Budget Car Challenge

  • Thread starter Airrider
So wait, are Comfort Hards compulsory? I thought it meant those were the tyres you had to use if you didn't buy any of your own?

Yeah, everyone has to run comfort hard tyres. They're not counted into the budget though.

Edit: Tree'd.
Well would you look at that, I suddenly have an extra *undisclosed* thousand Cr. to spend.


Apologies to Airrider for derping up majorly on this car entry, am I still OK to make changes (bearing in mind it's 1AM here now, and I'm pretty busy tomorrow, so it might be tomorrow evening (GMT) before I can make any amendments)
So wait, are Comfort Hards compulsory? I thought it meant those were the tyres you had to use if you didn't buy any of your own?
Good news is that your tires are free. Bad news is that they have to be Comfort Hard tires. For everything else, you will have to spend money from your 30K budget in order to modify your car for challenges testing your driving skills.
I highlighted the pertinent word here.:D
just tried SS Route X, IT'S SO HUGE! it looks pretty good to, and I love the speed test function,
top 100 results? oh yeah! hope we have an event there one day, it's totally worth $3.99 to have definitive data on you cars.
This is one of those strange situations where I go faster when I'm flicking the car sideways every corner. :lol:
So the last night I was playing with my new Route X, and decided to break out my 50k credit challenge test cars (I've been playing some of the BCC's older ones in my free time). so my choice for the challenge was the 2000 Cobra R, although the camaro ss '10 was faster, so after the camaro trounced my Stang in the acceleration tests (except top speed, Cobra had 7/10 mph over it, despite 75 less hp; better aero, less weight I guess) I wanted to see how much it difference it was side by side. After hauling them to the arcade mode route x, I put both of them on traction control 1, auto trans, and sports soft tires to keep it all even. Right from the launch the SS walked away from my cobra, still in sight, but I almost lost sight of it as it crested the peak and headed down hill into the sunset, streaking toward the 10,000 meter mark, my self imposed finish line. Both cars were doing 195 mph by the time the road flattened out and the cars started to be coaxed by aerodynamic forces down to their respective top speeds, the ford started gaining, big time, so I looked at my camaro's cluster, 171 AND FALLING! Why?! it should be doing 178! Despite this fact the Chevy was acting like it had a fiat 500 tied to its bumper, then it hit me, the SS was still in 6th gear,
now doing about 3,500-less rpm. While I took all this in, the Cobra had managed to hang on to most of its downhill speed and flew past the camaro at nearly 185 mph while the SS was doing an easy 135-140, taking the race by at least a dozen car lengths. I retried the race a half dozen times, the Camaro never went back to 5th gear, unless I let off and then romped on the gas at its 5ft gear shift point. has anybody else experienced this?
(P.S. sorry that was so dang long)
@GT4viper I don't know if PD did it intentionally to try forcing people to use manual transmission or if they were just being lazy but the automatic transmission shift logic is horrible and one of the least realistic parts of the game. My own experience from years of real life driving is that few cars even under hard acceleration upshift at redline and most are well short of it. As for downshifting in game I'm not sure what PD has used for its logic there but many cars don't seem to downshift to get into a better suited gear to maintain a speed or for an overtake/passing move.
With the fully customizable transmission you can adjust the setup to improve the performance in top speed runs but you'll always get way better results with a manual transmission that you can place in the proper gear for best use of your power.

I'm having to learn how to drive manual in the game for this series and even though I'm still not good with it my time for the current challenge is probably as good if not better than I would get with an automatic transmission because of the powerband and the way PD has the shift logic.:drool:
I wish I'd buoght a customiseable transmission for this track now, would probably cut my time massively.

Also one of the only times where adding ballast makes me faster, apparently.
Just submitted my car and time, hope I was quick enough!

