• Thread starter dixonbaps
I don't see how the restores and oil services add anything to the game. They're just a giant waste of time and cash :(. Why PD persist with them and stupid things like driving on the moon when the Clutch doesn't work and the sounds still aren't great is beyond me... Each to their own I guess. Still really enjoying the game but disappointed to read the above.
IMO they give a sense of ownership over your cars which is missing in many racing games. In Grid 2 I never got the feeling of "owning" the cars I use, they could have been rented too. In GT5 I really cared for my cars, bringing them for regular oil changes and car washs to keep their performance up.

F1 cars aren't using road tires. They're using racing slicks that are specially designed to wear out in a relatively short amount of time so that F1 can manufacture pit stops and strategy.

I miss the bridgestone years with indestructible tires.
Same problem here. Pit service said my GT-R Black Edition body rigidity is starting to deteriate. Just after something like 850 kilometers, mainly on Special Stage route X which doesn't have many corners...
After reading this whole thread, I'm realizing that this exaggerated chassis-wear is definitely a game-breaking bug/feature, and quite possibly the single most significant issue plaguing GT6.

I really hope that Jordan or someone brings about more attention to this issue. I'm thinking we need to inform every single person planning to buy GT6 about it as well as every single critic who has reviewed/is reviewing this game. Bring more awareness. Do something. There's no way that we can let an issue of this scale persist. And no, I don't want to wait for a PS4 or PCars after the ten 🤬 years we have waited for a working Gran Turismo on a PS3.

I am feeling nothing but pure rage and frustration at this point given that our voices here will likely have no influence whatsoever on PD. There's got to be some way to fix this.
I don't see how the restores and oil services add anything to the game. They're just a giant waste of time and cash :(.
It gives a sense of ownership of the car. You wreck it too much, you gotta tend to it. If you care enough for it, repair it, and continue on your way. This is Gran Turismo - and it's one feature that makes it so and it's one of the elements that give GT that "RPG" feel.

Maybe, just maybe, racing abuse isn't like daily road abuse. This chassis rigidity exaggeration isn't exactly a game break issue - it's purely an element. Although the low amount of award credits is. Fix that, and the high priced chassis exaggeration won't be a problem.
It gives a sense of ownership of the car. You wreck it too much, you gotta tend to it. If you care enough for it, repair it, and continue on your way. This is Gran Turismo - and it's one feature that makes it so and it's one of the elements that give GT that "RPG" feel.

Maybe, just maybe, racing abuse isn't like daily road abuse. This chassis rigidity exaggeration isn't exactly a game break issue - it's purely an element. Although the low amount of award credits is. Fix that, and the high priced chassis exaggeration won't be a problem.
I understand your point as I have somewhat of a real life connection to every car I buy in game with one in reality. I don't buy cars I don't like.

But the fact of the matter is, is that this has gotten to be solved with some simple hexadecimals or whatever to increase the mileage before restoration. And if they don't mind, change the degradation rate of tires too to slow down a bit
Ok, but I service my real life track car twice a year, after 6-8 trackdays and a few road miles. I've never done a body restoration and it's 20 years old with 100k and too many laps of tracks to count (mostly on semi-slicks). Admittedly it goes into walls a lot less than my GT6 cars. But really..... This adds to the game? And the feeling of ownership?

To me it's just a hassle and pain to remember. I've enough things things on todo lists to not want the hassle, and to simply enjoy GT6 as a tool to race and drive cool cars.

Good points about getting it on Jordan and the PD team's Radar. Perhaps we need an option for online racing that simply states car wear on / off. That way we can enjoy racing online rather than winning 500 credits at the expense of Millions of credits worth of car damage.
Ok, but I service my real life track car twice a year, after 6-8 trackdays and a few road miles. I've never done a body restoration and it's 20 years old with 100k and too many laps of tracks to count (mostly on semi-slicks). Admittedly it goes into walls a lot less than my GT6 cars. But really..... This adds to the game? And the feeling of ownership?

To me it's just a hassle and pain to remember. I've enough things things on todo lists to not want the hassle, and to simply enjoy GT6 as a tool to race and drive cool cars.

