Bush message to GM and Ford: Step your game up

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ex. Do you see other car companies blatenly rebaging their cars 3-4 times?? no... and even if they do rebadge it they don't half ass it. :rolleyes:
So let me get this straight -- when Honda bases the Integra off the Civic it is called platform sharing and when GM builds a G6 on a Malibu Maxx platform it is "blatant rebading"? :rolleyes:
If Bush is so stupid and such a bad President, then how on earth did he win a second term? I guess more people like him then not...and someone (a majority) must think he's fairly smart.

Now thats the question of the century....noone has the answer for this. We in the middle of the earth couldnt find the answer. Well thinking of 45% of americans believing in (creation, 7 days all right, :sly: ), and Bush being against gay marriage etc. explains a lot. oh well.....off topic
Fonce Diablo
...Is it perceived suck?

To a fair degree, yes. A lot of us will never forget some of the dogs we had in the past. I won't bore you with the gory details of my '80s GM company cars...
Since when was public speaking an absolute talent that must be had to become President? I would have to say the last President to have great public speaking skills was indeed Ronald Regan, and before him Eisenhower, Truman, and FDR... Its great to see that people like Bush, Clinton, etc. have a problem with public speaking, it shows that they are normal like everyone else. Tony Blair in the UK faces a similar issue, as well as Jaques Chirac (however you spell his crazy-french name), and even Germany's former leader Gerhardt Schroder...
So let me get this straight -- when Honda bases the Integra off the Civic it is called platform sharing and when GM builds a G6 on a Malibu Maxx platform it is "blatant rebading"? :rolleyes:
Does Honda rebadge the same car four times (like GM does with their craptacular minivans)? No. This is what we mean by blatant rebadging.

But for once I agree with Bush. I actually like the way he phrased it too; 'build more appealing vehicles'. Both GM and Ford have been producing some pretty damn good vehicles lately, like the Mustang, Corvette, Fusion, new Impala, Cobalt, and the CTS. Whereas the Mustang and Corvette are cultural icons and will sell no matter what, GM and Ford's bread and butter cars really need to become more desireable. For instance, the new Impala is a great car; some journalists say it is as good or even better than the Accord. But it has the appeal of cardboard. GM really need to stop heavily advertising their cash deals, like 'employee pricing' or '0% financing'. Instead, they should remember they are trying to sell a car, and try to base their marketing around that instead of trying to sell what is in essence a rebate.
For instance, the new Impala is a great car; some journalists say it is as good or even better than the Accord. But it has the appeal of cardboard. GM really need to stop heavily advertising their cash deals, like 'employee pricing' or '0% financing'. Instead, they should remember they are trying to sell a car, and try to base their marketing around that instead of trying to sell what is in essence a rebate.
I'm glad you brought that up. I was behind one of those, just this morning. The driver looked like he just traded in his Buick for it(past 80). As I'm passing this car, I'm thinking in my head, "Hmmm, new GM sedan. Supposed to be pretty high quality cars these days, but I'll never buy a car that look like that!". Now, this was based solely on the styling of Impala, but like you said, looks of the car isn't the only problem. I don't think Accord(face-lifted ones, I really liked the one before that) and Fusions are beautiful cars, but I can see myself owning one. Impala, I wouldn't even shop for one. It looks like an update of the 80's GM car Zardoz was talking about.........

Beretta and Grand Am's were cool though.
...So are you one of those people who hate Bush because Green Day tells you to, or are you someone who doesnt like Bush for a good reason?
Hey hey HEY. No Green Day bashing either.

I actually agree with Mr. President on this issue. Bailing out GM and Ford would be stupid, unless they can turn around quickly and start making a profit again. However I'm sure that if faced with the decision, nobody in their right mind would let two of the largest automakers in the world die...

