My wife got the newest HTC model when I got the iPhone. She leaves it turned off of 4G though. 3G is fast enough for almost everything except large file downloads. My phone occasionally loses WiFi in the house and I don't even notice...but then again, I'm not streaming video or pandora 24/7 so I guess I'm not exactly the market for 4G.
We were playing words with friends non stop one evening while watching TV. Her phone burns through the battery super fast while my iPhone will last all day, even with playing WWF and cruising the internet via Wifi. Aside from that, it's really just a matter of personal preference. There is more value with the Droid (more memory, faster speed, lower price) but the iPhone value is in the interface. Droid is close, but apple spends a lot of R&D to make sure your experience is unhindered by the software.