Budget Car Challenge

  • Thread starter Airrider
Now it's time to finally begin this.

Your first round will be from tonight to next Monday.

You will go to the Autumn Ring Mini Forward, one of the tracks first played on in the GT Life competitions, either A-Spec or B-Spec. Go there and post a lap.

It's almost felt too long since I last wished you all this: good luck, and good driving!
I'm pretty sure Autumn Ring Mini was the first track I ever drove in a GT game, in a green Mazda Eunos Roadster or something.

Sounds good, nice short track so hopefully not many places to make errors >_>

True, at least if (when) I wreck a lap I haven't spent too much time on it!

Good luck everyone
I want to get on this Budget Car challenge but I all ways miss the window. Is there anyway I could be notified in time to start.
I think as long as you submit a "legal" car and setup + laptime for this week before the deadline (Monday) it's fine. I'd wait to see what Airrider says though.
if I submit my car now could I still be entered into this?

I'm sure Airrider won't mind.

I entered the in November 2011 a bit late ,
so I submitted my car choise+parts installed with the lap time for current combo (and the picture).

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I am starting to dislike this car/track combo :P
My car is far to tail happy for this, it seems >__>

The complete opposite of my experiences then. :lol: I'm loving this combo, since my car is drifty but not out of control. I actually shaved a bit of time by going sideways through certain corners. :D

Autumn Ring isn't one of my strongest tracks though so I don't think I'll place well this round. Going to send my car and time in to Airrider shortly.
What are the settings for the track (grip real, tire wear...) I really want to join this. I already got a car and will start practicing.
No tire wear (shouldn't really be an issue given the shortness of the track and the (lack of) power of the cars we can use), grip reduction set to real.

The complete opposite of my experiences then. :lol: I'm loving this combo, since my car is drifty but not out of control. I actually shaved a bit of time by going sideways through certain corners. :D

Autumn Ring isn't one of my strongest tracks though so I don't think I'll place well this round. Going to send my car and time in to Airrider shortly.

I hate that I apparently blitzed one sector, and can't even come close to matching that sector time ever, but I can find tons of time to improve on the rest of the lap, but it still averages out as being a slower lap >__>
Hey guys how do I start this? I'm very interested

The combo:

Trouble's come up lately, that's why I'm late.

However, I've picked winners, and it's so hard for me to choose between Off The Bit's suggestions and VTiRoj's suggestions that I'm going to do one of each for the next few months!

The rest of January and all of February will be a celebration of the Budget Car Challenge, but not the way the challenge started: no, it'll be the way we all started as GT5 players.

The 1st Anniversary Season of the BCC is: FROM HUMBLE BEGINNINGS!

You will all start out as you did when you first received GT5. You will have a budget of 20,000 CR each. Go out and buy a Lv.0 car and whatever parts you can fit into the 20K CR budget and have it ready by next weekend, the days from January 27-29. On the 29th, I will give you your first round.

As usual, maintenance and cosmetic work (except aero kits) are free, so take advantage of that.

At the end of this season I will deliver the second-place winner rules for you all.

Good luck, everyone! Thank you for taking this incredibly cheap journey with me, and here's to another year of credit-crunching competition!

That's right! Sorry guys, I forgot to specify that. Normal transmission rules and aid rules apply: manual tranny only, and your only aid is having a Traction Control of 1, if you think you need it. I would think that most BCC offerings won't need it, but you never know: some cars can be really nasty without an electronic nanny.

And ABS up to 5

Now it's time to finally begin this.

Your first round will be from tonight to next Monday.

You will go to the Autumn Ring Mini Forward, one of the tracks first played on in the GT Life competitions, either A-Spec or B-Spec. Go there and post a lap.

It's almost felt too long since I last wished you all this: good luck, and good driving!

To put it short , pick a lvl0 car from UCD for less than 20,000 Cr.
Overhaul the engine , refresh chassis and paint , fit rims and paint them too.

Now , what ever cash / Cr. there was left after purchasing the car you can and should spend on upgrades.

