Another outsider perspective. My daughter's total inability to understand Brexit.
So, today I was watching Sky News and the report on the "Commons" debate highlights. My daughter sits next to me and asks "what's happening".
I say "The UK's Prime Minister reached a Brexit deal with the EU and is presenting it to the UK's Parliament".
Next highlight is Corbyn speaking.
"That's the opposition leader?"
"... so, this one is against Brexit?"
"No, just against the deal on how to achieve it"
After some silence …
"Why do they all want to leave the EU?"
And then i say "It's difficult to explain, they blame the EU for many things" …
but … and after some

I had an 💡 on how to really explain it.
So I told her to watch a few Yes, Minister videos. And told her "... that's 30+ plus years old humour, but as always with good humour, it is based on something serious and deeply rooted in their collective psyche, so they can recognize themselves in caricature".
After watching these 3, I think she got it. You got to love
Yes Minister, one of the most clever humorous shows I can think of.