Budget Car Challenge

  • Thread starter Airrider
Two announcements to make. First off, a twofold announcement. A late Happy Thanksgiving for all the Americans here, like me...and sorry about not making it for the Founder's Challenge.

The second big announcement is that I won't be here from December 20th onwards, I'll be having a trip and I won't be back until a few weeks afterwards.

In light of this, I'm extending the Diet through to December, which means more events!

To make this more fun for everyone involved, I'm going to allow the very first mid-competition modification rule so the Diet can turn into a little feast.

Lots of cheap cars are raced in amateur competitions, and in doing so are often modified far beyond their original stock. To simulate this, you will each take 15,000 more CR and spend it on modifying your current cars. You will then see how these have changed your cars by driving them on the Daytona road course, Forward and seeing how fast a lap you can post.

Good luck out there, and good driving!
Sent in my drift score a while back and today I sent the Daytona road course lap time + upgrades.

I'll sift through the results for both weeks over the course of this week. Everyone, thanks for your entries, I've gathered them all.

Later this week I'll announce the next event, but for now, I must make another announcement:

I'm discovering just how busy I can get here in school. It might be too busy for just me to run all by my lonesome.

Therefore, I'm making an appeal to you guys: please contact me if you'd like to apply to help run the BCC!

I'll be making this into a contest. I need an idea for the January contest when I come back from my vacation on the 30th, and I'll look to you, my participants, for some ideas.

You know where to send them, so e-mail me with your idea as to what the January Challenge should be to celebrate one year of the Budget Car Challenge, including an opening event and a budget number, and the winner will get the honor of covering for me and making sure the Budget Car battles keep coming.

You can start making them up and sending them now. Please hurry: I'll be going on vacation on the 20th and I don't know if I'll have an Internet connection to keep an eye on entries.

Good luck, and as always, good driving!
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Normally I don't double post, but as you can guess, things have kind of fallen apart this month and I haven't been here to keep track of everything. I'll have to call it a contest.

Please, send in your ideas for rules for the BCC's one-year anniversary, and I'll come back to the BCC fresh in 2012.

I'll keep everyone's scores as they stand now and provide bonuses for the new rules set.
Normally I don't double post, but as you can guess, things have kind of fallen apart this month and I haven't been here to keep track of everything. I'll have to call it a contest.

Please, send in your ideas for rules for the BCC's one-year anniversary, and I'll come back to the BCC fresh in 2012.

I'll keep everyone's scores as they stand now and provide bonuses for the new rules set.

We understand, it's cool. 👍

I'm still thinking of an idea, it's not easy is it? :lol:
Yes no problem, real life has a habit of getting in the way of racing!

Merry Christmas to Airrider and all participants in the competition, past, present or future.:)
It's been too long. I'm going to start collecting entries and then prepare to start things as they began last year: a combined competition from the rest of January to February. Your due date for sending in ideas will be until Friday the 13th of this month.

Good, uhhh...luck. Oh, GOD, is that corny.
I'll send you an email in the next couple of days, now I've eventually managed to think of something.

It's not easy is it? :lol:

You're right there! I have had to reread the first post on this thread a few times to make sure I'm not just copying something Airrider has already done.
Trouble's come up lately, that's why I'm late.

However, I've picked winners, and it's so hard for me to choose between Off The Bit's suggestions and VTiRoj's suggestions that I'm going to do one of each for the next few months!

The rest of January and all of February will be a celebration of the Budget Car Challenge, but not the way the challenge started: no, it'll be the way we all started as GT5 players.

The 1st Anniversary Season of the BCC is: FROM HUMBLE BEGINNINGS!

You will all start out as you did when you first received GT5. You will have a budget of 20,000 CR each. Go out and buy a Lv.0 car and whatever parts you can fit into the 20K CR budget and have it ready by next weekend, the days from January 27-29. On the 29th, I will give you your first round.

As usual, maintenance and cosmetic work (except aero kits) are free, so take advantage of that.

At the end of this season I will deliver the second-place winner rules for you all.

Good luck, everyone! Thank you for taking this incredibly cheap journey with me, and here's to another year of credit-crunching competition!
Haha, I think that makes me second again!

