• Thread starter dixonbaps
For those of you in the GT6 main section who are just joining us, here's a quick summary of what we've learned so far:

- After a car is driven around 350 miles, its handling and top speed are significantly reduced. Some users report their cars being rendered "undriveable" and their top speeds reduced by as much as 50 MPH. The body wear does not factor in lateral G-forces or crashes (ie. you can drive 350 miles straight on Route X without contact and still have the issue).

- Body rigidity repairs cost up to 500,000 credits depending on the car's price. One user claims that the rate of credits acquired from grinding is about the same as the credits spent on body rigidity.

- The most likely cause of the issue is that the mileage timers for oil changes and body rigidity have been mixed up. The oil life reportedly lasts multiple times longer than in GT5. Our objective is to make aware of this issue to the developers and hopefully get them to patch it by switching back the oil and chassis mileage timers.

EDIT: For your reference, I made that third statement based on this post:

It is kind of silly that my Mazda RX8 has around 950 miles on it but the oil is still good. The body though has warn out 3 times.

Super realistic this game.
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I havent experienced this. Much to the contrary my vision merc gained a couple mph right around 800 miles.

Handling maybe, dont know as my merc mostly goesin straight lines. :) the paint is starting to look blotchy though.

Should mention that I've never taken it in for tuneup. Maybe its a glitch bug with tuneups?
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For those of you in the GT6 main section who are just joining us, here's a quick summary of what we've learned so far:

- After a car is driven around 350 miles, its handling and top speed are significantly reduced. Some users report their cars being rendered "undriveable" and their top speeds reduced by as much as 50 MPH. The body wear does not factor in lateral G-forces or crashes (ie. you can drive 350 miles straight on Route X without contact and still have the issue).

- Body rigidity repairs cost up to 500,000 credits depending on the car's price. One user claims that the rate of credits acquired from grinding is about the same as the credits spent on body rigidity.

- The most likely cause of the issue is that the mileage timers for oil changes and body rigidity have been mixed up. The oil life reportedly lasts multiple times longer than in GT5. Our objective is to make aware of this issue to the developers and hopefully get them to patch it by switching back the oil and chassis mileage timers.

Good stuff, I'm glad the fanbase is making this known. I don't have a twitter but have people made Kaz aware of this?
Thank you for your persistant efforts. 👍 👍

Any suggestions for removal of the Body Rigidity Improvement I stupidly applied to my 15th Anniversary AMG Merc? that Credit-short time a few K for was less painful option than 250K for restoration...
...or submitting to micro-transaction extortion...
...but I found out the hard way that it is restoration or no-go.

It appears the handling is now borked on that wonderful car.
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- The most likely cause of the issue is that the mileage timers for oil changes and body rigidity have been mixed up. The oil life reportedly lasts multiple times longer than in GT5. Our objective is to make aware of this issue to the developers and hopefully get them to patch it by switching back the oil and chassis mileage timers.

I'm not so sure about this. My cars start to lose HP after about 200km of driving, which is fixed by an oil change. This is exactly the same as it was in GT5.
The whole maintenance feature/s are a busted afterthought anyway. Oil changes? Body rigidity? A car wash?

All this might be cool if there was an actual garage that was more than a screenshot where any of these things really mattered and felt like I was actually taking care of my car...

Something as long standing and could have been immersive just never really evolved.

If I'm wrong, sorry, then let's here your cool stories and experience from the GT auto center!

Any suggestions out there for removal of the Body Rigidity Improvement I stupidly applied to my 15th Anniversary AMG Merc. during my first encounter with the degradation gimmick?
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I'm not so sure about this. My cars start to lose HP after about 200km [124 miles] of driving, which is fixed by an oil change. This is exactly the same as it was in GT5.

FYI, I am basing my hypothesis on this recent post made in the thread:

It is kind of silly that my Mazda RX8 has around 950 miles on it but the oil is still good. The body though has warn out 3 times.

Super realistic this game.

That doesn't mean you are wrong Morph but I'm just using Jacob's quote as a reference. Anyone else have experience on oil life vs. chassis wear? I'm thinking it could vary for some users.
FYI, I am basing my hypothesis on this recent post made in the thread:

That doesn't mean you are wrong Morph but I'm just using Jacob's quote as a reference. Anyone else have experience on oil life vs. chassis wear? I'm thinking it could vary for some users.

I think what Jacob means, and that is also what I have seen, that the Pit Service screen will say that the oil is fine, even when hp loss has set in. This was also true in GT5; the game only considered the oil bad after much more hp had been lost.
However for us players every hp counts, so for us the oil is bad the moment any hp loss is apparent.
Of course the rigidity is going to deteriorate fast. We thrash the cars in the game, if you treated a in real life then same you treated a car in GT6, I am pretty sure the car will loose its rigidity pretty quickly. May be not as fast as GT6, but still pretty quick.
I posted something about this over at the GT forum on the Playstation Community to let others know......was told it's "normal".......are they serious? My oil should wear out faster than my body and if I paid for the body rigidity upgrade, my rigidity should last a little longer.
Of course the rigidity is going to deteriorate fast. We thrash the cars in the game, if you treated a in real life then same you treated a car in GT6, I am pretty sure the car will loose its rigidity pretty quickly. May be not as fast as GT6, but still pretty quick.
:lol: Depending how much you crash it right?

Cars aren't made of paper you know.
Of course the rigidity is going to deteriorate fast. We thrash the cars in the game, if you treated a in real life then same you treated a car in GT6, I am pretty sure the car will loose its rigidity pretty quickly. May be not as fast as GT6, but still pretty quick.

