Britain - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter Ross

How will you vote in the 2024 UK General Election?

  • Conservative Party

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Labour Party

    Votes: 14 48.3%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Other (Wales/Scotland/Northern Ireland)

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Other Independents

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other Parties

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Spoiled Ballot

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Will Not/Cannot Vote

    Votes: 8 27.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Seriously though - taking cans of beer off people, pouring the beer into the gutter, and threatening to stab them... if they don't make the grade as jihadists, they could always get jobs as police officers in Glasgow.
Or any "City Centre Warden" for that matter.

It's an incident involving a very, very small group of publicly stupid 'islamists'.
I like how the Daily Express were lazy enough to slap the exact same cover headline on Wednesday's paper as the one they used in this article 1 year ago.

And Jonathan Powell's forecasting will no doubt live up to its shoddy reputation. Every time winter comes around or it happens to feel a little chilly in November, it automatically means winter's set to be the "worst in decades".
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That is true of the media as a whole. They want to sell papers and when they say it is going to be awful people buy papers.
And recycling news/headlines is a regularly done thing.

I would expect any right minded Muslim could point out just how many Islamic rules they've broken. Not sure Allah will be welcoming them with open arms somehow. Mindless thugs with an excuse - very dangerous.

And one of them's a ginger…

I like how the Daily Express were lazy enough to slap the exact same cover headline on Wednesday's paper as the one they used in this article 1 year ago.

CTRL-C, CTRL-V. Lunch anyone?

Around 4am on January 6 of this year Horner, McFarlane and the 23-year-old approached a group of five men walking along the street, snatched cans of beer out of their hands before emptying them into the gutter.

Horner demanded: 'Why are you poisoning your body? It is against Islam. This is Muslim Patrol. Kill the non-believers.'

One then told another to 'go get the shank' in reference to a knife but as the group of men started walking away Horner threw punches hitting at least two of the men.

They threatened to kill the 5 guys after taking their beer and they didn't get beaten to a pulp? I didn't know London was getting soft. :P
I like how the Daily Express were lazy enough to slap the exact same cover headline on Wednesday's paper as the one they used in this article 1 year ago.

And Jonathan Powell's forecasting will no doubt live up to its shoddy reputation. Every time winter comes around or it happens to feel a little chilly in November, it automatically means winter's set to be the "worst in decades".
The Daily Express to me seems like a Daily Mail for over-50s.
So is this really going to happen? Cameron saves the children from internet porn! I know this subject was first bought up back in July, but seems to have resurfaced again.

Anyone caught possessing pornography which depicts rape could be jailed for three years under new government plans.
Mr Cameron is targeting websites which show videos and images of rape – whether they claim they are ‘simulated’ or not.

How the heck do you define 'simulated rape' in porn? Doesn't all modern porn simulate rape to a certain degree?
And will this then spread to other platforms too like movies and TV series? I don't watch Game of Thrones but from what I'm aware that has some pretty rapey scenes. Or will things like that be okay as it has a plot and artistic value?

But come on right, rape is rape! Context is irrelevant, if you're gonna ban it, ban it all.

Earlier this week, Sky launched Sky Broadband Shield which requires new customers to choose which filters they want, as part of the sign-up process. The 13 rating is pre-selected so customers who do not want this filter applied, need to deselect it.

Prime Minister David Cameron said: "As a dad, it is very simple: I want to know my children are protected when they go onto the internet.

"A family-friendly filter gives me the tool to do that and so this is a really important step forward by the Internet Service Providers.

Don't tools/programs already exist to do this? And Mr Cameron if you want to know your children are safe on the internet supervise them yourself you pleb!
And Mr Cameron if you want to know your children are safe on the internet supervise them yourself you pleb!
But that's the servant's job! :P

You'd think that he'd be able to pay for filtering software anyway.
But the government's default position in this country is ' you're not intelligent enough to make decisions for yourself, we must tell you what you want'.
I really don't see how charging people with possession of rape porn is actually going to positively impact children's lives...?
This proposed law doesn't worry me due to the backlash it's getting and how many counter arguments it has I don't personally believe it could ever go through.
However if it did go through what worries me most is the broadness of the term possession, what is possession? Having a bought copy of a pornographic DVD that depicts it, a download, or merely having it in our search history whether you intentionally meant to search for it or not.
Also some facts Mr.Cameron needs to take into consideration, an easy access to porn does not correlate to an increase in literal rape. India bans all forms of porn yet has been in the news many times for stories of extremely brutal rape attacks, while in the U.S.A rape has gone down 85% over the last 25 years yet the access to porn has dramatically increased in that time.
Dave just has no common logical sense or knowledge of how society actually works.
This is the internet equivalent of requiring you to be 18+ to buy books because 50 Shades of Grey exists.

As someone who enjoys the music of Lostprophets, this journalist's twitter feed from the Ian Watkins pedophilia trial makes for pretty distressing reading.

I'd given Watkins the benefit of the doubt when it was first revealed in the news as some of the charges sounded so far-fetched, but it looks like pretty much all of it was true. Kinda takes the fun out of listening to the music too when the person singing is that depraved.
Yeah I was following innocent until proven guilty.