I was very impressed that Bush advised alternative fueled cars. I really think all automakers should pour resources into alternative fuels, and not just hybrids. I look at people in Prius's and wonder why they chose to pay a huge premium for a slow, bloated Corolla. Hybrids will turn out to be a fad IMO, and eventually we will either dig up half of Canada for the oil sands or someone will actually get a good hydrogen infastructure set up in this country.
...So are you one of those people who hate Bush because Green Day tells you to, or are you someone who doesnt like Bush for a good reason?

...Calling him stupid isnt a good reason... What the hell do you think Clinton, Bush 1, Regan, Carter, Ford (from my hometown), Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, etc. was? They all had cabinets and aides that told them what to do just like Bush has...

You mean to say that you actually believe that Regan new exactly how to deal with the damn Commies? That Nixon had a plan to get out of Vietnam? That Truman had planed to use the A-Bomb on Japan? That FDR had any idea how to get the country out of it's largest economic crisis since the Civil War?

...Seriously, before you bash the President or any part of the political system, atleast know what you are talking about...

I happen to be one of the many that think our current president is a lame-brained douche-bag. However, I am also one of the few who will admit that few of our previous presidents have been much better (also, Kerry or Gore would have probably been horrible), and that the remainder of our government is responsible for just as much bulls*** as the president is. I don't just think the president is bad -- I think the government is bad.

Also, the reason why Bush was re-elected was because he's generally popular in rural areas...and there's a lot of farmland/rural area in the usa.

How is GM still in business? Because they are still one of the biggest automotive companies in the world. You have to remember GM owns Opel, Vauxhall, Holdean, Saab, etc. Also Chevy's are not just American, they are world wide. Look around and tell me why GM's in business.

If GM is so great, why do they have to rely on the sales of the foreign makes that they own? How come the only stuff that comes out of Detroit is a great sportscar that could be an awesome sportscar if they put more effort into it (the Corvette), a slew of great performance sedans that unfortunately only manage to meet the standards of Euro sedans that are now several years old, a bunch of trucks and SUVs that either lead the market by a smidgen or run mid-pack, and a slew of big, fat, ugly minivans and wallowy "luxury" land-yachts? Tack on some "good but not great" additions designed/engineered mostly by Opel, and you've got GM's lineup.

I really think all automakers should pour resources into alternative fuels, and not just hybrids. I look at people in Prius's and wonder why they chose to pay a huge premium for a slow, bloated Corolla.

...because a Corolla can't drive around while producing zero emissions. A Prius (and any other full-hybrid) can.
...because a Corolla can't drive around while producing zero emissions. A Prius (and any other full-hybrid) can.

Zero emissions only temporarily intill the batterys get low or you put your foot down.
Yup, everyone likes an adulterer.

Liked is too strong... I think un-hated is more accurate.

Bill was lucky... no terrorist attacks or Middle East problems during his administration... If he'd been president when GWB or Bush Sr. was, I think he might have made the same decisions (well, some of them) and incurred the ire of the Islamic community, as well.

GM: " Mr. Bush, do you even know which time period we're talking about here?"
Bush: "Yes, 4Q..."
GM: "OK, OK,... there's no need to be rude..."
GM doesn't rely on foreign sales, Opel is GM, get that through your heads. It's not like Opel is any different, they are still part of GM.
Pushes the non-exsistant "I agree" button.

I know you're concussed, but "non-existant"..?

Yup, everyone likes an adulterer.

Liked is too strong... I think un-hated is more accurate.

Bill was lucky... no terrorist attacks or Middle East problems during his administration... If he'd been president when GWB or Bush Sr. was, I think he might have made the same decisions (well, some of them) and incurred the ire of the Islamic community, as well.
I agree. Sorry to go off-topic, but if Clinton Administration were so great, it would have never come to an invasion of Iraq. At least on the U.S. side(some European governments are to be blamed as well, some even more than Clinton), Clinton didn't do enough to keep tabs on Saddam Hussein. Sanction was compromised, U.N. inspections were compromised. By the time Bush took over, it was out of control, and did lead to the war. Also, if Clinton Administration did something about Bin Laden when they were supposed to, would 9/11 still have happened? If you live in Asia, you know the North Korea situation, how did Clinton handle that one?(or didn't handle that one). Maybe one way for the president to be praised by everyone is to just pass the buck(tough choices) to the next President.

