watch :D
I don't have the fastest cars on GTP but I do have my fair share of wins and I don't go around bragging about it. Best way to earn respect is to shut up and do your thing.
I don't have the fastest cars on GTP but I do have my fair share of wins and I don't go around bragging about it. Best way to earn respect is to shut up and do your thing.


It's not bad to say your good, if you can back it up. But overdoing it and saying your the best, when you can't back it up is another matter entirely...

It's not bad to say your good, if you can back it up. But overdoing it and saying your the best, when you can't back it up is another matter entirely...

Exactly. No doubt I'm a good dragger, just not the best. You've got faster cars than me, I'll admit it, and other cars I have are faster than yours. Between us two, I'd say you've got a slight advantage over me.

Step 1 is to admit to yourself that your not the best.
Step 2 is to realize that there will always be better players than you.

Once you've got this covered, then do your stuff. Learn the basics. I know a lot of people that drag and know nothing about it....

I still have a lot to learn, and all the time in the world to learn it. But when isn't there something new to learn?
Exactly. No doubt I'm a good dragger, just not the best. You've got faster cars than me, I'll admit it, and other cars I have are faster than yours. Between us two, I'd say you've got a slight advantage over me.

Step 1 is to admit to yourself that your not the best.
Step 2 is to realize that there will always be better players than you.

Once you've got this covered, then do your stuff. Learn the basics. I know a lot of people that drag and know nothing about it....

I still have a lot to learn, and all the time in the world to learn it. But when isn't there something new to learn?

The only car you beat me was my ACR, which is now a lot faster. we should run again ;)

But yea, agree 100%. No matter who you are, there is some guy playing on Russian servers that lives and breathes GT5 dragging and will beat anyone he comes against. The sooner you realize that the sooner you will be enjoying GT5.

Well, if there would be a beef, im on iwins side ;)

Beef? I like beef! ;)

ok then if your just gonna sit there and lie about it rematch tonight and ill film it and after he beats you again ill post it on here and see how you try come up with another lie on how use flogged him i saw him beat u no need to lie cause your cobra rep is at stake
ok then if your just gonna sit there and lie about it rematch tonight and ill film it and after he beats you again ill post it on here and see how you try come up with another lie on how use flogged him i saw him beat u no need to lie cause your cobra rep is at stake

*yawn* anyone as bored of this guy as I am? I'm in a good mood today so I won't vent my anger on you. But it's about time you shut your trap. GME, for the sake of GTP and your pride, please go whoop his ass on the drag strip.

And hopefully I'll be there to see the race...
*yawn* anyone as bored of this guy as I am? I'm in a good mood today so I won't vent my anger on you. But it's about time you shut your trap. GME, for the sake of GTP and your pride, please go whoop his ass on the drag strip.

And hopefully I'll be there to see the race...
would you stop sucking up his 🤬 omg he won u wernt there id love for you to be there so maybe for once in your life you wont suck up to them d2 told me what you were all about
would you stop sucking up his 🤬 omg he won u wernt there id love for you to be there so maybe for once in your life you wont suck up to them d2 told me what you were all about
Would you start talking properly? I can't believe the mods haven't warned you about this. D2 told you all about me eh? Well did he tell you that I was also the owner of one of the 10 fastest Veyrons on SSR7? Or the fact I that I was once only half a car length from Mafiaboy? Oh, and didn't we just spend a page telling you not to run your bleeding mouth so much? You are the single most arrogant and ignorrant drag racer to ever show up here. Legitskillz is a better a person than you, and he's regarded as quite a thieving scumbag around here.

One more thing, even if GME did lose, neither me, nor anyone, anyone, would care. Because by the time word has spread, you'll be down to being the 4th and 5th fastest. Dalightning et al would have already surpassed you. I know they have already in terms of someone to be around.

Edit: Get your ass into the room, scumbags. It's up. And bring your little crybaby ninja friend with you, you'll never dare run your mouth again.
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ok then if your just gonna sit there and lie about it rematch tonight and ill film it and after he beats you again ill post it on here and see how you try come up with another lie on how use flogged him i saw him beat u no need to lie cause your cobra rep is at stake

Cobra rep at stake? I'm known for having fast everything mate I don't care about the cobra it's a toy on the race track. Let me brake my cobra in and we will race again because I don't want to embarrass you and beat you with a non broken in cobra, I'm not the fastest on the race track but alot of people know who I am and how fast i am . Now go and do your home work and shut up before you embarrass yourself ok?. Ps your not the fastest with a cobra so go and retune. Don't annoy me little boy, nothing you say or do will affect me.
I'm :lol:'ing at some parts and :rolleyes:'ing at others.

First off, 69Yenko. You lost against the boys, therefore you aren't in my league. Why would the BOSS come to race against some plebs when his employees have already taken them to school with the most basic of GME tunes we produce. d2 smashed you both with a car with less hp and more weight and cooldude destroyed you too with Big-Shady witnessing both occasions. You then straight out lied to me on PSN by saying you beat d2 by a length and only lost to cooldude on a best of 3 due to him jumping the start and then ran your mouth to the point of stupidity. I've currently got you both blocked on PSN because I got sick of responding to your 🤬, plain and simple. You seriously think I'm going to deal with people like who act like you two ninja boys do, on PSN and on here?? Pah. If the boys want to spank you senseless, they can but I'm not going to waste my time on you because you're not even worth it to me.

Now, regarding the whole "GME thinks they are the best" issue, we don't claim we are THE best. I actually think that honour goes to ProSpeed at the SSR7 tunnel at the moment. We are up there as ONE OF THE FASTEST, NOT THE FASTEST. I have full respect for teams such as ProSpeed, DoggPound, Wolfpack, LightsOut, Redline, and heaps of individual tuners such as yumadbroski, Dr.Slump, tt3_az, mastakilla, etc.

As for Deadlysinz beating me, I respect his tunes because they are fast. But don't get it twisted, because my cars are experimental guinea pigs 100% of the time, so if people do beat me then that's fine, because it gives ME information on what that particular tune does for the doesn't mean you're beating the best that GME produces, no no no. That's what makes us unique. We don't tune with eachother, we battle eachother to make our cars better for you. If one monkey admits defeat to the other monkey, then monkey 2 will give monkey 1 his tune, monkey 1 will adjust it again and then whip monkey 2 senseless, and vice versa. The rest of the world is a benchmark to test ourselves against while we battle eachother for monkey supremacy. :cool:

Yea, one. Not a fairy tale as such, but a request. Just kick the teeth out of them so they won't dare speak up again. Unblock them once, run a race with the Drag racing big guns watching, pummel them 'to oblivion' (to quote what you said earlier) and then let the word spread to finish them off. They are, after all, on the drag racing blacklist, right?