BMW 2002 Racing Series (notice tire change)(Closed))

  • Thread starter EnzoDBR9
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I hope you meant 2:19-20 or you've got some illegal mods! :lol:

Haha, yes, I meant 2:19-20 ;) And by the damn fast times you set, we should be the ones asking you about illegal mods :lol:

I managed to get down to a low 2:18 tonight, and with a little more tuning/clean/fast driving I might make a 2:16 in a day or two.
What do you think about trying to ad a few drivers?

It isn't closed even though that is what the title says, I'm waiting on Enzo to make the change.

I will let tmoney645 field your question about qualification and how to get into the race. He basically is taking your qual times and then will put up a list of who is in.

Thanks - Jon
It isn't closed even though that is what the title says, I'm waiting on Enzo to make the change.

I will let tmoney645 field your question about qualification and how to get into the race. He basically is taking your qual times and then will put up a list of who is in.

Thanks - Jon

I'm in guys, please add me
Is this still open for new entries???? If so I would like to join. Was going to post a thread on a different forum asking if anyone wanted to start a 2002 series, but I don't need to now.
@Stig_RS6 & Nethereal

Yes, this series is still open. Welcome!


The qualification before the race really only serves a purpose if we have more than 16 drivers wishing to run a race. i.e- the 16 fastest get spots, the others get bumped. We can also use these submitted times to set grid order, but if everyone is cool with it we can just run a short qualifier before each race.
I prefer to use the submitted times for grid ordering because its a major bummer if you busted tail to get a fast lap, but then got placed way back in the pack because you messed up during qualification time. That said, I am open to suggestion. I will be testing grid ordering methods this week, Ranek's suggestions seams pretty good.

We will line up with the slowest qualifier in front and the rest in order, than complete a 1 lap race in this order.

With the start order set to "Reverse grid on previous results" (or whatever the exact wording is for that option), that should set the fastest driver to pole, 2nd fastest to 2nd, etc, etc.
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I am going to be online tonight, if anybody wants to run some practice just msg me and I will join you.
So I am guessing the race at Monza is still on for saturday? Hope so cause I am looking forward to it.
Race is still on afaik, tmoney will be running it. I'll be unavailable due to our local regions SCCA Awards Banquet that night.

Thanks - Jon
I will be very pushed for time tomorrow, I will be heading home at 9.00pm so if i get pulled over i will miss race, otherwise i should make it lol. But i will just start from the back, no worries i would have anyways!
Too anyone who has just joined up with us, please feel welcome to join us for the race tomorrow. Be sure to read the car specs in the first post carefully. I will post the room number here shortly before 8.30pm US CENTRAL, the race begins at 9.00pm sharp. Hope to see lots of you there!
Well my evening will be busy tomorrow, got two different series' races to do, one at 5pm and this one. Lots of fun this way.

Anyway, to anyone interested, I will have a room open for practice in about a half hour here, so 9pm EST (GMT-5). Feel free to come on in and practice. I will post the room number up when I open up the lobby.

Also, anyone that joins, please let me know if I am lagging at all. Got a few complaints last night about lag.

Practice room number is 1472-6118-3744-3750-3242
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Was away all week so no GT5 for me :(

Just took some laps for the qualifier for tomorrow's race. 2'13.505 will be my official qualifying time (unless we do a pre-race qualifier which is fine by me).

Ghost replay of the lap is attached:

View attachment
So are we submitting qualification times for this race or not? If so I should be able to set one in the next few hours. Have another race to attend first.
unfortunately i now may not be able to make this race tonight. just got done fighting a loosing battle with major lag issues and being booted out of the race lobby 4 times in half an hour for another series I am in, and then finding my main computer is all f-ed up. If possible, i would like to test my connection for lag and whatnot an hour beforehand if anyone has a lobby going for practice. post here if anyone will be on a while before the race.

I really want to get in on this race, but i don't want to be screwing others up if I'm lagging real bad.
We will be setting the grid in the pre-race qualification time. There are not more than 16 entries so pre-qualification is not required.
Room up


Sorry about the delay, we will give everyone a little more time to show up since I was late.
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hate to say it, but that race ended up a little lame. Egghead and myself stuck with it till the end, only the two of us there. Not sure what happened to Ranek, and I'm guessing t-money got booted.

I would like to suggest a redo of that race, being that it could be a lot of fun if we manage to get together for it. not sure what time or day would be good, but just a suggestion.
hate to say it, but that race ended up a little lame. Egghead and myself stuck with it till the end, only the two of us there. Not sure what happened to Ranek, and I'm guessing t-money got booted.

I would like to suggest a redo of that race, being that it could be a lot of fun if we manage to get together for it. not sure what time or day would be good, but just a suggestion.

I agree, that track has potential for some close battles with the strong draft of GT5 👍

Maybe Saturday nights aren't the best for race events either?

I also strongly feel that we need a new thread for this race that is created by one of the current race organizers, this one still shows "closed" in the title which isn't doing us any favours in filling this grid.

This car is really enjoyable to throw around, we just need some more cars on the grid :gtpflag:
Sorry about my drop, I have been getting dropped from GT5 online lately. I still have connection to the internet and PSN, but it boots me out for some reason. I agree that a redo is in order, I will go ahead and suggest tuesday night, same time? Let me know what you guys think. I will discuss the creation of a new thread with omaha.
Missed the "room up" post by literally 3 mins, stayed awake until 2:30am UK time but I'd been up since 6am. Hopefully next time.
Tuesday works for me.

As for the connection issues with the GT server, I think it might be related to something new that has been introduced, such as a new encoding method or something of that sort. During my problems earlier that evening, I went through the logs on my router and noticed the firewall blocking possible critical communication events between the server and my PS3. I have since opened up the router completely to my PS3, bypassing the firewall. After that I didn't have a single dropped connection.

Just seems strange that this is happening all of a sudden. Before this I didn't have any issues, along with many others I am reading about. So either something is wrong with the main server, or something has changed with the way information is transferred and its causing problems with people's routers.
I will be there Tuesday, I will be to every race unless working, I hate that I had to miss the last race .

But I must say eggheads right its time for a new thread if we can't get enzo to change the title , that title is keeping people away .
Sorry about disappearing guys. I had a long day before the race and I was just too tired to continue by about half way through. Not sure I'll be able to make the next races or not, as I'm going to be busy again during the weekends. Also, if the race day is moved to a week day, I won't be able to race unless the time is brought forward by a few hours.

If you could give me some quick pointers on how to allow my PS3 through the firewall completely, I would really appreciate it. My problems sounds exactly like you described yours.
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