But since he's pled guilty to many of the charges that's the end of it. The music will be struck from every play list and radio station.

It's the band mates I worry for, their income from royalties will completely disappear and there will always be a suspicion that they had some knowledge of what was going on.
Yeah. If they really weren't aware of anything it must be doubly shocking for them, having "known" him for so long. By the looks of things, this stuff was virtually going on in the next room.

Even as a fan of the band it makes me pretty sick - you build up a natural layer of defense for something you like. With someone like Jimmy Savile, who I always thought was a bit of a cock, it neither surprises nor saddens, but I've been listening to LP for the past decade or so and you never really expect someone you have a certain degree of respect for to do something like this...
Well, in other news.

I've lost all faith in humanity. On the way home, I saw a kid that was 10 years old, maybe even younger - staring at the traffic - during rush hour.

Staring at the traffic, with his cigarette in hand and smoking it.

What has society come to these days, a 10 year old being 'PROUD' that he smokes a cigarette?
Well, in other news.

I've lost all faith in humanity. On the way home, I saw a kid that was 10 years old, maybe even younger - staring at the traffic - during rush hour.

Staring at the traffic, with his cigarette in hand and smoking it.

What has society come to these days, a 10 year old being 'PROUD' that he smokes a cigarette?

This picture is from 1910, kids have been emulating adults forever, it's nothing new.

A rock singer was banging little girls? Say it ain't so!

(Although a one-year-old is truly beyond the pale. Way beyond.)
1? If only they were that old.

He was recruiting the mothers (the two women also found guilty) to... euch... get them "trained", the earlier the better.

In other 'news', please don't waste half an hour of your life on the panorama story about working for Amazon.

Who knew, crap jobs are crap? And yet it's a warm warehouse, with a very fair sick/late policy, an extremely good performance support policy and a decent rate of pay (certainly in Swansea).

But you get 30 minutes of a media student (yes, you Danny) complaining about a PDA telling him where everything is, and warning him when he's wrong.

And the best bit, there's not a customer in sight!
In other 'news', please don't waste half an hour of your life on the panorama story about working for Amazon.
Sounds like a true "first world problems" thing.

Working in warehouses is piss-easy. In basically every retail job I've had I've maneuvered myself into a warehouse job eventually - no customers to deal with, no lulls in footfall to make the day boring, always something to be getting on with, very few people telling you what to do or how to do it, and plenty of opportunities to chat to staff on their breaks while you're working. And when I was at Comet, it was basically like a free 8-hours-a-day gym membership - I've never been fitter than when I was hauling white goods around all day for a year.
In light of that Panorama episode my mum said to me "I'm not buying a single thing from Amazon ever again". She seems to listen to that show like it's the word of the almighty Odin or something. How ironic she asked me after to get her something from McD's. I'm sorry I thought you didn't want anything bought from places where working conditions are 'sub-par', I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure that place isn't exactly purty to work in 9-5.
People are too damn entitled these days. As long as an employer is supplying the bare minimum legal standards required as an employer, then they've no obligation to provide more than that. Obviously this will make some jobs worse than others, but if someone is in their first job packing boxes or shifting crap around a warehouse I do wonder what sort of benefits they were expecting from that.

I've done six different jobs in my life. Four of those were what I'd describe as crap "first job" sort of jobs.

Another of those was also a "first job" sort of job, but was actually fairly pleasant all things considered - working for HMRC filling in forms. Was easy, only 5 hours a day, the office was comfortable, and it was relaxed enough that you could chat to the person next to you all night. As crap jobs go it was actually pretty good.

My current job is great. Cars, interesting places etc.

But in none of those did I have some sort of unreasonable expectation of what I thought the job would be like. Members of the public being awful in a customer service job is obvious because members of the public are often awful. A warehouse job is going to be strenuous because you're shifting heavy stuff about. Any job like that will have an arsey supervisor or manager at some point because they'll have brown-nosed their way up the ladder at some point.

And ultimately, you'll be in a job like that for a couple of years, and then theoretically move somewhere better. And if you don't then that probably says more about the individual than it does about the employer.
My 'crap first job' was selling Hi-Fi. I guarantee I did more dangerous things, for less money (below minimum wage for the most part), with no sick pay, or paid holiday.. than the people at Amazon. It was so traumatic I only managed to keep doing it for 17 years.... the biggest hardship was getting to listen to Division Bell on a £30,000 set-up whenever I wanted.... truly back-breaking that was.... the conditions were awful, the discounts on the equipment were barely more than 40% sometimes. Shocking.


The closest thing to a 'crap first job' I had was working for York fitness (the people that make the Gym equipment), that was crap, so I did it for 4 days.

Anyway, if people don't like their jobs, we'll just get some Romanians in to do it :D
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There was a guy in Tesco, 58 years old, worked the warehouse. Ever seen a single guy empty a double decker trailer of supermarket stock? Some of those pallets weight 700kg, I know, I did the maths. You pull them on a purely manual pallet trolley. And stop them the same way.

Both my sisters have done crap jobs, my older sister more than most but the her dream job involves lurking in dark rooms with old documents! Luckily that is exactly her job!

My brother, I fear, will turn out the same as that guy. He's the youngest and has no motivation to get a job.