Budget Car Challenge

  • Thread starter Airrider
I have tried reaching Off the Bit via PM without success, so I'll try here, Off the Bit, I need your drift trail results ASAP. The deadline was Sunday,
with a late turn in of Monday evening, all others have complied, I don't want to hold up the result any further, so if I dont have your results by wednesday morning I will have to list you as a DNQ, and you will receive 0 points this round.
Wow fourth, I'm pleased with that :)
I was expecting lower due to the 4WD, but it seems that my little Impreza did alright. I guess my main rival for that challenge would have been xdesperado, due to having an Evo, but he beat me by a couple of thousand :P

Roll on the next challenge!
okay. It would appear that pretty much all entrants have the Route X DLC, so let me deliver a first:

Drag racers have the luxury of super-sticky, soft tires. You, sadly, don't have that. How will it affect your performance here? To find out, you will go to Special Stage Route X and complete a quarter mile. You will be scored separately on your time and maximum speed.

Good luck out there!
How do we take photo proof of this? The leaderboards on the Route X menu?

EDIT: Can't you play Route X even if you don't have it by setting up a private lobby?
I think car sharing would be the solution for those who have no Speed Test pack.
Solution in the way of getting entry and points for the round.

I could do the test for anyone who hasn't got the DLC.
Send a friend request thru PSN to GT-LM

I don't have Route X and my internet connection doesn't allow me to run in online lobbies.:(

I'm willing to place the car on share and let someone else run it, maybe use automatic transmission so there is no advantage from superior manual transmission shifting...💡
I think car sharing would be the solution for those who have no Speed Test pack.
Solution in the way of getting entry and points for the round.

I could do the test for anyone who hasn't got the DLC.
Send a friend request thru PSN to GT-LM

I'd happily do this. I think this is probably the easiest way to do the tests too. I'll add you when I'm next at home and I'm on the PS3 👍

Thanks a lot :D
I think car sharing would be the solution for those who have no Speed Test pack.
Solution in the way of getting entry and points for the round.

I could do the test for anyone who hasn't got the DLC.
Send a friend request thru PSN to GT-LM


Can you add me mjm_98 won't be on till tomorrow
I think car sharing would be the solution for those who have no Speed Test pack.
Solution in the way of getting entry and points for the round.

I could do the test for anyone who hasn't got the DLC.
Send a friend request thru PSN to GT-LM


Thanks Max, I was betting on a lot of UCD grinding to find the cars, which I can do if someone has no Internet, and thus can't put it on share.
BTW, I think we should keep our tests in offline mode, due to the Phunky Physics!
I'll try to connect to the internet tomorrow long enough to send MadMax a FR and put the car on share...:drool:
Can you add me mjm_98 won't be on till tomorrow

I've sent you a friend request.

okay. It would appear that pretty much all entrants have the Route X DLC, so let me deliver a first:

Drag racers have the luxury of super-sticky, soft tires. You, sadly, don't have that. How will it affect your performance here? To find out, you will go to Special Stage Route X and complete a quarter mile. You will be scored separately on your time and maximum speed.

Good luck out there!

Does that mean maximum speed as max speed test or the (trap) speed at 1/4 mile?

If a car I test has height adjustable suspension kit I will optimise it for (each) test.

Also , should I take photo of (each) car I test and send it to the car owner/s? (I can attach a picture to PSN pm) :D
Or just let Airrider and gt4viper know the results (+ send the pictures) or both?

Does that mean maximum speed as max speed test or the (trap) speed at 1/4 mile

I too am curious to where the highest speed will be measured. Measuring the 1/4 mile trap speed will be difficult since the replays don't show the 1/4 mile times. We would have to attempt to stop the replay at the correct time then take a picture. Some clarification from Airrider would be appreciated.
I think car sharing would be the solution for those who have no Speed Test pack.
Solution in the way of getting entry and points for the round.

I could do the test for anyone who hasn't got the DLC.
Send a friend request thru PSN to GT-LM


I've sent you a friend request on PSN and set my car to online. Thanks again for doing this 👍

I interpreted Airriders post to mean that it would be our max speed over the quarter mile?
@MadMax thanks for accepting my FR so promptly.

Just put the car on share.👍👍

If its not to much trouble can you send me a copy of your results and any photos please. My email address is Rook1967@live.com or you can PM me here since I just got this shiny new premium that gives me lots more space.:D
I can't get on GT5 right now, but does the Route X 1/4 mile leaderboard say something like "10.250 @160mph" or whatever? If so, I imagine that's what Airrider meant. If not, then probably we have to run a top speed test alongside the quarter mile.
No , 0-60 , 0-100 1/4 mile , 1 mile and g's.

And speed test , no trap speeds.

Example pic from here.

So I talked to Airrider, and you guys are right,
he wants the 1/4 mile time and trap speed.
How to get your speed accurately is up to you
I suppose; I'm going to try and use the data logger, if that's an option.
I've sent an email to Airrider and gt4viper containing the results of XDesperado67's , McRoflSandwich's , mjm_98's and my car for challenge 3.

I also sent gt4viper a pm containing all those pictures (,so that people mentioned don't need to send them again.)

So I talked to Airrider, and you guys are right,
he wants the 1/4 mile time and trap speed.
How to get your speed accurately is up to you
I suppose; I'm going to try and use the data logger, if that's an option.

So we have to snap a photo of the replay just as we're crossing the 1/4 mile marker? Shouldn't be THAT difficult, might take a couple of tries to stop at the right point. Good thing there's rewinding in replays now :P
So here's the really really unofficial standings after the first two weeks...
1st McRoflSandwhich: 17 points

2nd XDesperado67 16 points

3rd MadMax86 14 points

4th Slirb 13 points

5th JWalker 11 points

6th gt4viper 9 points

7th Off the Bit: 9 points

8th mjm_98 8 points

9th TopGearFTW 6 points

10th VTiRoj 6 points

Got some nice tight competition going so far. Will week three see a major shakeup in the standings? Could this be the make or break week for determining this seasons winner?:odd: Oh and almost forgot the most important question...will Roj find a way to get out of last place without someone dropping out of the series?:crazy::lol:

Remember as Harvey Wallbanger always says...
Drive hard and have fun!:cheers::gtpflag:
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I've sent an email to Airrider and gt4viper containing the results of XDesperado67's , McRoflSandwich's , mjm_98's and my car for challenge 3.

I also sent gt4viper a pm containing all those pictures (,so that people mentioned don't need to send them again.)


Thanks again for doing this :) 👍
Seems like Viper can't really do the deputy thing. I understand his reasons for doing so, and to help him I'm immediately putting the call out. Can anybody else spare the time to act as a BCC judge while I try to cope with all this reduced web time of mine?

Desperado, are you volunteering?
Seems like Viper can't really do the deputy thing. I understand his reasons for doing so, and to help him I'm immediately putting the call out. Can anybody else spare the time to act as a BCC judge while I try to cope with all this reduced web time of mine?

Desperado, are you volunteering?
While I am willing to try helping out in an unofficial capacity, I'm don't think I'm up to filling an official role. My sole internet access is via my cell phone and between issues I've been having with it (hopefully Verizon will resolve them soon, I spent an couple hours on my landline with them yesterday.:drool:) and my commitments in the tuning forum and elsewhere on GTPlanet I'm stretched pretty thin. Viper has so far done pretty good at picking up the slack for you Airrider, has he informed you that he won't be able to continue doing so?
I only posted the standings in an attempt to help liven the thread up and not because you and viper where failing somehow. Like to try and keep things exciting and people involved for more than one 5 minute post a week.:crazy::lol: