Building a "cheap" PC - Final ~$1100 (AMD945/4GB RAM/1TB/ATI 5770HD/550W/24" XL2370)

  • Thread starter icelt
If you are connected to a wireless router then you don't really have to worry about using a software firewall other than the Windows firewall.
Cool on the install basics. I wouldn't be surprised once I start reading the case manual it will suggest the same, but it's still good to get experienced feedback.

Avast is now noted. Also my router has a built in firewall so I'm covered there, both via wireless and ethernet.
In terms of anti-virus, I don't want to muddy the waters as you've already been given good advice on that front. But, for what it's worth, I'm now using Microsoft Security Essentials and I'm really pleased with it. It's a free download if you have a genuine copy of Windows, and it has received high marks from a lot of independent reviewers.

I switched from Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 to MSE because Kaspersky was really slowing down my computer--everything from downloads, to web browsing to general tasks. I know good anti-virus can occasionally cause some slowdown, but I think the Kaspersky 2010 was just too resource hungry for my liking. If you want to try MSE for free, just google "MSE" or "Microsoft Security Essentials." It's basically supposed to do what any of the good Internet Security Software does, and it works in tandem with Windows Firewall 👍
I'd recommend against any MS security software. Tends to be intrusive and obnoxious, and generally misses things others do not.

I am using ClamWin at the moment for an anti-virus, at the recommendation of my cousin who has worked with Linux and programming for a while. And I'm quite happy with it.

I did use Avast! for years, and it is a solid piece of software, just a bit annoying with having to renew the free home license every 6 months or so.
Ok, so the hardware install went smoothly enough... until I attempted to boot Win 7 from the DVD drive. Suffice to say the system does not want/like reading from the DVD drive as yet.

General Notes:
* Looking in the BIOS the DVD, HD, RAM and CPU are all correctly identified as near as I can tell.
* The DVD drive IS identified as the primary boot device.
* The DVD drive has power and the tray functions as expected.
* The monitor is connected to the VC via DVI and is functional.
* I tried disabling the HD in the BIOS and the system still does not read from the DVD drive.
* I've tried booting the ASRock disc and that is not recognized either.
* All fans are functional as are the front panel USB ports, power switch, reset button and LED's.

So... yeah, I'm kinda at a loss right now. Anyone see a simple/obvious overlook?

Oh yeah, the video was quite helpful. Thanks much for the suggestion. 👍
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The only thing I can think of, and it is quite silly, is that you aren't hitting the key when it prompts you to in order to launch the installer. Other than that, if you are able to get into the BIOS and past the initial boot up screen (showing the HDDs, etc) then I am not sure what the issue could be.
When you say primary boot device, it is the first device in the boot order?
When you say primary boot device, it is the first device in the boot order?

That how I read it as well. But it shouldn't matter regardless as there should be no boot info on the HDD he has installed, so it should just get bypassed?
The only thing I can think of, and it is quite silly, is that you aren't hitting the key when it prompts you to in order to launch the installer. Other than that, if you are able to get into the BIOS and past the initial boot up screen (showing the HDDs, etc) then I am not sure what the issue could be.

I kinda see where you are going but I think, at least with this particular MB, I'm attempting things correctly. FWIW this is the presently displayed instruction:
Reboot and Select proper Boot device
or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key

Random aside, the capitalization is accurate. Odd but accurate.

Anyway I've selected in the BIOS the DVD drive as the primary (or first) boot device and as the only one. Still get the same instruction.

When you say primary boot device, it is the first device in the boot order?

See above and yes. Except for those attempts where I "disabled" the HD.

Still hoping it's something simple and I don't have to resort to the aforementioned "pray" version of plug and play. :lol:
Any smudges on the DVD? Yes, I know my suggestions are silly but I've had them be issues in the past, where a finger print just barely kept the DVD from being read correctly, etc.
Any smudges on the DVD? Yes, I know my suggestions are silly but I've had them be issues in the past, where a finger print just barely kept the DVD from being read correctly, etc.

No apologies, very fair question and I hadn't checked that. Now that I've checked there are some small scratches on both discs but nothing in my experience that would result in a read error. Meaning I've seen discs in much worse shape that still work fine.

Am I correct in assuming that if the MB states there is a DVD drive present in the BIOS, that the SATA cable is connected properly and functional?
Yes, as the SATA has to be connected correctly in order for the MoBo to even realize anything is there.

