BMW M4 Safety Car Coming To GT6

  • Thread starter cmbeal317
I tell you, on any tyre, the M4 is fast! I beat GTR NISMO by .5seconds around the RBR on SS tyres.

just did 2 laps each just now on SS tyres as I posted earlier. How's that not close?

Do it on RBR, SS, not Laguna Secs on CH.

My TT was before this info about this thread. I erase my TT when I get to eight. Try it. PD must not test these cars if this is the case.
just did 2 laps each just now on SS tyres as I posted earlier. How's that not close?

Do it on RBR, SS, not Laguna Secs on CH.
That's a 1 second difference to what you originally posted.
I was -.5. I just did these runs to show its not 5seconds. Look at the date and time. This was just now.

I found I beat my Nismo time using the M4 in a previous TT.
I was -.5. I just did these runs to show its not 5seconds. Look at the date and time. This was just now.

I found I beat my Nismo time using the M4 in a previous TT.
On a decent sized track, I will try tonight, and I guarantee there will be at least a 3 second difference. At the very, very least.
Why descent size? Use the track and tyres I used. That's the point. I know the GTR will smash the M4. But not by the numbers I got.

I didn't design the game. This is what I found.
Straight from the site:

As for why its exciting:

1. PD actually used their blog to detail an upcoming update
2. While you only see another duplicate, its another free car coming and its a tuned version of the car we have (you know, like the NISMO GT-R that people also bitched about nevermind the fact that it was actually different from the base car as opposed to just a different colored version with no difference apart from color)
3. If you've been in the Racing section, A lot of people love to use a pace car for their series
and for a while the old Skyline GT-R From GT Concept was the only thing they had.

I get it, this game isn't giving you the content you want as quickly as you want like every other sim is but I swear it seems you've become a broken record and repeat the same tune everytime something new comes. If you're so done with the game, why do you feel the need to announce that you don't like this everytime and then say You're done? If you're done, why do you care anymore?

Three weeks (not a month) is hardly crazy compared to the five years we had to wait for GT5. Its a 5 years we didn't need to have even I admit, but the wait for this is puny in comparison.
Using the excuse of "the same company has made us wait longer before so don't be complaining" is ridiculous. There is no need to wait at all.

When some of my free apps on my phone and tablets act up, I can expect an update THE NEXT DAY. With GT, it's lucky that it will ever be fixed within that years quarter. And this new hiring PD is doing.... How many spots is what is key, 5, 25, 55?? How many? Because not any of those numbers are gonna speed up PD.

This car is just another livery, with parts that could be added in GT Garage, like I said on the news post, a wasted feature..
I've ring lapped the Nismo and it's almost as fast as the LFA Nurb (Which is faster than most things I've thrown at the ring at 7:10.02), the M4 on the other hand runs at about 10 seconds lower.
I'm reading the article on Polyphony's Pitstop blog again and I noticed that there possibly could be new customization options introduced in the next update. Well, at least for the M4 Coupe.
Using the excuse of "the same company has made us wait longer before so don't be complaining" is ridiculous. There is no need to wait at all.

Except I didn't say that so don't shove BS in mouth. Love how you completely ignored the part where I acknowledged how unnecessary it was:

Three weeks (not a month) is hardly crazy compared to the five years we had to wait for GT5. Its a 5 years we didn't need to have even I admit, but the wait for this is puny in comparison.

I simply said three weeks is hardly crazy because I don't think its that "crazy" to wait compared to waiting 5 years (which is beyond any logical reason to delay a game). I get it, you're pissed but don't come shoving crap like that in mouth.
@RACECAR That's not the point....

The main issue is how the company itself release their products, not what you said. You said "but the wait for this is puny in comparison." It doesn't matter how long the wait is, anything like that especially with the #1 Sony game franchise is ridiculous. Everyone has every right to complain of such an issue, because where else do you see this happen (not including politics)? If I am paying someone for something, they better be giving me the product I pay for. And I shouldn't have to wait months on end for a promise they have still yet to show any progress on, or acknowledge it's been scrapped..

