Buy a SUV and support terrorism

  • Thread starter Joey D

Joey D

United States
Lakes of the North, MI
GTP Joey
Well I heard on the news if you own and buy and SUV you are in fact supporting terrorism.

Let me just say what a bunch of **** I think this is!!!!

So what if you drive a SUV and it gets any where from 8-20 mpg you still aren't supporting terrorism through the oil. God some people!
Originally posted by streetracer780
Well I heard on the news if you own and buy and SUV you are in fact supporting terrorism.

Let me just say what a bunch of **** I think this is!!!!

So what if you drive a SUV and it gets any where from 8-20 mpg you still aren't supporting terrorism through the oil. God some people!

Ah, Democrats. They still don't get it. Neither to the Republicans, though. Dem's try to tax the "wealthy" (as in, households earning more than US$62,000) to keep the poor above water, but they never do enough to really level the playing field, thus keeping the few in power more in control. The Rep's try to lower everyone's takes (especially the truly rich), thus keeping the few in power more in control. Different approaches, same results.

As to this specific attack: It's just a push for power. They're trying to use Bush's oil-baron history against him. As if the war in Iraq really had all that much to do with oil. It does, but you can't say that the missing world's largest twin buildings aren't a major factor. The drug/terrorist campaign was both acceptable and believable, but this is crap. Who's to say that electric cars aren't angering the oil nations in that they see a future not dependant on oil?
I'm sick of all this crap that we keep getting from environmental groups, and I'm seriously re-considering my choice of either Edwards or Kerry in the upcoming presidential election, let alone my choices of Democrat state reps and senators, in elections in which my vote may actually count. I'm sick of all this 'bash SUV' crap. SUV's are NOT a danger to the environment because they get poor gas mileage. By no stretch of the imagination is that some sort of danger to the environment. Remember: THE SUV OWNERS ARE THE ONES PAYING FOR THE GAS, NOT THE TOO-GOOD GREEN PARTY IDIOTS. Toyota Priuses are not the save-all end of putting gasoline into cars, especially when the Volkswagen Golf TDI -- more practical, cheaper, nicer -- gets more mileage. If SUV's do pollute, as Hooligan said earlier, 1.4 times the amount of cars, then what we need to take into account is the fact that there's about four times the amount of cars on the road than there are SUV's. So it more than 'evens out.' Recently, I've been seriously considering never buying a car again, based purely on the fact that I absolutely hate the actions and pathetic, baseless crap allegations of these know-it-all far-left environmental groups. I seriously wish that one of those people were on this website so I could truly let them have it.
I think I'm gonna go out and buy the biggest gas/oil consuming SUV I can find...then I'll probably stop by the local crack house and buy some drugs.
hmm... i suddently have an urge to rent a Suburban, fill it up full, and do massive burnouts everywhere until the tank's empty.

Stupid people. I cannot stand SUVs, but these guys are taking things way too seriously.
In fact I do agree that those big stupid SUV's gobbles a lot gas, I strongly agree that those enviro groups. Just think, that most of our gas/diesel/propane/Natgas at the pump came from Arab countries, well most of them are rich shieks that hates US and support Bin Laden & Co. These big, gas guzzling vehicles must go, or by the time we know it, Saddam & the gang will pour us some Bio-Chem weapons here (in the US).

Alternative fuel sources are the only way to beat terrorism.
If those rich Arabic countries hate the US so much, then why do they still sell oil to us? Money. That's right, all they care about is how much money they get from us because they know we will pay any price for oil. That money doesn't support terrorism, it goes into the pockets of the rulers of those countries so they can buy 20 different Mercedes sedans to parade around in.
Originally posted by M5Power
If SUV's do pollute, as Hooligan said earlier, 1.4 times the amount of cars, then what we need to take into account is the fact that there's about four times the amount of cars on the road than there are SUV's. So it more than 'evens out.'

Doug - I genuinely can not believe you said that.
Originally posted by Viper Zero
If those rich Arabic countries hate the US so much, then why do they still sell oil to us? Money. That's right, all they care about is how much money they get from us because they know we will pay any price for oil. That money doesn't support terrorism, it goes into the pockets of the rulers of those countries so they can buy 20 different Mercedes sedans to parade around in.
It's not about the rulers of those countries - it's about the disaffected population of those countries - do some research into Bin Laden's hatred of the Saudi royal family.
Originally posted by PunkRock

Stupid people. I cannot stand SUVs, but these guys are taking things way too seriously.