Good points about getting it on Jordan and the PD team's Radar. Perhaps we need an option for online racing that simply states car wear on / off. That way we can enjoy racing online rather than winning 500 credits at the expense of Millions of credits worth of car damage.

You are right on all points. And the sense of ownership that a lot of us feel, is the fact to keep up with your schtuff.. But the code for it to restore or the deterioration is waaaay too fast and needs to be increased to a couple thousand miles. Never did i ever feel a difference before and after restoring a car after many miles of tear and destruction. Someone had to screw up and most likely it will be fixed...
You are right on all points. And the sense of ownership that a lot of us feel, is the fact to keep up with your schtuff.. But the code for it to restore or the deterioration is waaaay too fast and needs to be increased to a couple thousand miles. Never did i ever feel a difference before and after restoring a car after many miles of tear and destruction. Someone had to screw up and most likely it will be fixed...

I hope you're right :nervous:.

I did another check and you even get miles on your cars doing free runs from your garage :banghead:. Seems like if you car moves on a track then it will acquire milage.

In a way, I'm glad PD didn't included practice and qualifying before each race.
This is a game which a lot of us use to escape a bit of reality. Real life headaches bring nothing (for me) in a game like this. Just let me drive to my hearts content without worrying about wear and tear and oil changes please. These cars are not Tamagotchi pets for crying out loud.
So I do the Mercedes Vision seasonal...
...rack up 384 miles on the car practicing to work down to a 107.265 lap...
...scraped and banged a couple of walls in process (very easy to do on this Matterhorn configuration).

End result: 50K credits, 1 paint chip minus the 500K credits I will have to pay to restore rigidity.
So I guess I need to pay 450K credits for the privilege of running in Seasonal TTs now?

I use a wheel, no aids, no ABS, pretty careful, and I don't usually play bumper cars...
I managed to gold 49 out of 50 Licenses in GT5, qualified for WRS D3 Gold as well.

This is my 3rd high-end car in as many days with less than 400 miles requiring rigidity restoration.
So I will just sell this Merc. Vision back for 300K credits and ditch future participation in this TT.

Something is seriously out of whack.
I am still hoping it is a case of new game that needs tweaking...
...otherwise it can only be explained as corporate greed with the debut of micro-transactions.

I have no problem whatsoever paying for DLC content, I bought every DLC for GT5.

EDIT (Addition):

I think this becomes more of an issue once you get up into the International A/Super levels because of the cost required to restore high-end cars.

Once more people get up into these levels, they will experience this first-hand.
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I think this becomes more of an issue once you get up into the International A/Super levels because of the cost required to restore high-end cars.

Once more people get up into these levels, they will experience this first-hand.

That would have to be our best hope. I just want enough people to get this far in the game in order to realize this issue so that we can bring more attention to it and get PD to respond.
That would have to be our best hope. I just want enough people to get this far in the game in order to realize this issue so that we can bring more attention to it and get PD to respond.

Yes I agree, part of the problem is that not that many people have experienced this first-hand yet.
The Sunday driver/bumper car folks will be in for a rude awakening.
Like the say, time will tell.
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So I will just sell this Merc. Vision back for 300K credits and ditch future participation in this TT.

I think you're out of luck with that one. Tried with mine and got told it could not be sold, Just removed from garage :banghead:.

It doesn't matter what you do in a car, weather you bump it demolition derby style or touch nothing wile driving round Route X, so long as there is 350 miles added since last rigidity restore you will have to do rig restore again and again for every 350 miles or so. It's getting to sound alot like corporate greed because every time you drive a car on track, be it racing A-Spec, On-Line against friends or hot lapping, Free Run practice or Arcade mode, It puts miles on your car :irked:.
Eventually people are not gonna grind for 500k and either give in and buy micro-transaction credits or give up on the game altogether.
Today i was driving my 458 italia, my favorite car so i know it pretty well, at the high speed ring, racing hard.
The race starts...turn one was impossible, incontrollable sliding even if i was REALLY careful with gas and everything.
And it was the same in slow turns too, the back was sliding at 80 kmh or even less, and there was no way to save it. I was confused.
Then, i thought about this thread. Body rigidity was done...after ONLY 600 km.
Restored, the car was perfect like usual. So, not only it's way too fast, but it's also too effective and too sudden, i mean, in the race before this one at hsr the car was perfect with SPORT hard.
Now i'll check how long will last with the improved rigidity installed, but this is definitely a big issue.

