Bond back in action

  • Thread starter GT Pro
This is so sad. I liked Craig alot as the new bond. I was hoping to see him in more bond films because after Casino Royal i was astonished.

Michael G. Wilson recently spoke out on the subject. If he had his way, Craig would break Roger Moore's record of 7 Bond films. That means, if finances at MGM are sorted for the next 20 or so years, and a film is out every 2 years on schedule, his record breaking eighth film would be out in 2022 at 48? Moore was 58 when his last Bond film, A View to a Kill, was released in 1983, and some view, including myself, that Timothy Dalton should have played Bond in that film because of Moore's age.

But this brings up a more interesting question. How old is too old to play James Bond? Craig is pushing 40 now, so I expect two or three more films out of him before I consider him too old for the part.
Sanji Himura
Michael G. Wilson recently spoke out on the subject. If he had his way, Craig would break Roger Moore's record of 7 Bond films. That means, if finances at MGM are sorted for the next 20 or so years, and a film is out every 2 years on schedule, his record breaking eighth film would be out in 2022 at 48? Moore was 58 when his last Bond film, A View to a Kill, was released in 1983, and some view, including myself, that Timothy Dalton should have played Bond in that film because of Moore's age.

But this brings up a more interesting question. How old is too old to play James Bond? Craig is pushing 40 now, so I expect two or three more films out of him before I consider him too old for the part.
Hmm I think Craig will be in more bond films in the neer future and a plus is he looks younger than his real age.
F1 fan
So what is "so sad"?

What I meant by so "sad" is that its gonna be longer till the next bond film comes out. Well at least thats what the first post in this thread sums up to say unless i read wrong...) ;
What I meant by so "sad" is that its gonna be longer till the next bond film comes out. Well at least thats what the first post in this thread sums up to say unless i read wrong...) ;
You read it right - you just missed the timestamp on the post. GT Pro posted it on July 8, 2010, back when MGM was in serious financial trouble and all of their upcoming projects were put on hiatus. Those problems have long since been sorted out, and BOND 23 - now officially known as SKYFALL - is already three months into shooting. It will be released in the UK on October 26 this year, and in the US some time around November 9.
You read it right - you just missed the timestamp on the post. GT Pro posted it on July 8, 2010, back when MGM was in serious financial trouble and all of their upcoming projects were put on hiatus. Those problems have long since been sorted out, and BOND 23 - now officially known as SKYFALL - is already three months into shooting. It will be released in the UK on October 26 this year, and in the US some time around November 9.

Ohh im sorry. Thanks for telling me.
Lazenby was horrible. He couldn't act, had no charisma, and sucked the life out of everyone around him. He wasn't James Bond. He was a pansy.
Lazenby was horrible. He couldn't act, had no charisma, and sucked the life out of everyone around him. He wasn't James Bond. He was a pansy.


This never happened to the other guy.

Haven't seen the film in years, but I remember loving it. Will need to watch it again. Maybe I've made the classic mistake of not noticing a terrible actor in a great film.
Lazenby was horrible. He couldn't act, had no charisma, and sucked the life out of everyone around him. He wasn't James Bond. He was a pansy.

He also went in the way of Mark Hamill in that he voiced a terrific King in Batman Beyond. Just throwing that out there.
This never happened to the other guy.
That has to be the worst moment in the series' history - even worse than the CGI Bond in DIE ANOTHER DAY. When Lazenby says it, he acknowledge that he is not James Bond ... which is made worse by the way the the premise of ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE (Bond falling in love and being willing to retire) needed an established actor in the role (Daniel Craig got away with it because he's a good actor and CASINO ROYALE is an origin story).

Anyway, filming of SKYFALL is in Shanghai this week. Apparently they're shooting a car chase on a neon-lit highway:


Neon seems to be something of a theme in Shanghai.
That has to be the worst moment in the series' history - even worse than the CGI Bond in DIE ANOTHER DAY. When Lazenby says it, he acknowledge that he is not James Bond ... which is made worse by the way the the premise of ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE (Bond falling in love and being willing to retire) needed an established actor in the role (Daniel Craig got away with it because he's a good actor and CASINO ROYALE is an origin story).

I loved it. And no, I would trade you all the Brosnan films for Lazenby any day. Especially Die Another Day. *shudders*
F1 fan
Lazenby is worth a nod too. He was great.