Or at least last I checked with SATA (My DVD-R is on IDE :dopey: )
Ok, now I'm kinda thinking that the bios is not really identifying the DVD drive correctly. The reason I say this is when I try the "Instant Flash" BIOS update utility it only lists the HD and USB thumb drive as viable options. I'm trying to flash the BIOS to 1.5 (recent as of 4/10) right now from my USB thumb drive. Once again it recognizes the stick, seems to find the file but has been stuck at "checking [1]\m3a7701.50" for several minutes now.

I've now successfully flashed the BIOS to version 1.5 and still no luck booting from the DVD. Should I now consider myself:
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When your in the bios do you see the optical drive? If not try reseating the Sata cable. I would do that anyway. Or try a different one. If its booting into the bios your still OK. You just need to figure out why its not seeing the Optical drive. Read the MB manual. That may help. Edit: move the OPtical drive Sata cable to a different location on the MB.
When your in the bios do you see the optical drive? If not try reseating the Sata cable. I would do that anyway. Or try a different one. If its booting into the bios your still OK. You just need to figure out why its not seeing the Optical drive. Read the MB manual. That may help.

Yeah I do. It just identifies it a bit oddly to me. I received a "Samsung SH-S223L" according to the shipping label and drive sticker but the bios reports a "4M-TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S2". I have no idea if this is an issue or not, just providing any feedback I can think of.

Anyway probably time to give up for the night. Thanks all and I'll report tomorrow as appropriate.
Yeah I do. It just identifies it a bit oddly to me. I received a "Samsung SH-S223L" according to the shipping label and drive sticker but the bios reports a "4M-TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S2". I have no idea if this is an issue or not, just providing any feedback I can think of.

That shouldn't be an issue. Did you try using other SATA ports, switching the HDD and DVD cables, etc ?
Try your old computer's dvd drive on the motherboard to see if the problem is really the DVD drive itself. From what I read online you will need to pay for the shipping if you have to RMA the drive.
Well now I've tried switching SATA ports, switching SATA cables and even using separate power leads for both the HD and DVD drive. Still no go. And separate power leads should not be necessary correct?

Yeah my "old" computer right now is a PB G4. So can't really try that fix unfortunately.

Suppose it's about time to trek down to the local Fry's.
If you have a usb dvd drive then you can use that to boot a dvd up. If not then just buy a new or used DVD drive on the cheap. From my experience LG drives work wonderfully and are very quiet.
Cool. Just to double check, separate power leads to the HD and DVD drive are not necessary correct?
That is correct. The power connection would not be the problem unless the power cable that's connected to the DVD drive is damaged in a way that some of the wires are cut apart. If it was the DVD drive, it would most likely not run and it would not appear in the bios.
Ok it is official, I can build a PC :D. Drive was dead, installed another one and Windows is now loading. Wouldn't be a PC building experience if something didn't go wrong I suppose.
Thanks man. Maybe not the world's greatest achievement, ok assuredly not ;), but still a cool feeling.

Now to see what excitement installing Win7 has in store for me. :nervous:
Ok it is official, I can build a PC :D. Drive was dead, installed another one and Windows is now loading. Wouldn't be a PC building experience if something didn't go wrong I suppose.

Something always goes wrong. A power switch was wired poorly on a case once and we could not figure out why it wouldn't power up. I ended up just getting brave and jumping the power switch connector on the mobo directly with a screw driver, Viola.

Thanks man. Maybe not the world's greatest achievement, ok assuredly not ;), but still a cool feeling.

Now to see what excitement installing Win7 has in store for me. :nervous:


:lol: Should be pretty painless man! :)

Win7 is painless to install compared to the old days. Oh man, fdisk and booting from a floppy to get the CD drivers loaded so you could actually use the disc drive for the Win95 disc.

Now for Overclocking and stress tests! Though I did have to pull my CMOS battery earlier today because of some poor multiplier and FSB settings.

:lol: Should be pretty painless man! :)

Somewhat shocking to me, but heck you were right. :D

Good to see its up and running!👍

One might understate by stating I'm in a marginally better mood right now as compared to yesterday ;). The support from all you guys was great.

Any guess on what my 3dmark score is gonna turn out to be? 400MB download for the 🤬 program :eek:.
I would guess around 16500 before you start OCing. I might be low though. This is for 3dmark06 and not Vantage. I haven't run Vantage on my computer yet.