BST Revolution | V8-Johnboy Wins Series 9Finished 

  • Thread starter Gedi69
I know where he is, down by the river drinking stella, if he dont answer me in the next few minutes i will go down there and push him in and take his rod home with me.
Might aswell say something educational on here ..............
180641 staligrad.jpg

I've seen this building, it is now a department store.
I feel like a fight tonight do you wanna step outside i reckon i can take you both , i got a tremendous left jab, i aint scared of any bst punks....... well maybe apart from furikazen as he influences the mods & suggests who should they ban etc..
I feel like a fight tonight do you wanna step outside i reckon i can take you both , i got a tremendous left jab, i aint scared of any bst punks....... well maybe apart from furikazen as he influences the mods & suggests who should they ban etc..
I may call in a Furi favour and ask him to open a can of whoop ass on your err ass.:embarrassed: