BESTuners Mercedes SLR McLaren 03 Report
Driver: Duċk
Deep Forest Laptime: 108.182
DaimlerChrysler and McLaren Cars came together to make a car. A fast one. A luxurious one. Im talking about the Mercedes SLR McLaren. It has the plush material of a Merc, plus technology from the creators of the legendary McLaren F1. But youre probably wondering Whats all this technology youre talking about? Well, Ill tell you.
The engine is a supercharged 5.5 liter SOHC V8. And it pumps out a cartload of power. 626 HP and 575 ft-lb, to be exact. Now, youre probably thinking that state-of-the-art technology is in use in the engine, but its just an SL 55 engine completely optimized.
The SLRs tranny is different, too. Unlike other extremely expensive supercars out there like the Enzo or the Murciélago, its an automatic, a 5 speed no less. But it comes with 3 different modes: Sport, Supersport, and Race. Dont ask me what they do, though.
And the air brake. PD sure did pay lots of attention to the car. Whenever you brake at high speed (usually above 60 MPH), a little flap on the trunk comes up, and
helps you brake. Other games like Forza dont pay attention to this, so its refreshing to see that this car was modeled correctly.
Now, Im going to test this beauty of a car. No, Im going to tune it, and then test it.
The Good
With nearly 850 HP, you go
really, really fast. If there ever was a convertible version, the wind noise would be so loud youd go deaf after a 15 minute track run. This is probably another 300 MPH candidate. The engine sounds sweet, like honey. Its a high pitched whine, a good kind of whine, not the one from a 8-year-old brat.
The transmission seamlessly shifts in all gears, whether its a downshift to make the first corner at Deep Forest or its an upshift to reach 200 MPH at La Sarthe. It works well.
And the bad:
With S2s, sine theres a lack of downforce, it has a continual habit to understeer. Its hard to make it handle neutral, unless youll go half-throttle around the corner. I find myself repeatedly mashing and retracting the pedal a lot on most corners. With R4s, you have the same problem, but instead, you do the mashing and retracting a lot less. On Deep Forest, I could go full-throttle through half the corners, but I had to let off the throttle or go half-throttle through the other ones. Maybe thats why I got an abysmal time when a POS 15,000Cr Supra only went a second slower.
The braking isnt desirable, either. It takes longer to stop, and after the jump right after the start/finish line at Deep Forest, I had to immediately brake when I handed, so I wont go in the grass, and have little green marks on my 612,000Cr supercar. With other cars, I could wait at least a second after the landing, even if I was going 40 MPH faster.
Its definitely not the best bang for your buck. With 600k credits, I could get, say, 10 cars thatll match the SLRs DF laptime. But of course, everyone will be looking at your SLR, not the POS Supra. If you have tons of money to burn, I guess its worth a try, but if youre on a tight budget, dont get it.
The set-up:
SLR McLaren Set-up
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