Biggest lie ever?

  • Thread starter lemonsky
Then of course there's the Churchill quote:

"In war-time, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies."
And yet, are we not locked in perpetual war, even if only by politics, sanctions, drones, occupation, globally encircling bases and 3rd party proxy combat? If so, a regime of lies is not only justified but positively required.

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Theres tons of proof that it was a inside job, where the hell where the interceptors for a start! Why the hell did most movies and cartoons hint 9/11! Why does the AMERICAN DOLLAR have a 9/11 picture when you fold it!!!


That is the only response such an absurd post deserves.
Then we have to make the best of our dreams. What would it matter? Would we attain any new abilities or opportunities through such a realisation?
I fully agree we should make the best of our position in the hierarchies of consciousness. What does it matter? What does such a realization afford?
I guess it would mean that there literally would be no matter, only consciousness and time. We are beings primarily of consciousness. We are part of a systematic order. It is not random. There is a purpose to it all. That purpose is exactly what you said in the first place: to make the best of it, to actualize and fulfill our potential with experiences in the temporal realm of matter, the passing majesty of the seasons. Then, to pass the gateway into a higher order of consciousness.