Im just saying but it seems like there were only a couple good Bond actors and im sorry but he wasnt one of the good ones. Id say the best ones were Craig, Connery, and hmm I dont know.. Well thats just my opinion, whats yalls?
That has to be the worst moment in the series' history - even worse than the CGI Bond in DIE ANOTHER DAY. When Lazenby says it, he acknowledge that he is not James Bond ... which is made worse by the way the the premise of ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE (Bond falling in love and being willing to retire) needed an established actor in the role (Daniel Craig got away with it because he's a good actor and CASINO ROYALE is an origin story).

Anyway, filming of SKYFALL is in Shanghai this week. Apparently they're shooting a car chase on a neon-lit highway:

Neon seems to be something of a theme in Shanghai.

Yes yes so true.. Man you are awsome!.. Now i cant wait to see the movie i hope it a good one.
And I can't see how "This never happened to the other guy" was worse than Bond's invisible car. Or the way he adjusted his tie when Q's "fishing boat" went underwater. Infact, pretty much all of Pearce Brosnan's Bond films and a good few of Roger Moore's were far worse.
I wouldn't say that all of Brosnan films were terrible. Goldeneye and Tomorrow Never Dies does have their moments. What was terrible about the Brosnan era was that they didn't explain Dench's M background until The World is Not Enough, and that is plain unacceptable.

(Bond falling in love and being willing to retire) needed an established actor in the role (Daniel Craig got away with it because he's a good actor and CASINO ROYALE is an origin story).

While I will admit that I haven't read Casino Royale in a while, my best recollection is that Bond did genuinly fall in love with Vesper, and she betrayed him, causing him to turn cold.

In On Her Majesty's Secret Service, on the other hand(Never read the novel shamefully), he married Teresa to "tame" her(her father's words in the film).

What I think happened is that because EON couldn't get the rights to Casino Royale until recent memory, most of us who thought they knew about James Bond, really didn't know how he became the man.
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While I will admit that I haven't read Casino Royale in a while, my best recollection is that Bond did genuinly fall in love with Vesper, and she betrayed him, causing him to turn cold.
Oh, he did. I'm just saying that Craig could sell the concept of Bond falling in love because CASINO ROYALE was treated as an origin story. Bond was still a little wet behind the ears. But George Lazenby was playing the same character that had been in five films prior to ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE, and so the character was already very well-established. And although Bond does fall in love with Tracy and gets married in the novel, that wasn't enough to sustain the character while Lazenby was playing the part. ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE needed an actor who was established in the role - someone like Sean Connery (or, at the very least, a George Lazenby who was in his second or third film).
It is. It's just let down by an actor who never should have been cast as Bond and some amateurish direction and editing (ie, a mid-sentence jump-cut, confusing camera angles, dirty camera lenses and so on).
Shanghai Part 2

According to, the second unit spent three days in China filming the neon bridge effects for the film with stunt driver and three time British rally champion Mark Higgins behind the wheel. Main production will not be in China at all as most of the interior scenes will be filmed at Pinewood Studios, except for the international airport, which was already shot at Ascot Racecourse as a stand in. One of the interior shots was seen in the introductory video.

Marlohe Talks 'Skyfall'

French actress and model Berenice Marlohe recently spoke about 'Skyfall' and how she got the part. "When I heard there were going to be auditions in Paris I switched on my computer and tried to get contact details for anyone involved in this project – emails, phone numbers, whatever I could get hold of," she told Live magazine.

"I managed to track down Sam Mendes’s agent but nothing came of that. Then I met Debbie McWilliams, the casting director, which led me to Sam and the producers, then finally to Daniel Craig."

"At that stage I was so focused on my performance that there was no room for nerves. I also reminded myself that I was meeting Daniel Craig, not James Bond."

"Skyfall" will be the first English-language part for the French actress, who has appeared in television dramas in her home country, as well as some advertisements.

"My character is glamorous and enigmatic," she said. "I get to see less action on screen than Naomie [Harris] but I wanted to get the feel of guns in order to find my way into my character."

"I love guns – I have fake ones at home – so I grabbed the opportunity to hold a real one on the set. I got to handle a Beretta 70. It’s a nice gun."

"I definitely see myself more as a Bond Lady than a Bond Girl. The idea of a Bond Girl can be very confusing. As an actress, I know it can be a trap because you’re not sure what people expect. I think it’s quickly changing direction now. You’re more at liberty to develop a real character rather than something abstract."

