So near and yet so far, congratulations to MadMax86.👍
I will get on that top step one day!
Sorry for the late submission , I will try to run and submit the oncoming challenge/s earlier.
Skyline? WTF!!! I think we have no chance this season.
Almost maximum mileage one

I have 1930+ standards.
And almost every standard car with under 5000km and close to max mileage.
Choosing car for these challenges , tough job if you're going to cycle the UCD.
Easyer if you have the cars alredy.
And the knowledge.
These cars mileage (in km) for exactly 12,500 Cr. cost would be: (and the stock tyres / choises at max mileage)
1989 Nissan Skyline GTS-t Type M (R32) : 95176km , N3's
1992 Honda Civic SiR-II : 45675km , N3's / S1's , S2's , S3's
1997 Mitsubishi FTO GP Version R : 84257km , N3's
1996 Honda Prelude SiR : 85477km , N3's / S1's
1985 Mazda RX-7 GT-Limited (FC) : 52067km , N3's / S1's , S2's , S3's
1979 Honda Civic 1500 3-Door CX : -61246km (for a prize of 12,500) , N2's / N3's , S1's , S2's , S3's , R1's
1991 Nissan Silvia K's (S13) : 77338km , N3's / S1's , S2's
If using miles , divide mileage km by 1.6 👍
Airrider's car:
1988 Nisssan Silvia Q's (S13) - 8281 CR = 93557-93563km
39327km for exactly 12,500 Cr. N3's / S1's , S2's , S3's