>>> Best/Worst/Oddest Car Names Ever <<<

  • Thread starter Rue
Nissan Terrano Regulus Vanette
Mitsubishi Hearty Run Dion
Daihatsu Move Naked F Sloper
Mitsubishi Chariot Grandis Earth Family
Suzuki Miki House Mr. Wagon
Toyota Tercel Shall We Join Us
Mitsubishi Large-sized Fuso Truck Super Great FU

These are presented as fact, but it's quite possible that the reporting journalist is just an idiot. I really want to belive they exist though.
Some of them are real like the Miki house Wagon MR and the Naked F Move, I don't see why he'd say some real ones and make he rest up. The Mitsubish Grandis is wrong though I think, there was press releases with the Mitsubishi Chariot Grandis in and a slogan Earth Family, but wasn't the name of the car.
The Nova (No Go in Spanish)... Mazda Laputa (prototype), means "The B*tch" in Spanish... and yes, the Nissan Moco, which means snot, booger... and worse, the car is green :yuck:

There used to be a Fiat called Tempra, which is also a brand of cough medicine in Venezuela, although not Japanese. But the prize goes to the Toyota Macho... which is like a shorter version of the Land Cruiser. That would be weird, I have a big, bad Macho at home... :crazy:
Some of them are real like the Miki house Wagon MR and the Naked F Move, I don't see why he'd say some real ones and make he rest up. The Mitsubish Grandis is wrong though I think, there was press releases with the Mitsubishi Chariot Grandis in and a slogan Earth Family, but wasn't the name of the car.
It's wagon MR? Not Mister Wagon? Damnit, of all the things to turn out rational, why did it have to be that.
I'll have to just live with the greatness of Mitsubishi Large-sized Fuso Truck Super Great FU then. :P
Honda Vamos Hobio Travel Dog anyone?


Volugrafo Bimbo
Isuzu GIGA 20 Light Dump
Mitsubishi Pistachio
Suzuki Cappucino
Nissan Prarie Joy
Toyota Deliboy
Toyota Toyopet
Honda That's
Nissan Pantry Boy
Mitsubishi Colt Galant GTO MR.

3 (or 4, depending on how you read it) cars in one.

Can we stick an Evolution or Tredia in there somehow?
And the Honda Jazz aka Honda Fit, when it was being considered for Finland the name was going to be changed to Fitta. What the Honda execs didn't know was that Fitta is slang for the female genitals in Finland.

ehh.. not quite but close :lol:
The Honda That's Turbo tops my list of fun car names, along with the Daihatsu Naked. Either the Japanese has really exciting names, or they make the names so long and informative they can be, ie. Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII MR FQ-340.

Either the Japanese has really exciting names, or they make the names so long and informative they can be, ie. Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII MR FQ-340.

Slight problem with that one is the name originated in the UK, the first part is all Japanese (Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII MR), but the addition of the last part (FQ-340) came from the MCC in the UK.

I does have a fuller name than that as well (unofficially, but MCC refuse to deny it what it means), which is....

Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII MR 'Flipping' Quick-340

...you do however need to swap the word Flipping for another beginning with F that the swear filter would remove and the AUP forbids the use of.


Longest I know of is the
Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R V-Spec II Nur
Let's compare.....
Subaru Impreze WRX Sti Type RS Spec C
You win! :(
Some new Japanese concepts...

Mitsubishi Scary Treehouse Sofa
Toyota Funny Whizz Computer
Daihatsu Road Ladder Sign
Nissan Ying Yang Hot Window

And the funniest one of all...

Toyota Supra

...weird stuff