I agree -- and I know you have issues with SUV's. But buy an SUV and support terrorism? Doesn't the fact that there's much more cars on the road that car drivers support terrorism too? I must concur with the fact that these people take it too seriously.
hooligan. i thought malaysia had the worlds largest twin towers. also, what do the twin towers falling have to do with bush's war on iraq. unlike what some may think the current situation isnt usa vs. anyone from any country that is near the middle east. bin laden has nothing to do with iraq. i dont care what the primetime news shows say.

m5power. even if it is 1 in 4, which i think is a conservative estimation. that 1 suv is polluting 1.5 (or 1.4, whatever you think) times more than a car in its place would. thats 12.5% more pollution than there would be with less or no suvs. again i think those numbers are conservative. Where i live it is atleast 1 in 3 or more. But i dont understand how you think 12.5% will "even out" with anything.

i think suvs have a use. if someone needs a large vehicle to tow something or go offroad and carry many people at the same time, then by all means buy an suv. the thing i hate about them is that they are marketed by the automotive companies to the general public. i live in a yuppie suburban neighborhood and there is atleast 1 suv at each residence. my next door neighboors have 3. 3!!. i can guarantee you none of these people have ever driven them offroad. each one of these families is buying suvs because they consider themselves to be too hip to own a station wagon or a minivan. a regular car, station wagon, or minivan would do EVERYTHING for these families that they need. this is what makes me mad. people care too much about their image to get a car that would pollute 50% less. they only care if they can afford the gas, they dont think about what other effects the horrible efficiency of these vehicles have.

car companies will still be making them and forcing them on people though, because they make the most profit from SUVs. they are selling a $20k pickup truck with a pretty makover for $50k as a "luxury" suv. some are even made on minivan chassis'. the rx300 is just a jacked up minivan.

about this ad campaign, i am for anything that will slow suv sales, although i would like the proof for influencing a purchase to be true. that is bs. i dont know why they dont make ads trying to put guilt on people for buying an suv instead of a minivan. bringing attention to the fact that the only reason they bought the suv was because they dont want to be a part of the "station wagon or minivan" driving image.
well I'm glad most of you have common sense to see that SUVs don't hurt the evironment nor support terrorism. I mean there are some stupid ass ideas out there but this one takes the cake.

I saw the commercial again today and I couldn't stop laughing at how stupid the women sounded. I mean my god I thought people were more intelligent then that, I guess not.

I looked most SUV's will get fairly good gas mileage. I mean come on if they only got a few miles to the gallon and produced a helluva lot polloution people wouldn't buy them nor would they be sold.

My friend had a shirt on today (Sharpie marker on a white t-shirt) that said "I support terrorism" on the front and on the back he had duct tape a picture of his Blazer and it said below it "Because I drive this". It was funny as hell and he made a good point.

Well I should shut up now since I could go on and on about how stupid this is.

and I won't say any thing to VB.
Ok I need to say one more thing:

Its your god damn money so if you want to buy a SUV then by all means go out and buy one. If you can afford to fuel it and make payments on it then well go for it.
Originally posted by M5Power
I'm sick of all this 'bash SUV' crap. SUV's are NOT a danger to the environment because they get poor gas mileage. By no stretch of the imagination is that some sort of danger to the environment. Remember: THE SUV OWNERS ARE THE ONES PAYING FOR THE GAS, NOT THE TOO-GOOD GREEN PARTY IDIOTS. Toyota Priuses are not the save-all end of putting gasoline into cars, especially when the Volkswagen Golf TDI -- more practical, cheaper, nicer -- gets more mileage. If SUV's do pollute, as Hooligan said earlier, 1.4 times the amount of cars, then what we need to take into account is the fact that there's about four times the amount of cars on the road than there are SUV's. So it more than 'evens out.' Recently, I've been seriously considering never buying a car again, based purely on the fact that I absolutely hate the actions and pathetic, baseless crap allegations of these know-it-all far-left environmental groups. I seriously wish that one of those people were on this website so I could truly let them have it.

