wow forget I said anything, I am all for an open discussion but I feel like all I am getting is attacked.
Agree or disagree no worries, but calm down there is no need for the aggression.
I will leave it here goodbye.
No one has been aggressive or attacked you, they have disagreed with you.
This is a discussion forum, not your personal blog, as such you should expect discussion.
Lets look at them in detail now:
1. Did you know under EU law the EU has a right if it wants to order a members troops to take part in a war which that member country has no part in? So if France had a dingdong with say Iran the EU can order other members troopes to assist! It states a member state will make it's complete force and arsenal available to the EU in times of a member country becoming involved in conflict! How is that right? Also when member countries hold nuclear weapons does that mean they have to make nuclear weapons available? it is part of the arsenal, I never got to the bottom of that as we have to think about NATO and it all gets very confusing.
No, it doesn't get 'very confusing at all', I've already linked to the article in question, and all it does is reinforce NATO and UN agreements already in place and is a mutual-defense agreement.
My findings are best decscribed like this, If the UK hadn't of left the EU it would not being to many years away before the UK became like a branch of PC World and the EU is headoffice Boris is the branch manager but all the say so and rules and regulations come from above the EU, if Boris or you and I like them or not is beside the point we the public don't get a say on it, We can vote whom ever in to Downing street but if that person is under the rule of the EU whom you don't have the chance to vote in whom you want then it renders your vote in your country as next to nothing.
Completely and utterly untrue, the UK had an opt-outs on four of the six main areas of EU policy and would not have lost its veto. You also have a full chance to participate in who represents you in the EU, which as a body has less non-elected officials than the UK does and they are voted in using forms of PR, which makes the process itself more democratic than the First Past the Post we use in the UK.
Homepage of the European Parliament Liaison Office in the UK
On 20 July 2020, British MPs voted by a majority not to have any say or votes on future UK trade agreements. Can you think of any other professions where you co
The EU was threatening the soverignty
Utterly untrue, the UK never enforced much of the sovereignty it had, that's not the EU's fault but the UK's.
Let's take for example the main point for many on the leave side, the claim of uncontrollable migration within the EU, turns out that it was actually controllable, but the UK simply never bothered to do so. It also forgets that the UK opted-Out of the Schengen area, meaning had we wanted to exercise those controls we would have had the border control sin place to allow us to do so, we, as a country, simply never bothered to do so.
When the government’s post-Brexit immigration legislation, after much delay, was finally brought before the Commons last month, it still did not have...
I was alive when we voted to join the common market another lie fed to us as just trade no mention of political rulings taking place.
Simply untrue, the EEC was always an economic and political body and was well established as one before the UK joined.
Then we had the tv and the newspapers feeding us it was all a trade deal only back in the mid 70s,
The EU showed their true colours when Leave won the vote, they tried every dirty trick and more in the book to get the decision reversed or to get another vote! How can a democracy work if when you have a vote and you don't get the answer you like you just say Oh Ok we will have another vote and then maybe another until we get what we want.....ludicrous, It would have been the death of democracy in this country.
That's how democracies work and it's utterly hypocritical as Leave proponents had been doing so since the 70's, originally backed a second vote and said that a 52/48 split would be 'un-finished business'.
The EU is a board of money men, Who voted on who sits on the board of the EU? I was never asked were you? were the people of the countries who are members even considered on who they want in charge?
You and I did when we were members of the EU, well unless you failed to vote, which would put you at fault, not the system. This has already been explained to you. I do await you taking issue with Farage and his cronies use and abuse of EU funds while failing to represent the UK's interests in any effective manner?
There is many silly laws which have been bought in to the UK by the EU which caused more harm for the UK again proving one rule doesn't suit all. One such daft rule was the forestry regulation which doesn't ban dredging of rivers but does if their is wildlife within a certain distance from the area, hence many rivers which were 15 feet deep are now 8 feet deep due to the undredged silt causing much water to leave at the rivers banks, this was not the course of flooding in many areas but it certainly didn't help. Yet the EU allows building work to be carried out on greenland regadless of what wildlife it effects apart from bats and a few newts maybe a few more, totally hypocritical theory.
Not true (again), that's said dredging isn't a long-term or effective solution to flooding and simply moves the same problem further down the watercourse. Oh and the UK always retained control of planning and the EU directive directly encourage building away from greenfield locations (but final control is with the member state).
Reaction follows criticism that EU water directive prevents councils dredging rivers
1972 the UK Parliament passed the European Communities Act. It gave direct effect to EU law and meant that if there was a conflict between an act of the British Parliament and EU law, Parliament lost out and EU law prevailed. The European Court of Justice (ECJ) became a kind of Supreme Court of Europe, interpreting EU law with judgements that were binding on all member states.
This utterly and completely ignores the history that followed 1972 and the numerous opt-outs the UK obtained (not to mention the veto rights every member holds), more than any other EU members state has ever had and ones we will not get back should we rejoin.
I spent a long time reading up and doing research on the EU,
Clearly, the only research you have done has been bias confirmation, something that is very transparent given the slew of un-sourced lies and misinformation you have managed to fit into a single post.