PS: 600 km = 370 miles or something like that.
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Maybe they should just remove this feature from the game. It doesnt have any purpose. These sort of things also dont fit in a game where there is no visual damage to a car when you hit something other than a few dents. If they want to do this they should add proper damage so you know it when you wrecked your car.
Major problem. Same issue as above with R18 at 367 miles.

It's not a bad idea to have in the game but the mileage is either too low or the cost to Restore is too high.

Preferably PD should double the mileage and cut the cost to restore in half.

Especially since the Improve Rigidity doesn't do anything at all. It should be removed.
500,000 to 1,000,000 credits to restore rigidity on most racecars. $$$$

It surely smells but would they really have been that cheeky? They did lower payouts everywhere else tough...

I had no problems whatsoever shelling that out in GT5 from time-to-time for high-end cars because the Seasonal Payouts compensated me enough to do so when coupled with log-in bonus.

I used to do body/engine overhaul pretty regularly for the LMPs, F1, FGTs, and X10/X11s I ran a lot.
I had no problems whatsoever shelling that out in GT5 from time-to-time for high-end cars because the Seasonal Payouts compensated me enough to do so when coupled with log-in bonus.

I used to do body/engine overhaul pretty regularly for the LMPs, F1, FGTs, and X10/X11s I ran a lot.

I was about to say something like "Well that is true that it was quite easy after a while to make a decent cash stash"
But the thing is, we cant. After 300 basically, the car (say the R18) is much harder to drive and compete against others (AI if you race at their level or online) and actually gain credits fast enough, or i should say large enough.

All it involves is shoving the mileage back a decimal place. That's all we ask..
After reading this whole thread, I'm realizing that this exaggerated chassis-wear is definitely a game-breaking bug/feature, and quite possibly the single most significant issue plaguing GT6.

I really hope that Jordan or someone brings about more attention to this issue. I'm thinking we need to inform every single person planning to buy GT6 about it as well as every single critic who has reviewed/is reviewing this game. Bring more awareness. Do something. There's no way that we can let an issue of this scale persist. And no, I don't want to wait for a PS4 or PCars after the ten 🤬 years we have waited for a working Gran Turismo on a PS3.

I am feeling nothing but pure rage and frustration at this point given that our voices here will likely have no influence whatsoever on PD. There's got to be some way to fix this.

I don't see how it is a game breaker, not even sure if it is an issue. Before reading this thread, I hadn't noticed it and I have a few cars over 300 miles.

And you are correct about the voices. This is a fan site, not a PD feedback site as many members seem to assume.
Of course it deteriorate way too fast, how else would they make you keep paying for it to be fixed & bleeding you dry of credits so that you buy them in-game from the GT Store! Sounds like yet another microtransactions ploy to me.
This is very very worrying, we really need to bring this to PD's attention because no one can enjoy a game like that when it costs a ridiculous amount like that every 300/400 miles. I'm willing to give PD the benefit of the doubt here and say this is an error/oversight and they will patch it....
I wonder how often they would restore body rigidity on racing cars anyway; this is just plain stupid that you drive a certain car a tiny bit and all of a sudden it's literally busted like @JogoAsobi illustrates, until you pay more credits than a new car would actually cost to restore the damn thing.

Really smells with those microtransactions now and credits being scarce, but i'll give PD the benefit of the doubt...
Does the loss of body rigidity even have an effect at the car handling? I played all GTs (with exception of GT3) and I never had the feeling it does anything at all. Just like the car wash in GT5, its just to mess with you head, I guess.^^

So why all the fuss?
Does the loss of body rigidity even have an effect at the car handling? I played all GTs (with exception of GT3) and I never had the feeling it does anything at all. Just like the car wash in GT5, its just to mess with you head, I guess.^^

So why all the fuss?
Car wash actually did work if you raced your car in races over 1 hour long, or hit the sand traps a frequent amount

Is there anyway to move this thread to the main thread? I know I don't read some of these file threads but I feel as if it would get more attention...

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