Finally!! We agree on something!:lol: Notice that these people wanting to eliminate SUV's drive SUV's themself.:rolleyes: Shaun Hanady (sp?) asked one of those politicians, I think, about that and he said that with 8 kids, he needed the space. Well guess what, SO DO WE!!! But that dosen't matter because they're the "right" people. And do they take them off-road, I bet not.
And what about they're 20+ cars they have that get worse mileage than SUV's?

Man, smoetime you just want to knock their head against a wall to knock some sense into them.:banghead:
this is what i mean. you think like 90% of people. the only consideration when buying a vehicle shouldnt be the cost. you should think of adverse affects. suvs DO pollute more than other cars. you are very wrong for saying they dont. people need to take responsibilty for this.

you are young i know, so i will look past some of your ignorance. but when you get older i hope like hell you smarten up.

EDIT: this was directed to streetracers comments.
Originally posted by The Vanishing Boy
In fact I do agree that those big stupid SUV's gobbles a lot gas, I strongly agree that those enviro groups. Just think, that most of our gas/diesel/propane/Natgas at the pump came from Arab countries, well most of them are rich shieks that hates US and support Bin Laden & Co. These big, gas guzzling vehicles must go, or by the time we know it, Saddam & the gang will pour us some Bio-Chem weapons here (in the US).

Alternative fuel sources are the only way to beat terrorism.

To add fuel to the fire;

You realize that we produce our own oil, but are using up the resources of some other kitty litter box?

SUV's are getting better mileage than the YENKO Camaros, SS 454 Chevelles, 429 Mustangs, etc. of my youth. We are not supporting terrorism by buying them. We are supporting the offspring of Louis and Gaston, and Henry.
My dad's 1970 Ford Wagon got 9-11 mpg. My T-bird got 9 mpg.
A new Suburban gets nearly 20 mpg. My wife's new Venture van that seats eight gets 22 mpg. My Escort that seats 4 gets 27 mpg. IF you do the math, it's cheaper to take the family in the van rather than make multiple trips in the 'Scort.
I suppose you think the president and the United States treasury service support terrorism too.
The president's limo is an out sized gas pig. The Secret Service uses Suburbans as their 'chase' vehicles.

Before you get freaked out about how much gas is being "burnt up" by the gas pig SUV's do some research.
:banghead: :banghead:

Alternative fuel sources will beat environmental decay.
Alternative fuel sources may provide new and different employment in the energy market place.
Alternative fuel sources may heat our homes and cook our food.
Alternative fuel sources will not beat terrorism...unless we gather the terrorists in a large bucket, pour alternative fuel on them and set them afire.

Here's a virtual nickel, buy a clue.
an suvs gas mileage should be compared against current cars, comparing it to a 20 year old car is useless. also, let me point out my main argument against suvs. sure some cars have as bad a gas mileage as suvs, but the gas mileage in other cars is sacrificed for something else. a muscle car can haul much more ass than an suv. some faster cars need more gas, we know that. a pickup truck has a huge bed to haul stuff with. and most truck owners use them for work, to haul stuff with, etc. a limo has a use that no other car can fill, no doubt.

i dont hate suvs, i hate it when the WRONG people buy suvs. an suv has a certain utility. it can go offroad, it can tow boats, it can carry a lot of people. the problem i have is when they are marketed to the masses. i can guarantee none of my neighboors use the suv they own for any of these things. THEY BOUGHT IT BECAUSE THEY ARE TOO "GOOD" FOR A MINIVAN. they need room for people but want the suv because they look better.

if you have an uncle that goes camping with his jeep cherokee, than great. i dont give a ****. good for him. im talking about plain jane owning a fuc*ing 6000lb ford expedition to haul her 2 toddlers around in. like they wouldnt fit in a geo metro.
Environmentalist would hate me and the Chevelle. I get a whopping 11 miles per gallon. Less when the 4 barrell kicks in. I can watch the needle go down when it's kicked to the floor and I'm doing over 120 mph.
I'm hoping that I am contributing to the greenhouse effect so that someday Michigan will be as warm a Florida is in the winter.