I could care less what I read over, the point is how poorly they implement change into their product, and disregard their consumers voices... The Kaz Q&A seemed to be just a total blow-over, and only acknowledged one to my recollection (if he openly included others please tell me).
A car we already have, but with lights on top. And people are excited about this because? We already have a pace car. It could have been premiumized, or better yet left alone. Any car can serve as a pace car. Does it really matter if it has a premium interior? The only cool thing I saw is the unlocking of the M4 which for some inexplicable reason was not done from the start.

Don't get me wrong, I have long subscribed to the belief that something is better than nothing, but where are the course maker, endurance races/B-Spec, and community features? I'm not counting on any of those things ever making it to GT6, but the one year anniversary seems about as good a time as any to follow through on promised "shortly after release" content that was used to help drive initial sales of the game.
A car we already have, but with lights on top. And people are excited about this because? We already have a pace car. It could have been premiumized, or better yet left alone. Any car can serve as a pace car. Does it really matter if it has a premium interior? The only cool thing I saw is the unlocking of the M4 which for some inexplicable reason was not done from the start.

Don't get me wrong, I have long subscribed to the belief that something is better than nothing, but where are the course maker, endurance races/B-Spec, and community features? I'm not counting on any of those things ever making it to GT6, but the one year anniversary seems about as good a time as any to follow through on promised "shortly after release" content that was used to help drive initial sales of the game.
Not much about the safety car itself, more about what else is coming in the update, if there is anything else coming.
@RACECAR That's not the point....

The main issue is how the company itself release their products, not what you said. You said "but the wait for this is puny in comparison." It doesn't matter how long the wait is, anything like that especially with the #1 Sony game franchise is ridiculous. Everyone has every right to complain of such an issue, because where else do you see this happen (not including politics)? If I am paying someone for something, they better be giving me the product I pay for. And I shouldn't have to wait months on end for a promise they have still yet to show any progress on, or acknowledge it's been scrapped..

Yet you attacked the post, seemingly indicating because of what I said. Again, I'm not saying that people should be happy they only have to wait this long (which is what you appeared to take issue with), I simply made an objective response on the waiting (which at this point, I don't even stress over anymore since I have other games and things to occupy me while I wait) but for some reason its been somehow interpreted that I'm telling someone they should by happy just to wait this long when its nothing more.

I could care less what I read over, the point is how poorly they implement change into their product, and disregard their consumers voices... The Kaz Q&A seemed to be just a total blow-over, and only acknowledged one to my recollection (if he openly included others please tell me).

Maybe you should so you can stop attacking me (or anyone else) in your anger at PD. Again, I get it. You are upset at the way things are being handled but attacking a post I made isn't going to help. I'm not the one who made this game or all this content nor am I the one handling the content the way its being handled, PD is. I don't need a whole page worth of ranting to tell me you or anyone else are upset at PD, I literally have a whole section and countless threads that already tell me this.
A car we already have, but with lights on top. And people are excited about this because?
Because it's the M performance package version, highlighted several times.
We already have a pace car. It could have been premiumized, or better yet left alone.
We have an outdated safety car. One of the big issues with GT6 is a lack of current cars.
Any car can serve as a pace car.
Bit like saying any supercar can "serve" as a GT3 car. It's fine if you have an imagination, but in the end you'd take the real thing.
Does it really matter if it has a premium interior?
Would you rather PD be adding more standards?
The only cool thing I saw is the unlocking of the M4 which for some inexplicable reason was not done from the start.
Because BMW. Look back to the C7 in GT5.
The only cool thing I saw is the unlocking of the M4 which for some inexplicable reason was not done from the start.
As in why customization wasn't unlocked from the start? Maybe because they weren't finish modeling everything?

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