Here's a recent one when I was breaking in the Dukes O Death.
After finishing it in bright orange and completed it with the Dixie Horn, I took it for a spin and tested its metal (Pun very much intended.

After body slamming some unfortunate LS citizens in their cars, I first went after someone delivering a car to Martins actual house, but was unable to catch up to them before they delivered it.
Undeterred, I parked up in the driveway and the guy came round front and ducked behind a tree, we both were expecting the other to start shooting so it was pretty tense for a moment until he walked past and got into his 811 and this is where it got fun.
After he got in and I tested the DOD's ramming power on player vehicles, he must of clicked on to what I was trying to do which was wreck his car and yet not kill him, so we holstered our weapons and had a back to basics car chase across downtown LS.
He had outright speed and handling, but a loose set of hands to tame it whilst I had stability, pushing power and a steady set of hands to launch the DOD at him every time he made a mistake.
After battering seven bells out of his car, we ended up near where the cheapest CEO office is and were pretty much calling it a draw when 2 players came in our direction, A CEO with a bodyguard delivering a Cheetah with the bodyguard driving a modified 9F, the 811 tears out of there while I decided to put the DOD's armour to the test.
They were heading for the cheapest vehicle warehouse and had no intentions of letting me get near the Cheetah so out came the stickies, first one launches me up but doesn't kill me, second one blows the hood off my car.
Just after this I rammed the 9F into a building and started to fire AP pistol rounds into the Cheetah, about a minute later we were approaching the Industrial area where the warehouse is and I knew I had to take him out then and there so when he slowed down to turn right, I didn't flinch.
Because the junction had a small, sharp incline on it when I hit him, it launched him quite high, like I just did the automotive equivalent of an uppercut.
After he crashed back down to earth and taking a 3rd sticky bomb, I shot the driver, rilddled the Cheetah with bullets, turned round to ram it again and got blown up by a 4th sticky bomb.
All wasn't in vain though, either the DOD blew up the Cheetah or I had done enough damage to it to make them decide it wasn't worth fixing and they torched it, plus they also paid for the DOD to get replaced.
CEO left a few minutes later and I was back in my DOD like nothing happened.
So in summary,
Strong points of the DOD: Pretty quick, can tank a few sticky bombs with upgraded armour and does a better job at bulldozing other cars than the Karuma.
Weak points: Drivers not as protected as in the Karuma, only seats two and if you're not a returning player, more expensive than the Karuma.
Still give it a 9/10 even if you just use it to bully NPC's off the road.