Just in case : That was a joke.
Originally posted by advanR
an suvs gas mileage should be compared against current cars, comparing it to a 20 year old car is useless. also, let me point out my main argument against suvs. sure some cars have as bad a gas mileage as suvs, but the gas mileage in other cars is sacrificed for something else. a muscle car can haul much more ass than an suv. some faster cars need more gas, we know that. a pickup truck has a huge bed to haul stuff with. and most truck owners use them for work, to haul stuff with, etc. a limo has a use that no other car can fill, no doubt.

i dont hate suvs, i hate it when the WRONG people buy suvs. an suv has a certain utility. it can go offroad, it can tow boats, it can carry a lot of people. the problem i have is when they are marketed to the masses. i can guarantee none of my neighboors use the suv they own for any of these things. THEY BOUGHT IT BECAUSE THEY ARE TOO "GOOD" FOR A MINIVAN. they need room for people but want the suv because they look better.

if you have an uncle that goes camping with his jeep cherokee, than great. i dont give a ****. good for him. im talking about plain jane owning a fuc*ing 6000lb ford expedition to haul her 2 toddlers around in. like they wouldnt fit in a geo metro.
On this point you, and I agree. I never said I loved SUV's. I just said that it was absurd to relate Ownership of and SUV with terrorism or Eco-terrorism.
I agree that there is no reason for a family of four to buy a huge 4WD SUV ('burban or Expedition) to go to church or the grocery. If it's never gonna turn a wheel in dirt or snow, haul a trailer, carry anything large, heavy, or awkward, or cart many people, this person needs to consider a sedan, or a mini-van. Something I can see around! You will note that I also put in the mileage figures for my car and my new minivan.

I guess I get riled at these types of folks telling me that what I drive supports terrorism.
I have the same loathing for vegans that wear leather belts and shoes. If you won't eat it, on principle, don't wear its hide.:irked:
Originally posted by M5Power
I'm sick of all this crap that we keep getting from environmental groups . . . SUV's are NOT a danger to the environment because they get poor gas mileage. By no stretch of the imagination is that some sort of danger to the environment . . . If SUV's do pollute, as Hooligan said earlier, 1.4 times the amount of cars, then what we need to take into account is the fact that there's about four times the amount of cars on the road than there are SUV's. So it more than 'evens out.'

Dear God, that is some of the most skewed logic that I have ever heard.
We (actually my mom and dad) got a '97 Explorer with AWD and the 302. We really like it. We had a '92 Grand Voyager LE before and I was sick of it. I like the Explorer much better. The AWD helped out during Christmas in northern Indiana, and it has the space we need for our luggage. So people that say SUV's make no sense at all, are just stupid.

This is kinda off subject, but I hope hybrid cars die out really quick. They're slow as heck and I actually want to hear the engine run.
Originally posted by advanR
hooligan. i thought malaysia had the worlds largest twin towers. also, what do the twin towers falling have to do with bush's war on iraq. unlike what some may think the current situation isnt usa vs. anyone from any country that is near the middle east. bin laden has nothing to do with iraq. i dont care what the primetime news shows say.

- The towers in Malaysia are one, connected building.
- The fall of the World Trade Center is akin to Pearl Harbor, in that is the "last straw" that instigated US aggression on the attacking party.
- Bin Laden (and his cohorts) has accounts in many nations around the world. He has been funded by Saddam. He has been allowed to use Iraqi territory to train an organise his group. He in turn funds Saddam's nuclear & chemical weapons factories. Just that last bit alone is reason enough.
- If you think that the US is just attacking for the sake of oil, you're out of your mind. We don't need that oil. Even Europe doesn't need that oil. There's a lot of reasons beside oil price balancing. So what do you think the US is doing, then? Think it's a wag-the-dog situation? Feel like travelling to Jerusalem soon?

m5power. even if it is 1 in 4, which i think is a conservative estimation. that 1 suv is polluting 1.5 (or 1.4, whatever you think) times more than a car in its place would. thats 12.5% more pollution than there would be with less or no suvs. again i think those numbers are conservative. Where i live it is atleast 1 in 3 or more. But i dont understand how you think 12.5% will "even out" with anything.

