Sorry I can’t pick quotes because mobile Safari is total garbage.It doesn't have to be feasible, it just has to happen. Seems like a very long leap to me to get from neither of the two main parties opposing brexit, to someone tabling revoke A50, and MP's voting in favour of it, to it actually getting called off. It is currently law and no-one will have the power to change that.
I don't see that the events would unfold like that. Since none of the parties that want it can overtake an incumbent pro-FPTP via a GE, it would require all the pro-PR MP's from the smaller parties to vote for it during normal business, and they'd probably all stand to gain from it at that point. For that to happen we need as few CON/LAB MP's in the house as possible. An election would then be held under the new system and at that point, it's not in the 'winners' interest to be pro-FPTP, because they've just won based on PR.
Oh good... well at least that means you can vote for pretty much anyone then, since they're all promising to do it.
Not while there's a majority rule from parties benefiting from FPTP, yay, a system we cannot change!
You will not get functional politics while peoples voices are systematically ignored.
If something that isn’t feasible can happen, Brexit would have happened already. The ERG have been essentially in power since Bojo took control, yet what have we had? We’ve had the ******** about Brexit happening... it not happening and then being sold the same **** deal May had, followed by another postponement!
Brexit will bankrupt this country and best case, will force us into bed with America, which will worsen our food and take away our NHS. Our economy needs the EU.
So it comes back down to the question of who to vote for? And as you’ve said, basically everyone, bar everyone.
I don’t have the answers, I don’t know how I’m going to vote... the idea of a general election is exasperating. Listening to current political debate is enraging. Our country has become the battle ground for ignorance and foreign powers to interfere with. Everyone is a victim and everyone is a target.
Our own government spoofed a fact checking organisation to deride the opposition leader during a TV debate... and then mocked up a fake manifesto website and pushed it to the top of google searches, just because labour launched their actual manifesto! The government!
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