Bram Turismo's Gallery - Tournament Round 1 before/after -

Thanks for the great compliments guys! 👍

On that, I'm currently working on a photomode and photoshop guide in a pdf. formatted file for just about everybody on the planet here. I'm covering pretty much everything within my knowledge; using the aperture, different WB settings, how I work with levels and contrast, working with different layers, working with motion and zoom blurs, etc. It'll be a pretty big tutorial, hence why I'm making it in .pdf format. I hope this file will give you guys a bigger idea of how I work with GT4 shots. It's not finished yet though 👍
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A little update on the guide. I may be able to finish it this weekend, but expect a large file though, right now I'm counting 28 pages :lol:
A little update on the guide. I may be able to finish it this weekend, but expect a large file though, right now I'm counting 28 pages :lol:

Impressive! If that's how many pages it takes for us to get an insight into your style, then I await it with baited breath! I would like to know how you do those awesome blur shots though. 👍
Bram Turismo's GT4 Photomode & Photoshop Guide

A whole new dimension of guidance. This guide will take you through every corner in GT4, whether it be for non editing purposes or heavy-editting purposes.


Starting with an intro, the basics, the tools, and how they're being used!


Take your image into your computer, and learn how to make colours pop out of your screen!


Learn how to effectively clean your car, place a radial blur on the background, and adding the final touches!


And if that is not enough; I'm taking you through various steps on how to create your own icon to let other shows who's the master behind that GT4 image!

52 pages, 100 illustrations, it's all there! Download the free Adobe PDF Reader here: (You will need this program in order to read the guide).

Link to the file for download: (7,5 MB)

A big thanks to speedemon08 for re-hosting the tutorial :cheers:
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Wow Bram. I have to give you a big kudos for this one. I think absolutely everyone can get something from this. From the newbies to the pros. The whole photomode community should be grateful for this. I like your wheel blur tutorial portion. 👍
It's great to have a tutorial from start to finish in one spot. I think you pulled it off brilliantly. I just wish your pictures could've been better quality, but you even explained why they weren't so....another:tup: to you. If I could +rep you I would.
I am Downloading it in this exact moment. It looks great from the preview you gave. Looking forward to read it. I'll made a comment once I red it. 👍
Bram Turismo, that's awesome 👍 I'll download it right know.. Thank you very much, buddy :)..

Best wishes,

S-Line Audi Fan :cheers:
Thanks for the comment Swiss 👍

It was Adobe PDF Reader that made the images look horrific, don't know what happened :nervous:

Anyway, here's the final result image with a little more quality :)


Bram. That is an amazing Tutorial. Covers up pretty much the whole bunch needed to be covered.
There are some techniques that I wouldn’t use, of course, each person acquires each own technique and ways to do some things (like using the healing tool instead of the clone stamp tool to hide the watermark, or using the surface blur instead of the median/Gaussian), but I think it is a great tutorial, that simplifies the techniques, making it very simple, but complex in the same way, because it explains a little bit of the principle that is behind a great picture that is, photography. +Rep.
Yes, well as I mentioned, it's rather a guide on how I do it for the pros in here, and some help how I do it for the newbies. I also mentioned that it's important to experiment, if I had to mention every bit of photography detail, and ways to clean, I'd never be able to finish the crap! :lol:

Thanks though 👍
Yes, I know :scared: That would be a 200 pages tutorial :eek:

Again, it is a very powerful tutorial it rather completes the Composition Cleanup tutorial by pixeljunkynz, because always thought that tutorial seemed rather incomplete. The tutorial you’ve made, kind of evolves the subject treated, plus some more info, that I think it is much needed. 👍
A really powerful tool, that I think everyone should look at 👍 Kudus 👍
Infiniti FX45​

Not much to add on this one. Made my comeback to surface and lens blur cleaning after many, many months. Exhaust tips were a pain to get right, so be forgiving on those please :)