The whole argument is crap. I could just as easily say that buying a Dodge Viper aids terrorism. You want to really make a dent in oil consumption, target auto racing. At least people are accomplishing something (i.e., getting somewhere) with SUVs. As if oil had all that much to do with it anyway....

i think suvs have a use. if someone needs a large vehicle to tow something or go offroad and carry many people at the same time, then by all means buy an suv. the thing i hate about them is that they are marketed by the automotive companies to the general public. i live in a yuppie suburban neighborhood and there is atleast 1 suv at each residence. my next door neighboors have 3. 3!!. i can guarantee you none of these people have ever driven them offroad. each one of these families is buying suvs because they consider themselves to be too hip to own a station wagon or a minivan. a regular car, station wagon, or minivan would do EVERYTHING for these families that they need. this is what makes me mad. people care too much about their image to get a car that would pollute 50% less. they only care if they can afford the gas, they dont think about what other effects the horrible efficiency of these vehicles have.

Yes, yes, this has all been said before. It's just as bad as my client who has an E55, M5, and 911 C4 (but no SUV's). All those wonderful cars, so wasted by never racing them around the track.... You still don't get it, do you? I can't imagine you're more than 19. That's about the age most people get all green-eyed and save-the-whalesies. Yes, we cause damage to the environment. Yes, we waste gas with SUVs (and NASCAR!). No, it's nowhere near as bad as you think.

car companies will still be making them and forcing them on people though, because they make the most profit from SUVs. they are selling a $20k pickup truck with a pretty makover for $50k as a "luxury" suv. some are even made on minivan chassis'. the rx300 is just a jacked up minivan.

Oh, yes: that X5 4.6is was just forced on poor V.P. Smith. Why, the BMW dealer just about had a gun to his head! We know it's a jacked up minivan. We know it's a lot of leftover parts. But you know what? People like large cars that feel good to sit in and feel good to drive. Been like that for 60-some-odd years. I hate SUVs. But I won't tell people that they can't buy them. I'll urge them to something else, but they can buy any damned thing they want.
- The towers in Malaysia are one, connected building.
- The fall of the World Trade Center is akin to Pearl Harbor, in that is the "last straw" that instigated US aggression on the attacking party.
- Bin Laden (and his cohorts) has accounts in many nations around the world. He has been funded by Saddam. He has been allowed to use Iraqi territory to train an organise his group. He in turn funds Saddam's nuclear & chemical weapons factories. Just that last bit alone is reason enough.
- If you think that the US is just attacking for the sake of oil, you're out of your mind. We don't need that oil. Even Europe doesn't need that oil. There's a lot of reasons beside oil price balancing. So what do you think the US is doing, then? Think it's a wag-the-dog situation? Feel like travelling to Jerusalem soon?

-okay, when i saw a picture of it i saw a small connecting walkway, i thought that would be too little to class it as one tower.
-that "last straw" imo would definately be enough reason to search out bin laden and perhaps go after the tali ban, but i dont see how a last straw perpitrated by bin ladens network would warrant us aggression on iraq. as they were not the attacking party.
-I dont know where your information about hussein and bin laden came from, but i have no proof of that. nevertheless, if bin laden kills 3,500 americans and knocks down 2 towers, it doesnt mean you go take out frusteration on iraq.

"just that last reason is reason enough."

bin laden funding saddams weapons development is reason to try and dethrone saddam from power? taking money from someone doesnt have anything to do with the excuses bush has used for trying to make a leadership change in iraq. this whole idea is ludicrious.

-i dont think the US is attacking for the sake of oil. i said nothing of the sort (atleast i think). my honest opinion is that bush is a hot-headed texan hellbent on getting revenge on someone that tried to have his father killed. thats not his sole reason of course, but i think it will be his reason to go on with the attack even after it is proved that saddam has no weapons of mass destruction.

Yes, yes, this has all been said before. It's just as bad as my client who has an E55, M5, and 911 C4 (but no SUV's). All those wonderful cars, so wasted by never racing them around the track.... You still don't get it, do you? I can't imagine you're more than 19. That's about the age most people get all green-eyed and save-the-whalesies. Yes, we cause damage to the environment. Yes, we waste gas with SUVs (and NASCAR!). No, it's nowhere near as bad as you think.