Grippier tyres would be nice and after that wing and performance upgrades (more power / less weight)

And after that flywheel , clutch ect.

Write down exact car name , prize , (mileage) and parts installed.

After you have your car ready you go to Arcade mode or GT Life/Mode to do freerun laps around Autumn Ring Mini Forward.

Then once you've reached your and car's limit you take a photo of the screen which was first loaded before going on track / after exiting track. (the one that lists your lap times)
If that list is alredy full of faster times you'll need to clear it up.

Then transfer photo to computer.

After this , send an email to one of the 2 addresses stated in opening post.


The post title should (preferred) somehow refer to the BCC in title.

And in the body of the message you should list your exact car name , cost and parts installed.

And your GTP username. + the picture of your time as attachment.


I used Famine's GT5 Complete Car Database to determine car levels for those I alredy have in garage to save time from checking/refreshing the UCD.

And , based on car mileage I was able to count what they cost when I bought them from UCD. Here is a list of car value ranges for cars found at UCD created by CLIBBY34

A car's UCD value is directly proportional to it's price 'as new' (ie. what it would cost at 0 miles) and it's mileage.

UCD cost = "Price as New" - ( Mileage x 'Price as New' / 200,000 )

If the mileage is over 300,000, subtract 300,000. PD cheated the system here a bit lol. Cars do not appear to exist with mileage between 100k and 300k.... So yes, this means a car with a mileage of 300,001 would cost the same as the same car with a milage of 1.

Works for every car in the UCD... You can find the "As New" prices here.

I have collected over 2500 UCD cars , mostly low mileage and high mileage cars.
Low mileage cars for drag racing , high mileage for PP race / budget car challenges. :sly:

I hate that I apparently blitzed one sector, and can't even come close to matching that sector time ever, but I can find tons of time to improve on the rest of the lap, but it still averages out as being a slower lap >__>

Yeah that's annoying as hell. Eventually you'll beat it, but then you'll screw up the next corner and curse everything. :lol:
what times are you guys getting?

W are not supposed to talk about our time/score , but send it to Airrider.
This way ithe challenge is more interesting , as you don't know your rivals car and time before challenge 1 ends.
After that you know their cars , but can / cannot predict how fast they will be in the next combo.

If I knew what your car was I could say if it's fast or not , but I don't want to know it yet and I'm not asking. :D

The rule is always that results are released at some day in the week after the challenge is issued. See, I don't get to get on my computer all the time, and I really should assemble a team or get a second-in-command to help run this more regularly, but it also provides a good safety net for late submissions, which tend to happen often as we've all got our own lives to tend to outside the BCC.

Seasons tend to go for a month; that normally gives four challenges for everyone to take on. Scoring is dependent on how many people show up; at the end of every season, we choose a winner.

Speaking of that, I'll try to have the results up by the end of this week, but for now you all need your second challenge issued.

We all fantasized about it when we learned it was in GT5, now seeing that most of us are veteran GT5 players, we can actually get to doing it: your next lap will be one on the Top Gear Test Track, forward. Flying laps, of course, it'd be fiddly business doing the standing starts on the show.

If I can create a Founder's Car and post a time it'll be worth double what I would've given out this week. Good luck, everyone!
Submitted my lap time.

We really are at the origins of GT5 , BCC.
First lvl0 car with 20,000 Cr. to spend

And then the TGTT which was my first Budget challenge in GT5.

I'll predict that the next track will be:
I'm not going to reveal my prediction here ,
because it could affect Airrider's track choise/next challenge. :lol:

I really dislike how easily you can get your lap invalidated on this track. >__>

I believe that's a result of the cheaters during the Coulthard SLS challenge. :grumpy:

I've sent my time in. I'm terrible at this track so we'll see how I do. :lol:
I believe that's a result of the cheaters during the Coulthard SLS challenge. :grumpy:

It's actually the "invisible cones" the ones you can see on the track at the S licence test
and the Top Gear challenges in Special events + ofcourse the shortcut between invisible cones was fixed by PD also.
