Self pity is destructive to individuals, those around them, and by extension their environment (incl their country). I’m hostile to anyone who’s stuck in a loser mentality in any walk of life.
Whether that festering loser mindset is expressed as anger, disappointment or whatever, doesn’t matter. It’s still self pity and it’s still trying to offload one’s own responsibility for one’s own failures and unhappiness in life onto others (or a ‘vote’ or whatever). 200-odd pages of it here, whining and whingeing and gnashing of teeth.
I can laugh at it, and despair of it at the same time. Having spent half my adult life (15 years) living in Japan I’m in a position to compare. And Britain simply has too many losers - Brexit has exposed them but they were obvs there all along (prob explains UK’s problems with productivity etc), and Japan has winners, people who just get on with it and accept life can’t be perfect (not that Japan would ever be dumb enough to politically merge with Korea or China or wherever in the first place).
I choose to laugh and mock more, because it’s sad to think I’m surrounded by 48 per cent losers (prob only a half or fewer of those still feeling butthurt six years on tho, I admit that the moaners are a small minority now).
200 pages of comedy entertainment here.