Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

  • Thread starter Legendary
I damn near lost it last night. From the get go, I had four bars, and my ACR was acting like the stopping power was off. When I did put them down, it wasn't "down" down, it was last stand. :crazy:

Then later on, Danger Close-fest. One match, most of guys on the other team were lighting up Favela with Danger Close. Horrible, horrible tactic, and we still lost. Just by 100 points, too. I went 10-10. Just amazing night.

P.S. I hear Arizona just let you carry. No permit required. :embarrassed:
It was just me & Vaus tonight, but for the most part, we had fun, and it was quite a run. Vaus had some really good games, and while I was playing COMPLETELY lazy(ACOG bring that out in me), I had few really good games*cough*pave low*cough*. :P

I have just 302 more headshots left with my ACR. I should be all done with my golden skull title thing by the time MW4 is out!
I have returned.

Where the hell have you been? :crazy: Does this mean you'll start playing again?
I really need to play with you guys a few more times before school starts back.
Where the hell have you been? :crazy: Does this mean you'll start playing again?

I was driving all over. Including through Oregon. Which I don't understand how anyone can live there if they like cars.
I'm playing tonight. Anyone else getting on this evening?(or afternoon for WC).
I was driving all over. Including through Oregon. Which I don't understand how anyone can live there if they like cars.
I understand. I have seen Washingtonians (attempting to) drive through our state, and it is pretty clear that you don't have to be licensed to drive in your state, but is required to drive under influence.

I haven't played well in awhile. I still have good game every now & then, but more & more, I have games I'm barely finishing even. Yesterday, I had a game I was 3-12, or something like that. I honestly can't remember the last time I played that bad. :crazy:
It happens. I'm watching Little League baseball, it's kinda irking me. The strike zone is the size of an easy chair and all you have to do is be fairly large (by that I mean girth, not muscle) to succeed :lol:.
I'm playing tonight. Anyone else getting on this evening?(or afternoon for WC).

I understand. I have seen Washingtonians (attempting to) drive through our state, and it is pretty clear that you don't have to be licensed to drive in your state, but is required to drive under influence.


What are you even? What?

Oregonians are like, omg bad at driving. And the 65mph speed limit on I-5. What is that?!
There is a speed limit on I-5!? Since when!?


I'm gonna be on in probably about half an hour. If I see you guys, I'll see you guys!
I was just on for an hour and didn't see anybody up there :grumpy:. I laid down some ownage with the Riot Shield, too. I was basically going even (astronomically high for me with the Shield) doing nothing but Throwing Knife kills :D.
You're good, I needed some solo practice anyway. I should be on tomorrow night. I don't have English until second semester, so I'm gonna finish the rest of my summer extra credit reading over Christmas. So, you know, I actually remember it :lol:.
Me and a6 played 5 or so games together. He was his usual playing for acr headshots while I was playing sniper only, knife only, and noobtube games when the opposition did the same. I'm having really good games with the aug with grip. I also carry a stinger in that class with CB to get CB Pro.
Yeah, that was a fun little mini-run. I think I'm down to 270-ish left on the ACR headshots now. :D

I should be on in a little bit, and later this evening. Hope to see some of ya!
The ACR is a pretty good weapon to get headshots with.

Anyways, I use Pave Low/AC-130/Nuke as my killstreaks. The Pave Low will make Crab Meat out of the enemy and guarantee get 2 kills at least. The AC-130 will destroy groups of enemies. Both combined will get you the nuke in no time.
I would disagree. Quickscoping is so fun. It's one of the funnest ways to earn killstreaks. I once had a 18 killstreak with no other weapons.
I think that quick scoping takes some skill to master Ive been trying it and its not as easy as some might think. I still prefer to run and gun but it is a change of pace sometimes.
No, it's hated because it's completely unrealistic. The whole point of having different weapon classes is because they have different characteristics. You shouldn't be able to quickscope, just as you shouldn't be able to snipe with an SMG, etc.

The whole system needs re-working. The idea that you should be able to use lightweight or marathon whilst lugging about an LMG is beyond stupid, amongst many others.