Problem here is that the body rigidity deterioration in GT6 is NOT related to car damage. No matter how lightly you treat any car, the wear rate is still the same. Users here have reported chassis deterioration after doing nothing but clean grinding at Route X.


Same problem here. Pit service said my GT-R Black Edition body rigidity is starting to deteriate. Just after something like 850 kilometers, mainly on Special Stage route X which doesn't have many corners...
This really cuts into the grind for credits. On SS X with the Veryon, you are wearing out your car at almost the same rate as gaining credits.
It doesn't matter what you do in a car, weather you bump it demolition derby style or touch nothing wile driving round Route X, so long as there is 350 miles added since last rigidity restore you will have to do rig restore again and again for every 350 miles or so.
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Agreed. I thought the body rigidity was about after racing Le Mans, but yeah, I think I do believe having to renew body rigidity every 300 miles for $500,000...I can't afford to keep spending $5 each time happens. (Instead, I "grind" with my NASCAR stock car, worth only $500,000, to earn $52,900 every four minutes and 7.5 miles; I wouldn't complain about my NASCAR stock car being affected by this issue as much as those LMPs...)
Had this crop up just short of 400 miles on my 106, cost to repair 6,000Cr, didn't notice the difference so much while getting to that kind of mileage but having made the repair noticed the difference straight away. The kind of credits being dished out for this repair is acceptable at the lower end and you would expect a larger cost incurred for the high end vehicle, but 500K is way excessive - unless of course the mileage before this happened was a hell of lot higher. I don't mind the lower payouts for the races in GT6, yes more worked needed to earn those credits which I'm in favour of but to give us small payouts with one hand and then attempt to snatch a massive chunk back so soon is wrong.

Does explain why there's no endurance races, your high end cars would be buggered a couple of hours into the event.
Does explain why there's no endurance races, your high end cars would be buggered a couple of hours into the event.

But so would the AI's? Surely?

Agreed. I thought the body rigidity was about after racing Le Mans, but yeah, I think I do believe having to renew body rigidity every 300 miles for $500,000...I can't afford to keep spending $5 each time happens. (Instead, I "grind" with my NASCAR stock car, worth only $500,000, to earn $52,900 every four minutes and 7.5 miles; I wouldn't complain about my NASCAR stock car being affected by this issue as much as those LMPs...)

This is crazy. Surely PD can't mean this is the way we're meant to play? Ahh, microtransactions.
Haven't noticed any "body rigidity" warnings yet ,but to be true I use /test lots of diffrent cars out of 55 owned,so I guess I haven't yet reach limits with none of them.

If this detoriation is originally planed as it is and is not a bug (which will be fixed) , then PD's intention in the 1st place was to have a sense of value cars have. Restoring "rigidity" cost proportional to cost of a car. If you're up to race in top cars , well prepare yourself to pay top money (I know they're ridiculous ammounts , but ) , not only for a car ,but also for keeping it fit. That leads to gameplay where people don't use automaticly "best" possible car , but something that is affordable and cheap to keep it running. If you look on the AI programming this time , It all makes sense , because no way you need fastest /best car to win. That will make all top cars kids ussually like to crash online , much more uselles / pricey to show off.

If thing is just a mistake , then I hope it will be patched .
Does explain why there's no endurance races, your high end cars would be buggered a couple of hours into the event.

But so would the AI's? Surely?
This is crazy. Surely PD can't mean this is the way we're meant to play? Ahh, microtransactions.

Maybe so, although I doubt it as does seem the AI get an advantage in some races, heard via someone else they noticed AI in cars where the PP was higher than the race restrictions.
Anyhow whether they did or didn't, 24 hour race or even 4 hour race were the body rigidty has gone to pot after about 2 hours is not a nice thought.
Yes that body rigidity thing sucks, but its not that bad.

My AMG now does 505kmh instead of 510 in like the wind, so what ?

I also have some other cars over 500km (350mile) and i feel no real difference in handling.

So no need to waste a few hundred k.

Still hope it is a bug an they will fix it.
Just don't makes sense that the rigidity is gone before the oil is old or the engine needs a overhaul.
Yes that body rigidity thing sucks, but its not that bad.

My AMG now does 505kmh instead of 510 in like the wind, so what ?

I also have some other cars over 500km (350mile) and i feel no real difference in handling.

So no need to waste a few hundred k.

Still hope it is a bug an they will fix it.
Just don't makes sense that the rigidity is gone before the oil is old or the engine needs a overhaul.

My Bentley Speed 8 loses loads of handling as well as speed to the point that it's undrivable. I have tried to get round the Nordschliefe in "Like the Wind" with my suspension shot and all it does is crash at every other corner. That's not good when you're being chased and passed by a BMW V12 and a Jaguar XJ-13 with little hope of catching them back up because you can't get the speed or handling you need.
Too bad the new update didn't fix this issue as it will definitely make you pay attention to how you drive and which cars you will use to grind for credits......perhaps having duplicate cars would be an answer or having some "banked" cars to pad the account.....
Just got it on my first race car (Z4 GT3), so far had only street cars with over 350 miles.

So i did a race with it again that i just did 2h before (IA GT3 Nürb. GP).

Honestly could not feel any difference and improved my personal best time from the race before by half a sec.
to 1:59.4xx

(Did not do the rigidity improvement or any other tuning on it)
Haha and then the "PD just did it because they wants us to appreciate the value of cars" argument was born :lol:
Too bad the new update didn't fix this issue as it will definitely make you pay attention to how you drive and which cars you will use to grind for credits......perhaps having duplicate cars would be an answer or having some "banked" cars to pad the account.....
Did you hear about the [possiblity of]6,000,000 CR bonus Seasonal special event set to debute on 20 Dec 2013?