Amazing. Me likey. :dopey:
The car is very well cleaned, there aren’t any hard edges between reflect transition, or transitions in general, and I think it is a perfect shot overall. Love every element of it. 👍 👍 👍
it's mocking me. it looks very clean. though rather artificial. the exhaust details are very well in my view. something i can't ever get right. did you actually rebuild the entire exhaust pipes one by one or did you just kind of work around them with the blurs ? they look so rounded. and the taillights actually came out really nice. the windows could use a bit more perspective, but then again it can just be a heavily tinted one. i find the whole picture to have a very good appeal to it, except the blurring i think is a bit much for me.
don't take it too seriously as i just spent 10 minutes looking at my battered and beat bmw :D i actually love the update. the thing looks very, very pristine. and the background and the vignetting add to the whole photo. i say well done! i dont know what you mean when you said you feel like a newb again. oh and thanks for the guidelines yet again, now the motion blur and stuff like that make more sense to me now. i'm still trying to make more sense of using the lens blur properly, as i'm used to just going with the surface blur and the smudge tool. keep up the good work.

ps: referring to the green letters, my questions are,
what is the blade curvature (1)
(2) what are the shapes options for ?
I'm not using any special options when using the lens blur. Select and area, and then set it so that it blurs properly, not too little, but not too much as well :) I think the only thing I've set is the radius of the blur to 6, no special shape options set or anything :)
Love it Bram! Great blurring job, great transitions from highlights to shadows. One thing though. Were there no roof lines on the driver side in the original shot? Or did ya forget. :sly:
I also had a hard time getting surface blur right. I use the octagon shape option most time, and 7 to 9 radius depending. But again man...Great job:tup:
Very nice bram. I think the exhausts are fine. Great clean up and car choice.
I would suggest to smooth out the reflection to less angular.
Maybe color change for the car, because it looks like a sad turtle.

Great tutorial. I can see it is very useful to many. That NSX LM is so hot!
Thanks guys 👍

I tried to get the exhausts as round as possible by making a rounded selection and then distorting that selection to match a good rounded selection of what the exhaust should be. I also noticed that I forgot the rooflines on the driver side, but the exposure on that side is so high due to the lighting, would those even by visible? Anyway, thanks for the tips guys 👍
Bram Turismo, your gallery gets better and better from day to day 👍 Go on like this and bring on the next update as soon as possble :)..

Best wishes,

S-Line Audi Fan :cheers:
Looking pretty good Bram. Looks like you've pretty much perfected the style. I am not sure about your BT caution logo thing, but the pictures are looking nice! 👍
Nice to have you around once again Nic, it's been too long 👍

The icon was more something as an example for others in the tutorial on the previous image, I just threw together something very quick. I'm not really fond of icon using either, but I think many are interested in making their own icon 👍

Also, thanks for the comments. I've pretty much drifted away from your style as I never really completely understood what you did, and whatever I did, I never came to those awesome colours you always have. So lately I'm just throwing stuff together of which I think "What in the world am I doing here?" :lol:

Anyway, thanks for the kind words, I really hope to see you around some more :cheers:
Clio HDR

Nothing special, just an HDR version of my Clio shot that I entered in the competitions. Huge levels of noise came up, and many of you guys probably think the strength is too much, but I like the painting look of it. It looks as though it's driving true both good and bad weather, which kind of reflects a balance in the picture between two things I can't be bothered to explain :P Chaos!

That totally ruins it IMO. The HDR doesn't add anything and hasn't been carried out with enough subtlety to really make a difference to the image. Plus, the back end of the car is still miles darker than the rest which, in a real HDR, wouldn't happen.

Sorry if that sounds harsh but the original was so amazing in the first place it didn't need improving upon!
:drool: For me, it is something special.. Wow.. The car is so clean and the background is just perfect with that nice sky.. It looks so realistic.. 👍 One of your best updates so far, Bram Turismo :) Well done! ;)
It has it's ups and downs man, I personally like it. HDR's are more often than not, noisy. Especially if you take one pic, save one copy +1EV, save one copy -1EV, and combine those. Looks like that's what you had to do. Also looks like the higher EV shot that was combined in was too high. But the whole feel of the photo is completely different than the original. The HDR has sooo much more attitude to it. The sky looks absolutely amazing. Just wish it was a bit less noisy. good job bro:tup:

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