Above are all just my opinion, but that's my view anyway. Clinton wasn't so great.

Touring Mars

GM: " Mr. Bush, do you even know which time period we're talking about here?"
Bush: "Yes, 4Q..."
GM: "OK, OK,... there's no need to be rude..."
I don't know what to say........ There isn't a smiley for this one either. :lol:(this one doesn't count).
I would like to see Bush run GM or Ford and see how far he gets....I dont like him for rushing into Iraq without anybody's help but the British and for saying the economy is good when our car companies are stuggling to keep going
The government shouldn't really bail out any company, it's like welfare and I hate welfare.
Ah... but you won't hate it when you get old. :lol:

And with that knee, you'll need it... hey, what am I saying, you're going to be a millionaire soon. :)

@a6m5: I don't agree with the Iraqi invasion, but yes, Clinton should've been keeping tabs on Saddam... or George Senior should've just finished them off when he had the chance.

And nobody has ever been able to handle NoKor properly. And with the country run by a madman almost as crazy as Kruschev (crazier?), I don't think anyone can.

BTW, seriously off-topic... :lol:
Clinton was a great president. Well liked world over.

And that makes him great? Because he was well liked?

Clinton was great with foreign relations. Woman adored him. He was devilishly handsome.

His looks make him good at foreign relations?
Did he really need to tell everyone what is so obvious already? I mean you don't have to be that smart to see what's going on if you actually pay attention to the news. :rolleyes:
He was asked the question in the interview. How else should he have answered it? I mean, short of going, "Duh, you guys! It's, like, so obvious already. Just pay attention to the news."
^That would be stupid. Instead he answered the question in an interview, which is how that process works.

Maybe I am wrong but it seems like it should be blatantly obvious why he said something to anyone who watches interviews on the news.
I love how you guys make up words out of what I say. :lol:
Okay let me rephrase. The reporter was being unnecesary and wasting time by asking a question that has an obvious answer?
Also, the reason why Bush was re-elected was because he's generally popular in rural areas...and there's a lot of farmland/rural area in the usa.
Actually, since 88% of the poulation lives in Metropolitan Statistical Areas, while about 12% doesn't, and less than 1% live outside any Micropolitan Areas, the "rural vote" excuse doesn't fly. Since one person has one and only one vote; if 50% of the population voted for Bush rather than Kerry, even with the worst margin of error, you can't claim that the rural vote changed the outcome of the election.

Anyhow, the government shouldn't bail out any corporation. Period.

Go get a loan and pay it back like the rest of us poor saps.
If Bush was smart he would be sending contracts out to the American car companies faster than he can sign them.

The Humvee needs to be replaced, pronto, or GM (AM General) needs to think about a signifigant re-design of the vehicle. The engines are horribly out of date and not only can the engine not support the weight of the vehicle, but the same can be said of the entire Humvee itself. GM, Ford, and DCX were all working on modified versions of their 3500-series trucks at one point in time, but no offical plans had been selected to replace the Humvee.

Beyond that, the military has an aging fleet of transport and multi-purpose vehicles that can easily be defined as late '70s and '80s GMC/Chevrolet Suburbans, and a few other Ford Broncos and F250s... Similar situation was posed above, all of the big three were looking to supply modified versions of the 3500-series trucks, but no plans have been made.
His looks make him good at foreign relations?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yup, looks are all that count... that's why Princess Di was the best Queen Britain never had. :lol: But seriously, Reagan rode his looks all the way to the White House.... so did JFK... I have no doubt Bill Clinton banked on his.

Heck, you know, that's what we really need in the White House... another good looking President. :)


Y'know, there is something in that. The US ought to be getting new ground vehicles soon... but with this war of attrition with the Iraqi insurgency, does the military have the budget?