I targeted the suv drivers that can find a more efficient car to suit their lives well, because the driver of an m5/amg55/911 would have little reason to switch to a honda civic. the civic would obviously not be as quick or fun to drive. on the other hand someone that doesnt have a reason to be driving an suv would not miss much by getting a honda oddessy instead. I will restate that my opinion of SUVs being a bad car choice are for those that dont need one. if you need one, great, have fun with it. but i think ATLEAST 1/3 of SUV drivers would be fine with something else.

how bad do i think it is? i never said anything about how bad i think it is. I am not green eyed. i dont think everyone should buy hybrid hondas. but if someone can buy a more efficient vehicle than an suv i am for it. and my opinion is that there are quite a few people that choose to buy suvs when they could easily buy somethingelse and not miss anything. (you are correct, i am 18 by the way. but i have thought this way my whole life. if someone doesnt really need something, and by getting that something there is a higher consequential cost than what you would miss if you got something else, that person should think about getting the other thing instead.) to me the image of driving an suv versus the mommy image of driving a minivan isnt worth the added pollution of the suv. maybe im crazy.

car companies will still be making them and forcing them on people though, because they make the most profit from SUVs. they are selling a $20k pickup truck with a pretty makover for $50k as a "luxury" suv. some are even made on minivan chassis'. the rx300 is just a jacked up minivan.
Oh, yes: that X5 4.6is was just forced on poor V.P. Smith. Why, the BMW dealer just about had a gun to his head! We know it's a jacked up minivan. We know it's a lot of leftover parts. But you know what? People like large cars that feel good to sit in and feel good to drive. Been like that for 60-some-odd years. I hate SUVs. But I won't tell people that they can't buy them. I'll urge them to something else, but they can buy any damned thing they want.

that paragraph was a little off as im not good at typing my thoughts and it was at the end of my post. dont exhaggerate what i mean by force though. you know something can be forced on someone without a weapon being used. every year at the detroit motorshow more and more SUVs are unveiled. people see other people driving them. they see them as an alternative to the dyke lesbian subarus or mommy imaged minivans out there and like that. if they can afford the vehicle and the gas then they buy it with no concern for the added pollution they create.

maybe your not stupid, but most people are. i thoroughly research all of my purchases, most people dont. they see something they like, and they can afford it, they buy it. they dont have other concerns.

one thing i am for is higher taxes on cars that pollute more or have a higher fuel consumption. i have heard stories about this going on in Australia and think it is great. im sorry i dont know the details, but do know that a friend of mine had to buy a mercedes e320 instead of an e500 because the higher taxes for the other car were outrageous. they were much higher because of the 5 liter v8 in the e500. This would raise more much needed cash for the government and curve those few people that dont really need an suv to buy something else. This would however penalize people that really need an suv. I dont like that.

Something that wouldnt affect people that need SUVs but perhaps would effect those that dont, would be a different ad campaign. i said this before. not one that comes up with some terrorism bs. but one that raises the question of whether you really need one, and points out the possible concequences the environment and people suffer (or will suffer in the future) because you drive one instead of something else.

im horrible at writing. that took me about 2 hours. i hope i didnt make any mistakes that would cause me to get flamed. i do think im in the right however. i think you misunderstood where i was standing. i dont want to ban suvs, that is crazy. i just want a good way for the question of "do you really need that big ****ing suv?" to be asked of people. maybe an ad campaign would work, maybe more drastic actions like higher taxes for less fuel efficient cars would be needed (i wouldnt like this as i like cars that need a bit more gas myself). If you have a real need for an suv, or really like the feel of it versus something else, than enjoy it. im not al gore, i dont want to take it away from you.
Originally posted by Gil
To add fuel to the fire;

You realize that we produce our own oil, but are using up the resources of some other kitty litter box?

