Bombing at Ataturk Airport in Istanbul

Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico

A gun and bomb attack on Istanbul's Ataturk international airport has killed at least 10 people and injured others, with reports of at least one suicide bomber.

At least 20 people were also wounded with casualties being reportedly rushed to hospital in taxis.

Police opened fire to stop the suspects at an entry point, Reuters reports.

It appears that the attackers detonated explosives at the entrance to the international terminal.

"Ten people have been killed according to a preliminary toll," Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag said.

"According to the information I was given, a terrorist at the international terminal entrance first opened fire with a Kalashnikov and then blew himself up," the minister added, according to the Associated Press.

Turkish media report that two suicide bombers were involved.

In December, a blast on the tarmac at a different Istanbul airport, Sabiha Gokcen, killed a cleaner.

Recent bomb attacks in Turkey have been linked to Kurdish separatists or the so-called Islamic State group.

Security concerns and a Russian boycott have hit the country's tourist sector this year.

Last year, Ataturk overtook Frankfurt airport to enter the top three busiest airports in Europe after London Heathrow and Paris Charles de Gaulle.

More than 61 million passengers travelled used the airport in 2015.

A US State Department travel warning for Turkey, originally published in March and updated on Monday, urges US citizens to "exercise heightened vigilance and caution when visiting public access areas, especially those heavily frequented by tourists."
hed in March and updated on Monday, urges US citizens to "exercise heightened vigilance and caution when visiting public access areas, especially those heavily frequented by tourists."

More news as it develops

Some images:



More images have surfaced, but are NSFW/NSFL, so I won't show them here.

NEWS EDIT: Broadcast Ban imposed on this attack:

EDIT 2: There are rumors that ISIS/L has claimed responsibility for this attack. Wii update if necessary
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Yeah I've established that, doesn't take much thinking to work out who they were working for though.
Yeah I've established that, doesn't take much thinking to work out who they were working for though.
Could be both Kurds or Isis, or another party. It isn't clear yet.
Fox is reporting that it is three homicide bombers that hit the airport. One hit the area where luggage is checked, and two more blew themselves up inside the terminal. This is just coming across the wires.

EDIT: Death toll stands at 36.
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FBN reports 36 dead, 150 injured. A horrific toll at the world's 11th busiest airport. Traffic is now resumed. Airports in the US are alarmed. Turkey is now subject to a monster it helped create. Turkey has managed to alienate both Sunnis and Shia. Erdogan is not exactly following a lucky star.
BBC news @ 2:00am (watching now, relaying what they say) says 36 dead, approximately 90 injured.

3 attackers, started shooting first, at least one attacker had Kalashnikov automatic rifle, police returned fire, killed 1 attacker, then bomb exploded.
BBC news @ 2:00am (watching now, relaying what they say) says 36 dead, approximately 90 injured.

3 attackers, started shooting first, at least one attacker had Kalashnikov automatic rifle, police returned fire, killed 1 attacker, then bomb exploded.
I've seen some security video. One guy is shot, falls down, everyone scrambles and then he goes to whatever hell is reserved for cowardly terrorists. Not sure if he got anyone but himself but I certainly hope not.
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Terrible news. Despite of the crappy govenment they have, people do not deserve this. I strongly condemn this awful terrorist act. The so-called "Islamic State" is a snake that bites even its feeding hand (I mean, the state involved in oil deals with the Daesh).

Russia was about to re-open the tours to Turkey, and there were flights planned for that day, but they were halted then. Reportedly, one Russian citizen was injured.

Although Erdogan is trying to regain some of the relations he screwed up lately, the tourist season in Turkey seems to be completely :censored:ed now.

Could be both Kurds or Isis, or another party. It isn't clear yet.
Kurds (PKK, at least) normally attack the military or police, but not civilians.
Terrible news. Despite of the crappy govenment they have, people do not deserve this. I strongly condemn this awful terrorist act. The so-called "Islamic State" is a snake that bites even its feeding hand (I mean, the state involved in oil deals with the Daesh).

Russia was about to re-open the tours to Turkey, and there were flights planned for that day, but they were halted then. Reportedly, one Russian citizen was injured.

Although Erdogan is trying to regain some of the relations he screwed up lately, the tourist season in Turkey seems to be completely :censored:ed now.

Kurds (PKK, at least) normally attack the military or police, but not civilians.
It seems a well time attack in terms of maximizing damage to the Turkish economy. Ultimately it'll only strengthen Turkey's resolve and hasten the demise of IS but at a terrible cost.

Fox News is reporting 41 dead, 239 injured.
PKK already stated that they weren't involved:

Attackers wearing black, kalashnikovs, suicide vests and blowing themselves up near the international terminals has all the hallmarks of Daesh.

Yeah, since it's already stated by Daesh that they were going to launch more of the attacks during the Ramadhan season in the Muslim-majority countries as we've already observed some of the alike tragedies that arose in this month (the shootings in Aktobe in Kazakhstan during 5th ~ 10th and most notably, the gay club shooting at Orlando in US on the 12th, for instance), and also more importantly, the date when the suicide bombing attacks happened at the airport is actually the day before the 2nd anniversary of declaration of the "Caliphate" by ISIL (Incumbent leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi), which took place on the 29th of June, 2014. On top of that, the Kurdish separatists mainly launch their attacks against policemen and Turkish military forces rather than against civilians as Rage Racer said above, so with those three respects taken into consideration Daesh is the most likely one to be held responsible for the Ataturk airport attack of the extremist groups around the country.

This sounds eerily similar to the Belgian airport attack a few months ago....

My condolences to the victims.

Yeah it's really a terrible news to hear and the way how the suicide bombings were carried out is similar to those in Brussels this March, in point that the two (of the three perpetrators) supposedly intended to blow themselves off at the centre of the terminal for killing as many people as possible, but halted by the policemen in advance so ended up detonating the bomb at the entrance and the exit instead, whereas the other one blasted away himself at the parking lot.

The attack was launched on the eve of the 2nd anniversary of the declaration of the caliphate by Baghdadi(29th of June), so I think apart from the Erdogan's shaky policies against ISIL this also has to be something worth for being taken into account.

On a side note : Reportedly there were some Japanese tourists at the scene when the explosions broke out, but luckily none of them were affected by that thus far.
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Daily Fail now reports 41 dead, 239 injured.

Here a gunman appears to be wearing blue jeans.

Airports now firmly appear to be the soft target of choice for Islamic State, but this doesn't mean safety is to be found at nightclubs, train stations and stadiums. Tunisia, Egypt and now Turkey have taken massive, near fatal hits to their tourist industries. But stern-minded US militarists now appearing on Fox and other networks assure us removing Assad - presumably by muscling aside the Russians and Iranians in the process - is the essential next step in solving the radical Islamic terrorist problem. I feel the situation is due to get far, far worse before it gets any better.
Three of the suspected attackers were citizens of Russia, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.
The first, 'Russian' one - is Ahmed Chataev, a Chechen insurgent who fled Russia (where he was prosecuted for terrorism) and had been given a refugee status in Austria in 2003. And for 13 years, he was freely moving around Europe, being totally ignored by the authorities. He was detained several times, but never extradited to Russia.

Back then, he was a 'Chechen rebel', a freedom fighter. But now, after the attack in Istanbul, he is a 'Russian terrorist'.
Back then, he was a 'Chechen rebel', a freedom fighter. But now, after the attack in Istanbul, he is a 'Russian terrorist'.

He's a terrorist, was born in Russia (Vedeno Village) and he travels on a Russian passport (number 96001331958).

Surely that makes him a Russian terrorist without implying that all Russians are terrorists or that he's somehow state supported?