its not "my" guide gedi its a highly regarded championship with some of the best players on Gt5, WSGTC, with one of its organisers Wardezes (who imo knows what he is talking about!) track guide we run heavy damage and are very very strict on cutting, i was just trying to help by serching the thread for the post on monzas track guide! if you dont like it fine but its a damn site better than having no guide so everyone is confused!! so then there can be no exuse, i now have no idea what you want, so no wonder you were saying i was "cutting" when all i was doing was touching the yellow kerb as was everyone else......Again Clean by WSGTC standards! (whats ok here and here for eg) WSGTC was and still is one of if not the best series on gtp and nearly every other series i run in used the same principle of curb is track (also if you noticed its only the red/white kerb thats allowed all the green kerb/run off is bad) i race all the time to WSGTC standards which i thought were a higher standerd than most. - Rant over
Edit: read that bit about licence test and you ALLOWED to use all the kerb at monza my point is PROVEN!!
So in actual fact your Rules contradict themself since any Monza licence test allows full use of kerbs (but DQs once you go onto green kerb with outside wheels) - meaning GT5 conciders it track yet you put 2 Wheel at all times which contradicts this imho these rules dont make sence!
also you dont need to like what im saying i dont expect you to but atleast be less agro saying stuff like "pmac trying to change the rules to suit him" when all i was trying to do was "help!" my daytona (From Integra organiser) one helped so why was this one so bad!