This is one of those strange situations where I go faster when I'm flicking the car sideways every corner. :lol:

Yup, mine too :lol:
A quick flick of the handbrake round the tight hairpins seemed to make a world of difference to me :dopey:
Doubt my time is going to be anywhere close to the leaders but I'm pretty happy with it considering how bad I am with a manual transmission and the comfort hard tires.:D

Going to give it a few more runs today and if not satisfied by a killer lap probably a few tomorrow morning then send my time in.:drool:

Going to be interesting to see how far off the pace I am, the cars good...ole Harvey Wallbanger here isn't!:lol::cheers:
no handbrake here, power oversteer is giving me plenty of rotation! Despite how good my V8 roasts the rubbers thought the curves,(even with max ballast) I find that braking smoothly and keeping just lightly holding the brake through the apex keeps this modern muscle from plowing, after which it's a delicate balance of throttle control. I find that just a little more power than the tires can handle is best for a fast exit, too little and it bogs, to much and its banging of the rev limiter and throwing a 180. Good times!
no handbrake here, power oversteer is giving me plenty of rotation! Despite how good my V8 roasts the rubbers thought the curves,(even with max ballast) I find that braking smoothly and keeping just lightly holding the brake through the apex keeps this modern muscle from plowing, after which it's a delicate balance of throttle control. I find that just a little more power than the tires can handle is best for a fast exit, too little and it bogs, to much and its banging of the rev limiter and throwing a 180. Good times!

That sounds more fun than mine :lol:

Mines 4WD, so I mostly get four wheel drifts and understeer. So the hand break is required to snap it back into line. Or prevent me hitting the outside barriers :lol:
That sounds more fun than mine :lol:

Mines 4WD, so I mostly get four wheel drifts and understeer. So the hand break is required to snap it back into line. Or prevent me hitting the outside barriers :lol:
Odd I've got 4wd and while it will do a nice four wheel drift it turns in great and I have to watch for oversteer as it loves to light up the rear wheels if I jump on the throttle to early and hard...:drool:
Odd I've got 4wd and while it will do a nice four wheel drift it turns in great and I have to watch for oversteer as it loves to light up the rear wheels if I jump on the throttle to early and hard...:drool:

Yeah it does do nice four wheel drifts. It is a lot of fun to drive, especially around Eiger.
Just have to touch the handbrake to kick the rear end out :P

If I hit the gas too early I get a four wheel drift whilst under steering haha. It all goes completely wrong :lol:
Yeah it does do nice four wheel drifts. It is a lot of fun to drive, especially around Eiger.
Just have to touch the handbrake to kick the rear end out :P

If I hit the gas too early I get a four wheel drift whilst under steering haha. It all goes completely wrong :lol:
You got a tuneable suspension or did you just go all power?
I put the height adjustable on mine so I could hopefully get the most out of the tires so that may be why mines a bit more oversteering with little to no understeer.:D
You got a tuneable suspension or did you just go all power?
I put the height adjustable on mine so I could hopefully get the most out of the tires so that may be why mines a bit more oversteering with little to no understeer.:D

I went for fixed suspension, the rest is sheer power :lol:
Hence why it doesn't handle as well :P
It's not too bad... Ill be curious to see how our two cars compare, I get the feeling they're pretty similar :P
I went with a good old-fashioned FR drivetrain, and it's not really suited for these twisty sections. I'll have to see if kicking the tail out improves my time at all, I've been trying to quell the oversteer thus far.
Time Submitted! I managed to squeeze another 4/10ths out of it, not sure how...
dang was that freekin slippery!
Bring on round 2!
Just submitted my time. Funny how when you look at the timestamps for the leaderboard on Eiger now, I set my fastest time on the first run I did, and got progressively slower as the week went on :P

I have to say though, this contest has really improved my skills with this game, I'd have never normally used a relatively powerful rear drive car on such slippery tyres on such a twisty track. Also it got me using MT, which is like second nature to me now.
So will week 1s results be posted tonight or later in the week?

Yes I'm eager to see what the competition is running.:D
yeah! I want see where I rank, but mostly I want to see what cars I'm trying to compete against!

[EDIT] I am also having a hard time keeping my mouth shut about my ride too!
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Is there a deadline for this? Or am I able to quickly bang out a time today. I took part in like the earliest season of this challenge and am feeling a comeback. Noticed the thread a couple of days ago, but like a klutz I saw the discussion about Route X and switched off as I dont have the DLC for that yet, didnt realise that was just talk of things to come!

Will bang out some times anyway, even If I cant submit it legitimately :( just to see how I compare :D