I've used my time off from the Budget Car Challenge to complete my premium car collection with a little help from the online B-Spec seasonals, but it didn't feel quite right driving cars that could go that fast.

UCD, here we come.👍
I'm still waiting for the results for November/December ? budget car challenge..

I've just been reading through this thread, and I'd love to be able to take part, I just have a couple of questions though:

1: I get that MT is compulsory, but I've never used it before, so I'm just wondering how long it would take to get accustomed to it? I use a DS3.
2: Since I spend most of my time trawling the UCD, I have pretty much every car, but most of them have never been driven (yeah, appalling I know, but I spend more time collecting these days :P) so they will be stock, but would I have to buy another from the UCD to be sure of the price?
I've just been reading through this thread, and I'd love to be able to take part, I just have a couple of questions though:

1: I get that MT is compulsory, but I've never used it before, so I'm just wondering how long it would take to get accustomed to it? I use a DS3.
2: Since I spend most of my time trawling the UCD, I have pretty much every car, but most of them have never been driven (yeah, appalling I know, but I spend more time collecting these days :P) so they will be stock, but would I have to buy another from the UCD to be sure of the price?

1. MT L2/R2 easy if you watch the rev meter/ speed + listen the rpms.

2. car value based on mileage in kilometers

1: I get that MT is compulsory, but I've never used it before, so I'm just wondering how long it would take to get accustomed to it? I use a DS3.

A few hours, maybe less. Find a slow car and take it to a track you know well, then practice until you're shifting without thinking about it. Then move onto faster cars with less time between shifts. 👍
Airrider can i send you my car and specs along with results for round 1 after January 29th? I've started 24h le mans race and i think it will take me over a week to finish it.
Thanks for that link MadMax, makes it easier than me searching through the UCD lists trying to remember what in-game day I bought the car, and looking at the price listed :P

I'm pretty OK with MT now, and I found my transfer cable for my phone, so consider me signed up! (If... if thats OK, of course)
You will all start out as you did when you first received GT5. You will have a budget of 20,000 CR each. Go out and buy a Lv.0 car and whatever parts you can fit into the 20K CR budget and have it ready by next weekend, the days from January 27-29. On the 29th, I will give you your first round.

As usual, maintenance and cosmetic work (except aero kits) are free, so take advantage of that.

How do I join? I'm defo interested!

First off, do what Airrider said in the quote above. Then wait for Airrider to announce the challenge, then do the challenge, then e-mail Airrider your results plus an image as proof. As long as you've followed the rules, you're in! 👍
That's right! Sorry guys, I forgot to specify that. Normal transmission rules and aid rules apply: manual tranny only, and your only aid is having a Traction Control of 1, if you think you need it. I would think that most BCC offerings won't need it, but you never know: some cars can be really nasty without an electronic nanny.
That's right! Sorry guys, I forgot to specify that. Normal transmission rules and aid rules apply: manual tranny only, and your only aid is having a Traction Control of 1, if you think you need it. I would think that most BCC offerings won't need it, but you never know: some cars can be really nasty without an electronic nanny.

So no ABS either? Heh, looks like another thing I'll have to get used to :P
ABS has always been allowed, are you changing it up for this season Airrider? Makes me glad we're only going to be using level 0 cars. :lol:
ABS has always been allowed, are you changing it up for this season Airrider? Makes me glad we're only going to be using level 0 cars. :lol:

Ah, well this time, no, I'm not changing up the rules. Thanks for reminding me, knew there was something I forgot.
Ah, well this time, no, I'm not changing up the rules. Thanks for reminding me, knew there was something I forgot.

Ah, that's good to know. What address should I E-Mail my car choice to? (Do you want its stats as well? Or just what has been purchased for it?)

Edit: Well I just submitted my car of choice, I hope I sent it to the correct E-Mail address. I also hope I don't get beaten too badly, but we shall see :P
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Sent in my car choise and parts installed.
The PP is actually 9 units higher than what I wrote in the email. (hadn't installed the wing yet , but had checked it's cost)
