- 1,986
- Ferrari_1996
My 1988 ticket for your level 22 ticket?
Ferrari_1996My 1988 ticket for your level 22 ticket?
I already have that 1988 ticket scheduled on 24th with someone.
Do you by any chance have another or more birthday ticket that I could pick?
Would you like a 1986 ticket?
I just got myself a 1965 ticket, which I'd like to trade you for a 1967 ticket.
Unfortunately, I'm not gonna be able to trade before the 4th or 5th of july, but feel free to add me to the queue.
Also, you might want to send me a message incase I forget about the trade - it could happen.
Okay, noted down on my scheduled book and dealt.
My 67 for your 65 on July 4th, 👍
Okay for you?
Yup 👍
I could trade a 04 for a 81 on july2 after reset
Hey nick, I have a few that you don't. I have available '69, '94, '98, '04, '06.
I'm available for trade on July 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, if you're interested.
Please send PM and let me know if that sounds ok and I will let you know what I would like from you. Thanks bud.
I have a 1990 ticket, one of those you're missing. Will u send a 1980 and a (Met) Chrome Orange chip? Im curious about this colour. If not, just the ticket is fine 👍
PM me plz if interested...
Hi mate, I would like to take just your :-
04 on July 9th
06 on July 10th
Is that okay for you?
1973 for a Level 22?
PM 'd.
I sent a 1994 tonight my 2004 got lost on me,on both psns, add mikeesf and I will send another ticket tomorrow a 69 90 93 or 06sorry for the screw up
I'd like your 42', 49', 58 & 76' so check my link in sig and pm if interested.....thanks
1973 for a Level 22?