French actress Bérénice Marlohe talks about how she won her "Skyfall" role and her expectations of the Bond Girl legacy...

Bérénice Marlohe Talks 'Skyfall'
23rd January 2012
When the casting net went out to find the actress that would portray the mysterious Sévérine in the 23rd James Bond film "Skyfall", it would not have caught Bérénice Marlohe had she not done everything in her power to get the attentions of the production.

"When I heard there were going to be auditions in Paris I switched on my computer and tried to get contact details for anyone involved in this project – emails, phone numbers, whatever I could get hold of," she told Live magazine.

"I managed to track down Sam Mendes’s agent but nothing came of that. Then I met Debbie McWilliams, the casting director, which led me to Sam and the producers, then finally to Daniel Craig."

"At that stage I was so focused on my performance that there was no room for nerves. I also reminded myself that I was meeting Daniel Craig, not James Bond."

"Skyfall" will be the first English-language part for the French actress, who has appeared in television dramas in her home country, as well as some advertisements.

"My character is glamorous and enigmatic," she said. "I get to see less action on screen than Naomie [Harris] but I wanted to get the feel of guns in order to find my way into my character."

"I love guns – I have fake ones at home – so I grabbed the opportunity to hold a real one on the set. I got to handle a Beretta 70. It’s a nice gun."

"I definitely see myself more as a Bond Lady than a Bond Girl. The idea of a Bond Girl can be very confusing. As an actress, I know it can be a trap because you’re not sure what people expect. I think it’s quickly changing direction now. You’re more at liberty to develop a real character rather than something abstract."

"There is more scope now within the Bond movies to create a strong, independent woman. Earlier Bond Girls were very dependent women. But I loved what Famke Janssen did in "GoldenEye", in the way she portrayed a funny psychopath. In my character I’ve tried to bring a different kind of complexity. If I get recognised more when this movie comes out, I’ll deal with it. If someone says, 'Hey, there’s that Bond Girl' I’ll correct them and say, "No, I’m that Bond Lady'."

It is widely assumed that Sévérine is the girlfriend of Javier Bardem's villain character, but that is speculation. "As to the question that everyone wants answered: do I get to kiss Bond? Well, my friends, you’ll just to have to wait and see."

SKYFALL was originally going to have its finale shot at Duntrune Castle in Argyll, Scotland, but production backed out. They were later believed to be scouting for alternate locations somewhere in Wales. Since then, reports have emerged that a major film production has applied for (and possibly been granted) permission to shoot in the Brecon Beacons. There haven't been any details released about which production is looking at filming there, but it is believed to be SKYFALL because of the nature of the application - production wants to build a manor house and chapel (which is expected to take three months to build) for a three-week shoot, which is precisely what SKYFALL was looking for when they were planning to shoot in Scotland. Production in Shanghai has wrapped, and the film crew has moved on to Turkey for the next three months, so everything fits.

According to
In future, I would suggest going somewhere other than MI6 for Bond-related news. Try instead. Pretty much anything related to Bond will be posted there first, even if you do need to sift through the forums. MI6 just repost everything that gets posted on CBn, usually without credit (and if you do repost something their site without crediting them, they get very upset).
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He is only 40ish. My dad and I was discussing Wilson's quest to break Moore's record, and my dad brought up the point that while Craig does keep himself in great physical shape, his face is aging at an accelerated rate, or so it seems. After looking at the photograph, I don't think he can do it to be honest.
I must say I particularly like the Dalton bonds. Not as much as others, but they have a charm about them. Alot of people play them down which is unfortunate. I thought Die Another Day and World is not enough were utterly rubbish. Especially in comparison to Golden Eye which is arguably what reignited the Bond series and saved it from going into a long slumber.
A couple of minor little updates:
Javier Bardem is believed to be playing a character named "Silva". This suggests he is Portuguese/Brazilian or possibly Spanish/Latino, despite initial speculation that he would be Turkish.

A call sheet from filming at the National Gallery has revealed that Ola Rapace's character name is "Patrice" (the French form of "Patrick"). I cannot help but notice that Berenice Marlohe is playing a character named "Severine", which is also a French name; I suspect there may be some kind of relationship between them, like brother and sister.

Finally, filming has moved to Turkey, and a video shown on a local news station shows an excavator sitting on a moving train, and there is a gaping hole in the roof of the next carraige.