I think this'll be the first election that I dont vote.
I like Boris in the sense that I think he will talk the UK up, pushing what we have and can do to the wider world. He seems to have a political energy that May didnt. But he is going for Brexit, which I dont want, so Conservative are not for me.
Corbyn.... Seems to have sat on the fence for ages without making me sit up and take notice of him and his policies. Apart from being neutral in a second EU vote, he has done nothing memorable for me in the time I've known of him. So Labour not for me.
Swinson.... stop Brexit. That's for me but I just cant get behind the Liberal Democrats as a party. Also not for me.
Sturgeon.... enough with this second referendum already (Yes I see the irony of me wanting to discard the EU decision and try again for the answer I personally want, but respect the independence result) She is a strong player on the political landscape and handles herself well but I dont want an independent Scotland. SNP not for me.
So what am I looking for? Well: I would like Scotland to have a strong voice down south but remain part of the UK and remain in the EU. I dont want to simply throw money at the NHS (bear with me) but rather more efficient spending to make sure that the funding it receives goes as far as it can and is spent wisely.
Education is only as good as the quality of the teachers we have and I was lucky to have what I consider as a good education, as the teachers I had were engaging and were interested in the subjects they taught. I scored well in subjects that I liked, and not so good in subjects that I didnt. I'd like to see a credible plan to ensure the continuing quality of teaching that we have, as where I live it's pretty damn good. (Apart from a maths teacher shortage)
So if there is a party that meets this criteria, they're for me.
This post is purely my opinion and I'm willing to be proved wrong, I need to find out more about the LibDems but where I live they are never going to trouble the established party.