SUV's are getting better mileage than the YENKO Camaros, SS 454 Chevelles, 429 Mustangs, etc. of my youth. We are not supporting terrorism by buying them. We are supporting the offspring of Louis and Gaston, and Henry.
My dad's 1970 Ford Wagon got 9-11 mpg. My T-bird got 9 mpg.
A new Suburban gets nearly 20 mpg. My wife's new Venture van that seats eight gets 22 mpg. My Escort that seats 4 gets 27 mpg. IF you do the math, it's cheaper to take the family in the van rather than make multiple trips in the 'Scort.
I suppose you think the president and the United States treasury service support terrorism too.
The president's limo is an out sized gas pig. The Secret Service uses Suburbans as their 'chase' vehicles.

Before you get freaked out about how much gas is being "burnt up" by the gas pig SUV's do some research.
:banghead: :banghead:

Alternative fuel sources will beat environmental decay.
Alternative fuel sources may provide new and different employment in the energy market place.
Alternative fuel sources may heat our homes and cook our food.
Alternative fuel sources will not beat terrorism...unless we gather the terrorists in a large bucket, pour alternative fuel on them and set them afire.

Here's a virtual nickel, buy a clue.

:lol: :cheers:

Good job!

My opinion on Four Wheel Drives (SUV's) - There is absolutly nothing wrong with owning a Four Wheel Drive if you are going to use it for what its designed for (off road driving). What really annoys me is the amount of people now who own a Four Wheel Drive just for the sake of owning one. They are a mere status symbol and half of them shouldn't be called Four Wheel Drives because of their piss poor ability to travel through anything other than a 3 inch deep sand patch (C/HRV).

Granted, some people in the US own Four Wheel Drives because there are no large wagons in production, but a large part own them just so they can show off to other people. Here in Australia there are several large, grunty wagons produced and people still buy Four Wheel Drives. For the price of a current base model Toyota Landcruiser, you could own a 320hp V8 powered Holden Commodore Wagon with power everything, alloy wheels and all the up market goodies. Which would you choose?

I own a 1999 Nissan Patrol 4.2 litre turbo diesel and a 2001 Holden Commodore. I use the patrol for what its meant to do and I use the Commodore as a daily driver. I don't drive the Patrol anywhere unless I will be taking it offroad at some point. If more people took the same approach as I do, there would be far less people complaining about them.

Back to gas mileage, I guess the patrol gets around 30 MPG on the highway and somewhere in the low to mid 20's around town. Its a very economical car for the simple fact that its a diesel and if more people bought diesel Four Wheel Drives, there wouldnt be any kind of crap spread in the media.
Originally posted by M5Power
Uh-oh. Why?
SUVs in the US already benefit from easier CAFE standards than motor vehicles (CAFE standard of 27.5 mpg for cars and light trucks - i.e. SUVs, 20.7 mpg), even though we all know the light truck issue is for commercial and agriculture usage, NOT PICKING UP YOUR DAMN KIDS FROM SCHOOL!

It's the same nonsense here that sees a Honda CR-V in Australia qualify for lower tariffs because it's a 4WD, even though my Subaru Legacy/Liberty RX sedan spends more time in 4WD on a 15km trip to the shops than a CR-V does in its lifetime.

I think you'll also find that SUV/Light Truck safety laws in the US are less stringent than for cars - although that is changing in the face of the recent Ford Explorer debacle.

To suggest that cars need more regulation is absurd - they already are.
Originally posted by vat_man

It's the same nonsense here that sees a Honda CR-V in Australia qualify for lower tariffs because it's a 4WD, even though my Subaru Legacy/Liberty RX sedan spends more time in 4WD on a 15km trip to the shops than a CR-V does in its lifetime.

I see I'm not alone on my opinions of Honda's front wh...err i mean four wheel drive. :D
Originally posted by Sludge Slide
I see I'm not alone on my opinions of Honda's front wh...err i mean four wheel drive. :D

Opinion - more like outrage. That borders on fraud, what Honda have done.

To think my properly engineered AWD system has to share market perception with that Civic on stilts...
Originally posted by vat_man
Opinion - more like outrage. That borders on fraud, what Honda have done.

To think my properly engineered AWD system has to share market perception with that Civic on stilts...

Well, we know the truth mate - Honda can't come anywhere near making a car that can match Subarus all wheel drive system. I hope Holden adopt the 50/50 torque split for the SSX, imagine the grip and stability in the wet!

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