Gary BainbridgeLEAVER: I want an omelette.
REMAINER: Right. It’s just we haven’t got any eggs.
LEAVER: Yes, we have. There they are. [HE POINTS AT A CAKE]
REMAINER: They’re in the cake.
LEAVER: Yes, get them out of the cake, please.
REMAINER: But we voted in 1975 to put them into a cake.
LEAVER: Yes, but that cake has got icing on it. Nobody said there was going to be icing on it.
REMAINER: Icing is good.
LEAVER: And there are raisins in it. I don’t like raisins. Nobody mentioned raisins. I demand another vote.
LEAVER: Right, where’s my omelette?
REMAINER: I told you, the eggs are in the cake.
LEAVER: Well, get them out.
EU: It’s our cake.
JEREMY CORBYN: Yes, get them out now.
REMAINER: I have absolutely no idea how to get them out. Don’t you know how to get them out?
LEAVER: Yes! You just get them out and then you make an omelette.
REMAINER: But how?! Didn’t you give this any thought?
LEAVER: Saboteur! You’re talking eggs down. We could make omelettes before the eggs went into the cake, so there’s no reason why we can’t make them now.
THERESA MAY: It’s OK, I can do it.
THERESA MAY: There was a vote to remove the eggs from the cake, and so the eggs will be removed from the cake.
REMAINER: Yeah, but…
LEAVER: Hang on, if we take the eggs out of the cake, does that mean we don’t have any cake? I didn’t say I didn’t want the cake, just the bits I don’t like.
EU: It’s our cake.
REMAINER: But you can’t take the eggs out of the cake and then still have a cake.
LEAVER: You can. I saw the latest Bake Off and you can definitely make cakes without eggs in them. It’s just that they’re horrible.
REMAINER: Fine. Take the eggs out. See what happens.
LEAVER: It’s not my responsibility to take the eggs out. Get on with it.
REMAINER: Why should I have to come up with some long-winded incredibly difficult chemical process to extract eggs that have bonded at the molecular level to the cake, while somehow still having the cake?
LEAVER: You lost, get over it.
THERESA MAY: By the way, I’ve started the clock on this.
REMAINER: So I assume you have a plan?
THERESA MAY: Actually, back in a bit. Just having another election.
REMAINER: Jeremy, are you going to sort this out?
JEREMY CORBYN: Yes. No. Maybe.
EU: It’s our cake.
LEAVER: Where’s my omelette? I voted for an omelette.
REMAINER: This is ridiculous. This is never going to work. We should have another vote, or at least stop what we’re doing until we know how to get the eggs out of the cake while keeping the bits of the cake that we all like.
REMAINER: Fine, I’m moving to France. The cakes are nicer there.
LEAVER: You can’t. We’ve taken your freedom of movement.
Found this very funny. Posting with real author named and link to the original page
Here's my abbreviated version:Found this very funny. Posting with real author named and link to the original page
I'm not sure what it has to do with spotted dick either. Perhaps, like most satire, it's not literal. Odd that you knew enough not to ask about eggs and omelettes.Real finger on the pulse stuff there.
Maybe I'm missing something but I'm not sure what Brexit has to do with gender issues.
Satire involves things that have analogues in real life. The gender issues thing seems like needless mischaracterization, none of which was in the blog post you were "interpreting".I'm not sure what it has to do with spotted dick either. Perhaps, like most satire, it's not literal. Odd that you knew enough not to ask about eggs and omelettes.
Here's my abbreviated version:
Remainer: Here's the cake you asked for.
Leaver: I didn't ask for cake mate, I asked for spotted dick. I had a cake just like that in Italy and France last week and didn't like it.
Remainer: I'm not your mate. My pronoun is zhe. And spotted dick is sexist and misogynist, we'd never carry something with that name.
Leaver: Gee, what does that even mean?
Remainer: Zhe, not gee.
Leaver: Okay, Zoey, where's my spotted dick?
Remainer: *sigh* My boss says we only serve that one kind of cake. Take it or leave it.
Leaver: I like my spotted dick. Let's vote on it.
Remainer: Whatever old man, you haven't got a chance. The world has passed you by.
Leaver: Wanna bet?
The End.
Satire involves things that have analogues in real life. The gender issues thing seems like needless mischaracterization, none of which was in the blog post you were "interpreting".
Perhaps I should have simplified it with crumpets and tea for you.I'll call the coast guard, they may be able to retrieve your point from where it landed.
Perhaps I should have simplified it with crumpets and tea for you.
Perhaps I should have simplified it with crumpets and tea for you.
Perhaps Elon Musk could lend us a spare space rocket or two.I'll call the coast guard, they may be able to retrieve your point from where it landed.
A successful analogy requires things that are analogous to other things.Perhaps I should have simplified it with crumpets and tea for you.
I see you're at least able to knock on the door. A little more effort and you might be able to make it all the way in.Perhaps Elon Musk could lend us a spare space rocket or two.
A successful analogy requires things that are analagous to other things.
The seventies era sounding spotted dick joke was possibly a suitable analogy for how many supporters of Brexit are seen as old and out of touch but including the gender pronouns debate was over egging the pudding somewhat.
I see you're at least able to knock on the door. A little more effort and you might be able to make it all the way in.
I'll call the coast guard, they may be able to retrieve your point from where it landed.
EU: It's our cake.
EU: It's our cake.
EU: It's our cake.
Albumen tioning it every chance I get.I think the true meaning of Brexit is getting scrambled amongst all these yolks.
Be interesting to see/know if any non-Brits voted in the pollWow, No Deal/second referendum has 85% vote share so far!